Long Departed Southampton Hauliers (Part 1)

Spardo you can blame me most people do, when you drink enough water it’s like water of a duck’s back. :sunglasses:

gerbil sb152:
Spardo you can blame me most people do, when you drink enough water it’s like water of a duck’s back. :sunglasses:

An aquired taste though, I would have thought. :unamused: :laughing:

Anyway, back to the title of the thread, I have asked this before. Does anyone remember George Bunce? A Soton haulier before the war, my Dad, his best friend, drove for him on a casual basis, but his business was nationalised afterwards and he stayed on working for BRS for the rest of his life. Ended as manager on the IoW I think.

I always called him Uncle, and the last time we met was in the 80s when Fran and I called in on him and Peggy on our way back from a petanque championship on the island. Nice couple. :slight_smile:

The government have now started construction of their new theme park in Kent to promote their new gaming idea. The idea of the game is you hide your lorry among 7000 other lorries for 3 days and then see if you can find it again.

The game is called:

PS. Don’t forget to bring your Kent passport or you won’t be allowed to play.

From our area although Winchester based, Buzzer

My 1st job for LTS Freight was to here in Jan 1978, 3 packing cases from Les Frampton Romsey

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From our area although Winchester based, Buzzer

Thats ringing a few bells, Buzzer. Lambert Bros took over their haulage late 70s early 80s? Their yellow trailers were repainted in maroon with red chassis. Some had reinforced headboards to carry steel over the cab, if I remember correctly. Cant remember taking on their units though? They had one shorter trailer with a lift axle, first one I encountered.
Lot of steel work for them both from Winchester and Burton On Trent.
Conder then went through a lot of changes. (this is all from memory so unreliable!) The company did more “hardware” such as the plastic tanks, the septics, interceptors, and cesspools. They had a warehouse rented from Lamberts at Eastleigh, I think it`s currently B&Q.


From our area although Winchester based, Buzzer

Thats ringing a few bells, Buzzer. Lambert Bros took over their haulage late 70s early 80s? Their yellow trailers were repainted in maroon with red chassis. Some had reinforced headboards to carry steel over the cab, if I remember correctly. Cant remember taking on their units though? They had one shorter trailer with a lift axle, first one I encountered.
Lot of steel work for them both from Winchester and Burton On Trent.
Conder then went through a lot of changes. (this is all from memory so unreliable!) The company did more “hardware” such as the plastic tanks, the septics, interceptors, and cesspools. They had a warehouse rented from Lamberts at Eastleigh, I think it`s currently B&Q.

Lots of memories of Conder at Burton, Econofreight were the major (only?) contractors there and much of it was 60 foot trailer work. I remember taking part in the supply of long beams for the construction of the Ford engine factory at Bridgend. All 60 footers which were left on site for unloading and then, after the 3rd each time, the large crane on site mounted them all up for one of us to bring back to Markfield, or perhaps Burton as I can’t remember how we would unload them at base.

Also, and this is a very strange thing, although perhaps not in view of my age, I can’t ever remember leaving a trailer at Bridgend, just bringing 3 back each time. Somebody must have bounced trailerless back from the site, but it wasn’t me. :confused: :unamused:



From our area although Winchester based, Buzzer

Thats ringing a few bells, Buzzer. Lambert Bros took over their haulage late 70s early 80s? Their yellow trailers were repainted in maroon with red chassis. Some had reinforced headboards to carry steel over the cab, if I remember correctly. Cant remember taking on their units though? They had one shorter trailer with a lift axle, first one I encountered.
Lot of steel work for them both from Winchester and Burton On Trent.
Conder then went through a lot of changes. (this is all from memory so unreliable!) The company did more “hardware” such as the plastic tanks, the septics, interceptors, and cesspools. They had a warehouse rented from Lamberts at Eastleigh, I think it`s currently B&Q.

Lots of memories of Conder at Burton, Econofreight were the major (only?) contractors there and much of it was 60 foot trailer work. I remember taking part in the supply of long beams for the construction of the Ford engine factory at Bridgend. All 60 footers which were left on site for unloading and then, after the 3rd each time, the large crane on site mounted them all up for one of us to bring back to Markfield, or perhaps Burton as I can’t remember how we would unload them at base.

Also, and this is a very strange thing, although perhaps not in view of my age, I can’t ever remember leaving a trailer at Bridgend, just bringing 3 back each time. Somebody must have bounced trailerless back from the site, but it wasn’t me. :confused: :unamused:

Im sure I remember doing regular and 60 trailers out of Burton for London Docklands. At that time I think Lamberts were the main haulier from there, due to their tie-up with Winchester? Burton was probably a bigger steel operation than Winchester in the 80s, cant remember when the Moorside Rd, Winnall yard closed? Im confident that they were in Burton in a big way in the 80s.
I think Econofreight maybe did some of the bigger plastic tanks through Lamberts, as did Williams Shipping. They certainly quoted for some of the work. And if memory holds up Lamberts borrowed low trailers from Hill`s more than once. I reckon someone else here can confirm that?

IIRC this picture was taken after tipping load of steel from BSC Lackenby on Teesside at Condor’s Winchester. Stevens used to specialize in long loads of steel out of BSC Teesside, although in photo it was just a normal 40ft trailer and Condors were a regular customer both Burton and Winchester depots.


Hi all, hope everyone is ok, Baldrick1953 if you are about i have sent you a PM let me know if you get it thank’s. :sunglasses:

Houghtons from Wickham, IIRC they had summit to do with timber but did transport as well, wonder who’s tilt that was, Buzzer.

Houghtons from Wickham, IIRC they had summit to do with timber but did transport as well, wonder who’s tilt that was, Buzzer.

TIP Trailer rental ?

Strange place to put a TIR plate :neutral_face:


Houghtons from Wickham, IIRC they had summit to do with timber but did transport as well, wonder who’s tilt that was, Buzzer.

TIP Trailer rental ?

Well done for spotting that, I meant who were they tipping/loading it for as I don’t think they ever ventured over the water.

Arternoon all…

Houghtons were a sawmill but nothing to do with Houghtons Haulage…
run by Nigel Houghton … their yard was on the A32 in Corhampton… I drove for them in the mid 70’s… he ran about 4 motors …two bubbles and I think a couple of ERF’s , bit of a distant memory now.
He had a mix of work mostly flats but also boat transport and machine movements. We did used to load at Tampax sometimes as well. I was put on a Calor contract one winter as well.
I don’t recall ever having a tilt so that pic is probably later than my stint…

I think Nigel finished in the mid 80’s…

Gerbil… ask Robin as he was on there same time as me and his memory might be better!
I do remember during the strike Rob and I did a Portugal for Satransco from Fareham , got delayed and our seats at Houghtons had been taken when we got back :unamused: that was around ‘’78 …

Hi Balders good to here from you although the person you left in charge of sending us the wet stuff from Ireland needs to be told we have had enough else me and Wrighty will have to go over and sort them out. now you say Houghtons had a saw mill in Durley and remember going there to get offcut fencing timbers to put under steel when we used to load the SCAC trailers in the early 80’s brings back memories that does. Trust you and yours are ok as over here we about to go into a month of lockdown once more, some people just dont get it and avoid the regulations, not going to be such a merry Xmas but I never was into that anyway, Buzzer

Balders, yes that’s funny as i was talking to robin the other day and he said you and him were on there together in those day’s he did a lot of boat’s and Marconi work with torpedo’s to Scotland with a security ■■■■■■ that must have been 1975/76, but Nigel only finished around 2000/2001 when i was on Boarhunt low loaders he did a bit of work for them. :sunglasses:

Mornin JD…
yah not been on for a good while , had problems posting but now seems ok…
Oh yes Houghtons in Durley couldn’t remember where they were…
Plenty of wet stuff around , I see the Irish forecast over the weather mans shoulder every night… never far away from a storm on that old West Coast…

All ok here but haven’t been able to get over to see Faye… last time was when we saw you at Dear old Tones send off, that must be nearly a year ago I guess. Tough times for all and yes I know what you mean about the mask dodgers etc…

Re that Houghtons pic… I’ve just realised that is my old steed… it has the silencer on the front to comply with Calor Gas safety regs .
Anyways… Keep Calm and Carry on as no one seems to have a Cunning Plan :smiley:

Kev… thanks for the info on Nigel… he lived up by Boarhunts yard if I recall. Not a bad fella to work for if a tad dry :unamused:
Boarhunt never seem to get a mention on here… I remember the two brothers from when they had a garage in Boarhunt…can’t recall their names but either one or both were handy Scramble riders…

Ttfn… Balders.

Also I’ve just realised with a bit of shock that my memory of the garage is from nearly 50 years ago !!
Jeez…where’s all that time gone :open_mouth:

From our area although Winchester based, Buzzer

Buzzer, your pic of Conder Winchester set the mind wandering, do you remember Douglas Wren haulage from Alresford ? I am pretty sure he done quite a lot out of Winnal in the early sixties.