London Tube Strike

Fatboy slimslow:
JOIN THE UNION GUYS! :sunglasses: and let’s say NO! :laughing: enough is enough! :wink: sorry too many YELLOWBELLIES. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I’ve no time for unions. If my pay and conditions don’t suit then I jack and go elsewhere.

Once again it proves the point that the rmt are the only worthwhile union. They provide an essential service, and cause total meltdown to get there pay and conditions. If the unions we have were a little more like this, it would get us treated better, bringing the whole country to its knees, not just the capital. However, all unions except the rmt are [zb] and self serving, fact. And that is why I have no time for them

you do know that the RMT represents not only train and bus drivers but hgv drivers as well it was the biggest target area for expansion when i left the railway and the union in 2010 they were activley looking for members from the haulage industry

Lots of us are union members and have been for years, every well remunerated…renumerated…nah still don’t look right…paid (and i don’t mean a weeks take home for two weeks work) job i’ve ever had has been unionised.

Good luck to the RMT lads and girls.

Lul especaly tube drivers are on a good screw and fair play to them. Boris did give them a chunk of cash for a no strike deal in the olympics but most of there big rises are ones that were agreed under ken livingstones regime.

Lots of us are union members and have been for years, every well remunerated…renumerated…nah still don’t look right…paid (and i don’t mean a weeks take home for two weeks work) job i’ve ever had has been unionised.

Good luck to the RMT lads and girls.
