London Borough Traffic Scheme

Using Restricted Roads

"Restricted" means any road big enough to take a wide load, but un=signposted, and manned by NYMBY’s peering out between their curtains, because they’ve got nothing better to do than report you for supplying the local Tescos rather than Waitrose.

When driving from St Pauls to Chancery Lane do NOT cross Holborn Viaduct. Instead, you should use the A13 back to the M25, go right around, back in on the M40, along Euston Road, down Grays Inn Road, and there you are nicely at your destination in time to take your 45 break…

Thou Shalt Not go left to enter that industrial estate on the left, when you can overshoot it, and blindside reverse down the proper route.

Unnecessary Journey
You should have learned from the Olympic Experience last year that ALL journeys in London with Artics are unnecessary. Many drivers make this mistake.

No Destination in London
You are supposed to be going to London Colney from Knightsbridge. How DARE you go up park lane waking up all my posh friends staying over at the Dorchester!

Just a thought guys,isn’t it your TM,traffic clerk or planners job to ensure that that the vehicles have the permits required and to verify routes,this not only applies to the lorry control scheme but the LEZ and congestion charge, London Councils & TFL charge nothing for advise, learn to live with it and be proactive as before long these sort of schemes will operate all over the UK!(Reading&Oxford coming soon?)

You shouldn’t have to pay, either for maps or training in any way to comply with a nimby made-up set of laws.
Why don’t we outlaw politicians and town hall hitlers instead?

It’s THEIR job to inform US of what’s right and what’s wrong - free of charge. It’s enough that drivers in some areas are expected to “pay” for work now, without being charged for being “compliant” as well. :imp:

The irony with all this is that I knew my way around London pretty well 10-20 years back, when knowing good rat runs paid dividends.
Now, my “old haunts” all seem to be within restricted zones of some kind, which is rapidly making me think of “avoiding urban drives altogether”.
There’s even some large employers who expect you to already have DCPC module in LBTS, presumably so they can shirk out of having to pay for a blanket permit for their fleet going into London.
Anyone else thinking that for a wage-falling line of work, heaping all this crap onto us is a step too far?
Why not just have a curfew for London and be done with it?
Close down all the 24 hour supermarket drops. You re-stock them during the day, and the firm pays for the congestion charge like everyone else. It doesn’t matter to us agency drivers if it takes all day to do one drop in London, 'cos we’re paid by the hour… :bulb: It would get rid of those stupid o’clock start times whilst we’re at it as well. :wink:

If I’ve got the option of driving where I please, because the firm gets the fine and not me, then being able to take such action would perhaps force the firms to hold up their end and actually PUT US THROUGH THE DAMNED MODULES required of us instead of outsourcing, and assuming we’re already qualified to cover their own arses all the time.
Perhaps the whole thing wrong here is AGENCY drivers DON’T get put through DCPC modules by SUPERMARKETS who are a large employer or agency drivers going around London…
They are big with ramming their H&S stuff down our throats, but not with anything that seems to involve outsourcing the training at any kind of financial outlay on their part. :imp:
Perhaps I should turn up at some jobsworth’s yard and refuse to alight from my cab, because I don’t hold a DCPC. There’s plenty of other yards that’ll have the warehouse bod come to your cab to take your keys, whilst you stay in the cab and wait for the green light at which point your keys will be returned to you. No need to dismount at all!
A “banned from site” isn’t going to frighten me - It’ll be doing me a favour at the sort of places I’m thinking about. :stuck_out_tongue:

So the question remains - What happens to firm and driver when one gets “reported” driving through London streets after 9pm, and/or down the wrong road with a 7.5t limit?

You can also get a FPN for parking a lorry on a street with no parking restrictions if the street is within the lorry ban area and you’re there when the ban is in force. I found this out when I parked near my house for the night, I had a tacho to prove the lorry hadn’t moved during the ban hours, yet still had to pay up, they do not want lorries on the roads in London at night, even if they ain’t moving ffs!

I get few tickets a week for in london tw@ts all paperwork office normally fax copy of movement order through but north london they constantly try doing for parking in bus lanes that have been cordened off as holding areas or stupied yellow box junctions and modulaer trailers the piles of tickets that come into the office daily is amusing just shows the camaras do work . I got done twice in the same yellow box within few minures of each other negotiating turn with a modular setup honestly they must have paper to waste

They’re not wasting the paper if the fine ends up being paid - no matter who by. :wink: