Lomas distribution

New tanks in Feldbinder Sutton Bridge too I saw the other week

m.stokesentinel.co.uk/Pensioner- … story.html

Very sad, however even before the junction was altered you needed eye’s in your backside because folk wandered around aimlessly. I understand that it is even worse now though I haven’t been there recently. Those Lomas tippers run through Leek several times daily so would be aware of the problems, however you can only concentrate on so much at once.


that new junction in leek is MAD the pedestrian crossing is 100 yards from red light to red light
BUT there are two roads that enter the crossing in between the lights…how mad is that.
the main road from Ashbourne has no red light so a driver comes to what looks like an halt sign
turns left. but is in the middle of the pedestrian crossing with people all over the road (because the
lights at each end(100 yds apart) are on red.its been said its got to change.
all this new idea was done because Sainsburys opened a new shop a mile away and give money to
improve the town…how about putting it to a bypass. almost every vehicle that passes leek has to
go through this junction MAD.i feel sorry for the driver the junction doesn’t represent anything but
a ■■■■ up