Loading a Plus 9 Transporter (pics)

Andy smg:
Excellent photos Chris. Always wondered how its done. I’ve spotted some newer car transporters with the bigger cabs and no front overhang on the trailers. Are they phasing out the older overhang trailers, and if so, can the newer ones carry the same capacity ?

Well I am the last artic on our fleet. Within 12 months I should be into a drawbar outfit. They are know as plus 11’s and plus 12’s. The plus 11’s are the latest model and do exactly that 11 cars (or more) depending on the size and combination. Look here to find out more and see some pics. Domain parking page

Someone mentioned that the law is changing regarding the peak on artics and I know they aren’t allowed in Europe. Some companies over here have removed the peak, Arnold Clark and RPM spring to mind here and on these you would obviously be one less.

Just wait until we get some LHV’s going, 15+? Then I’ll be impressed. :laughing:

…and LHV low loaders with two D8’s on as well :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Speaking as one whose only gap in transport experience is vehicle transport
(if you don’t count carrying my own car on an empty flat or an S-Type Bedford
on a Thames Trader of course :unamused: :wink: ), I found that most interesting
Bowserman, so many thanks. :smiley:

Talking of the car on the peak, I well remember a transporter doing a sudden
stop on Pyrmont Bridge in Sydney one day and that car toppling off to rest on
its end in the road propped up against the front of the cab. :unamused: :laughing:

Very embarrassing for one driver who in those days no doubt had to find a
phone box for his ‘well Boss’ call. :laughing:

Was it a bit like this?

Very interesting post with the reasons why you do what you do.

It is the only time I have seen a car transporter loaded like that though.

In the Dry, I mean :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought it was compulsory for it to rain before you can start to load :wink:

Was it a bit like this?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: got me again mate!!

great post chris, i found it very interesting, i wouldnt want to do that job with the resposibility of all them cars, but i have fancied picking up the scrap/burnt out ones! (guess it doesnt matter too much if you do damage them!)

:open_mouth: Thats opened my eyes, always wondered how it was done.....ill personally be sticking to my reefer thanks…great post :exclamation:

bowserman you made it look so easy in a previous post i said i had a go once for glendinning at shotley bridge ,do you remember his home made trailers carrying general cargo outbound and cars from oxford back this was in the 70s i never had tuition just told to report and pick up 7 marina’s for newcastle yep it was raining a huge sea of cars no help or idea how to locate my load no idea how to work the hydraulics to convert the trailer from a flat to iit’s car carrying role managed it eventually and the loading was something else terrified of going off the damned thing i said at the time never again and i didn’t thanks harry long retired


Just wait until we get some LHV’s going, 15+? Then I’ll be impressed. :laughing:

…and LHV low loaders with two D8’s on as well :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

2 piece of ■■■■. I’d get 3 on easy plus a D4

One of my mates told me you lose a couple of inches if you reverse it in and stop it just as the front wheels drop in. seems to work there shrek. :wink:

…yeah I could do with losing a “couple” of inches :laughing:

I’ll be trying that tomorrow then! …where shall I send the bill? :wink:

…and,as the well deck drops away, its easier to get out!!

what, even for ogres? :laughing:

Here’s a shot of my beastie…actually, it’s just one of the truck :wink: and as you can see, I have reversed the little MX into the well deck!

bowserman you made it look so easy in a previous post i said i had a go once for glendinning at shotley bridge ,do you remember his home made trailers carrying general cargo outbound and cars from oxford back this was in the 70s i never had tuition just told to report and pick up 7 marina’s for newcastle yep it was raining a huge sea of cars no help or idea how to locate my load no idea how to work the hydraulics to convert the trailer from a flat to iit’s car carrying role managed it eventually and the loading was something else terrified of going off the damned thing i said at the time never again and i didn’t thanks harry long retired

Just sold my car to an old Glendinnings driver today! He has just finished off continental work due to ill health. Just bought another car off ebay for £429. Last of the big spenders me. Going to pick it up on my way back from Glasgow tomorrow. the boss says I am a headcase, but at least he lets us use the trucks to pick our own stuff up!! :laughing:


One of my mates told me you lose a couple of inches if you reverse it in and stop it just as the front wheels drop in. seems to work there shrek. :wink:

…yeah I could do with losing a “couple” of inches :laughing:

I’ll be trying that tomorrow then! …where shall I send the bill? :wink:

…and,as the well deck drops away, its easier to get out!!

what, even for ogres? :laughing:

Here’s a shot of my beastie…actually, it’s just one of the truck :wink: and as you can see, I have reversed the little MX into the well deck!

Warning, transporter drivers bullpoo!!!.

I would have put the mx on at no 8 and the rangie on number 4.

I bet no other driver has ever said that to you before Shrek!! :laughing:

Not only that . . .ime sure thats my Vectra on the bottom/lower/n/s left, whatever you guys call it!!

No 9 Suedehead. And it will be damaged if Shrek put it there!!! :laughing: :laughing:

Loading a 9 plus with load behind 25 mins unload 12 mins
11 plus 35 mins, unload 20 mins, but if the load of cars is one you haven’t done before can take hours. 19 years in car delivery, glad i’m off it now.


bowserman you made it look so easy in a previous post i said i had a go once for glendinning at shotley bridge ,do you remember his home made trailers carrying general cargo outbound and cars from oxford back this was in the 70s i never had tuition just told to report and pick up 7 marina’s for newcastle yep it was raining a huge sea of cars no help or idea how to locate my load no idea how to work the hydraulics to convert the trailer from a flat to iit’s car carrying role managed it eventually and the loading was something else terrified of going off the damned thing i said at the time never again and i didn’t thanks harry long retired

Just sold my car to an old Glendinnings driver today! He has just finished off continental work due to ill health. Just bought another car off ebay for £429. Last of the big spenders me. Going to pick it up on my way back from Glasgow tomorrow. the boss says I am a headcase, but at least he lets us use the trucks to pick our
own stuff up!! :laughing:

bowserman wasn’t aware glenny ever did continental thanks harry long retired