Denis F:
bonnie lass:
Thanks, I m well used to moving livestock, unsociable hours & all the sh*t that goes with it, not done it for a few years now though. I know the autherisation lasts for five years according to defra papers ’ 07, for some reason I was under the impression that the livestock cpc was as well.
Livestock haulage… well , you could say its an independent multiple direction moving load of unpredictable volitility!!

The transporter authorisation is a five year thing , but the livestock CPC is definitely for life ( EU missed a trick there)
There is a livestock based driver cpc course available just to confuse things ( not done it though )
Thanks for your reply Denis, the cogs are ticking over now …
Did you ever do that muck away work you mentioned last year scania730?
Did you ever do that muck away work you mentioned last year scania730?
Maybe not 'cause he’s talking bullocks now

Did you ever do that muck away work you mentioned last year scania730?
No, there was no box marked “bull faeces” to tick.
£200/load that was as well.
The username rang the idiot bell but I couldn’t think from where. 
That’s the main work we do livestock! It’s not for everyone if u r used to cows sheep etc or from farming background u will be fine! If not don’t let it stop u from having a go but it’s hard work and a big lifestyle change but everyone helps everyone and u have plenty of laughs in livestock markets ! Pm me if u want a taster;)