liverpool docks

did anyone watch the program on BBC4 last night at 7pm “The box that changed the world”
excellent, and very interesting that the dockers interviewed were still still blameing everyone but themselves for their demise,
its bound to be repeated :unamused: so if you can catch it the next time.
Some good old footage of liverpool / london and Felixstowe docks…chris

The “scousers” once had a dock 3 miles long and it ended up 300yds long! Bewick.

I have been in transport most of my working life,second man until I was 17 then driving up to the present I am 56 years old and I have come to the conclusion that the drivers worst enemy is the bloody driver.The importance of this industry has been constantly undermined by ■■■■■■■■■ who think they are some kind of Kings of the road or something.It makes me sick when I think of some of the stunts I have witnessed.We all know of drivers who would work for nothing as long as you give them a nice shiny truck.The fact that it is the life blood of this country has gone by the board instead of using that fact to improve conditions.Stupid stupid stupid.

I have been in transport most of my working life,second man until I was 17 then driving up to the present I am 56 years old and I have come to the conclusion that the drivers worst enemy is the bloody driver.The importance of this industry has been constantly undermined by ■■■■■■■■■ who think they are some kind of Kings of the road or something.It makes me sick when I think of some of the stunts I have witnessed.We all know of drivers who would work for nothing as long as you give them a nice shiny truck.The fact that it is the life blood of this country has gone by the board instead of using that fact to improve conditions.Stupid stupid stupid.

Whats that outburst all about then? Bewick.


I have been in transport most of my working life,second man until I was 17 then driving up to the present I am 56 years old and I have come to the conclusion that the drivers worst enemy is the bloody driver.The importance of this industry has been constantly undermined by ■■■■■■■■■ who think they are some kind of Kings of the road or something.It makes me sick when I think of some of the stunts I have witnessed.We all know of drivers who would work for nothing as long as you give them a nice shiny truck.The fact that it is the life blood of this country has gone by the board instead of using that fact to improve conditions.Stupid stupid stupid.

Whats that outburst all about then? Bewick.

When I see the conditions enjoyed by drivers all over Europe and especially America it makes me sick to see the way British drivers are treated We could strangle this country in three days if we stuck together but there are too many ‘I’m alright Jack’ merchants for that to ever happen so we just keep eating ■■■■■

Big Pete… people have been saying that for years and years and years…and all of us will agree with you. Now you go down to Liverpool and get a top notch
shop steward ex docker to start things rolling and park all these lorries up. stop…the end . switch the light out as you leave.
have you had a thought that europe is a one and half hour ferry ride from the uk so in will come more forign trucks.the USA is 4 days sailing and to expensive
for forign trucks to travel plus food would rot.thats why the USA are safe. and whats more the public respect truckers. you dont see many weight limits in Canada or the US like houseing estates in the uk. I’ve see really nice houses in Canada with a truck parked outside. try that in the UK.
Most trucks are on HP and with the price of fuel the trucks are just paid for and then have to be sold because firms want contract vehicles to look new.
Even trucks been exported are restricted by age in some countrys like Cypress nothing older than 4 years unless its a special construction vehical.
And then you have the govenment who in the 1980’s walk out. got the army in to carry essentials. Hospital and fuel was exempt from the strike.
and instead of the public sticking with drivers they are against you because they don’t have a carrot on there sunday dinner.(little joke)
Do you know the stanlow refinery turn around about 750 loads of fuel a day. i know this would bring upset to car drivers but they would be even more
against truck drivers for loosing time at work. than supporting you…only truck drivers know what really goese on. its no good trying to explane to joe public. they see motor way services on the M6 and think thats OK to eat drink and shower because they don’t have to.
I’am sorry mate things will never get better.when the BP truck stop opened on the M54. i opened the door and let a alan firmin driver through he was the first
costomer in and i was the second(he got a free brekki) the big boss was in the truck stop(he said BP was opening 50 more truckstops in the UK)what happened their. i said whats on with the parking fee (they don’t pay in any other countrys) he replied its a done thing in the UK.
don’t strike mate you’ll lose what bit you have
John… a broken hearted ex trucker



I have been in transport most of my working life,second man until I was 17 then driving up to the present I am 56 years old and I have come to the conclusion that the drivers worst enemy is the bloody driver.The importance of this industry has been constantly undermined by ■■■■■■■■■ who think they are some kind of Kings of the road or something.It makes me sick when I think of some of the stunts I have witnessed.We all know of drivers who would work for nothing as long as you give them a nice shiny truck.The fact that it is the life blood of this country has gone by the board instead of using that fact to improve conditions.Stupid stupid stupid.

Whats that outburst all about then? Bewick.

When I see the conditions enjoyed by drivers all over Europe and especially America it makes me sick to see the way British drivers are treated We could strangle this country in three days if we stuck together but there are too many ‘I’m alright Jack’ merchants for that to ever happen so we just keep eating [zb]

hi Bigpeter53, i think there is a difference between sellf inflicted injuries and being trated like crap,like you say weve all seen these companys with their F88s and 141s etc who pay crap money,knowing full well there is always someone, usually young and single,that will drive it!,thats how they can afford to buy these motors in the first place cause the drivers are paying the HP with their money!
the dockers situation was a differant thing altogether,they stuffed up their own job, and then when they saw the writing on the wall, they wanted mine!!,treating drivers like they did was no way to gain support,and im affraid i had no sympathy at all., unloading 20 tons of sacks on your own,while they stood around! i didnt forget things like that!! sorry to go on a bit…chris

Hiya bigpeter… I’ve just been on the Lorry drivers interactive site…theres a fuel protest on the 3rd of July
and people are asking for support look at the answers… nothing to do with me but it answers your sticking
together for BETTER

I think it’s not only the dockers in Liverpool who have the deserved reputation.A certain American owned oiladditive company at Port Sunlight has the same attitude(wheelnut will know the one!!),and the company on Trafford park,name is 3 initial letters like Farmers Meat Company,both treating drivers who are in the same union,like dirt on a boot.(Unless the home football team has an evening which case–in tip and out in an hour…)I was operating plant on sites in the 70’s in the Bootle/Liverpool area,we were on terrific bonuses and the workers would stop work at the drop of a hat
“Cloud in the sky,looks like rain,can’t start concrete pour just in case”,in to cabin £5 each wet weather bonus!!!I know it’s a generalisation but is it just me■■?

With attitudes like this we are all doomed,It is so sad.We need an ■■■■■■ revolution in this country and thats the truth.Otherwise we will all be eating shhhhh you know what forever



I have been in transport most of my working life,second man until I was 17 then driving up to the present I am 56 years old and I have come to the conclusion that the drivers worst enemy is the bloody driver.The importance of this industry has been constantly undermined by ■■■■■■■■■ who think they are some kind of Kings of the road or something.It makes me sick when I think of some of the stunts I have witnessed.We all know of drivers who would work for nothing as long as you give them a nice shiny truck.The fact that it is the life blood of this country has gone by the board instead of using that fact to improve conditions.Stupid stupid stupid.

Whats that outburst all about then? Bewick.

When I see the conditions enjoyed by drivers all over Europe and especially America it makes me sick to see the way British drivers are treated We could strangle this country in three days if we stuck together but there are too many ‘I’m alright Jack’ merchants for that to ever happen so we just keep eating [zb]

It would be a lot easier now to bring things to a standstill at the present than it was in 1977 as we picketed the oil terminals in west Yorkshire and the pickets had to taken off as the oil company’s were all own account transport who were not involved as they were on good money but all hire and reward sector was in for a £1 a hour which would have been around a 40% pay increase I worked for one of the first company’s to settle and did a lot of work which the union gave dispensation orders for and as I was a shop steward I carried a copy of our agreement with me and knowing a few shop stewards I allowed them to get it photo copied but it was several weeks before some company’s agreed to it. I believe all the oil company’s transport are now done by out side contractors which would bring all of them into the hire and reward sector so it would be a lot quicker to make the powers that be to take notice and listen to what the drivers required
cheers Johnnie

Thanks for that Johnnie I am not saying be militant but these companies just take the proverbial.Why are there so many agencies flourishing.Don’t forget the original idea and the reason they were allowed to establish was to give companies a chance to see how the guy works and if suitable to employ him.In reality these firms use and abuse the agencies something rotten.As an agency driver,as I am by the way,you have very little rights and are treated as an easily disposed of commodity when not required.I have been at my present company over five years,there are a few of us so we must be suitable to use when they are busy and stand down when they are not This is Great Britain 2010 not Victorian times.I think we need a revolution in this country because of all the injusticies to the bedrock of the nation ie; The Working Man

Great Idea bigpeter, I would love to see the British Workman grab all the Politicians by the collar and backside and dump them into the Thames especially after 13 years of the so called Labour Party that relied on the working class of Britain to get it were it was and failed them miserably, as they always do, yet like slavish dogs they vote for them everytime. But one thing I’ve discovered over the years (I’m the same age as you also) is that you need to be dropping bombs on the Great British public before they get off their lazy backsides and do something and even then its only because the local chippy ‘bought one’. Forget this revolutionary talk just think about the days when it was always sunny, a gallon of petrol cost the same as five pints and you could eat as many fried breakfasts as there were days in the week without worrying about it, when England had a football team, but most of all when Trucks were Lorries and British! Franky.

Wheel Nut:

Chris Webb:

Wheel Nut:

Chris Webb:

Wheel Nut:

Chris Webb:

TIR Original:
Fishmeal , Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. If I phoned for a return load and they mentioned that awful word then I would throw the phone down and run!!
It wasn’t that I was a coward, it was just that…Well yes I was.

Once got a lift from Goole to Woodhall services when fiddling home with one of Hull Fish Meal wagons and got my own table in t’pub. :laughing:
A few days later one of Prosper de Mulders from Bentley,Doncaster picked me up on his way to Silvertown and that was even worse. :open_mouth:

Mind you “A third class ride is better than a first class walk”.

Jacmil :question:

Mal,I see you’ve mentioned Jacmil Transport,did they work for HFM? I got the lift from the Woodside :smiley: .

If I remember Chris they did work for Hull Fish Meal, were they white Leyland LAD or Ergomatic with red signwriting?

They were white with red writing as you say Malc.I remember they ran ergo Leylands but can’t be sure about LAD cabbed Leylands.HFM wagons were white as well I think.
It was a long time ago,a lot of watter gone down the Humber to the North Sea since then. :slight_smile:

Thanks to the bubbleman again, although they must have been quiet on the fishmeal that day. Back to Liverpool Docks, sorry

and again with another Foden