Lift axles

I find myself unable to read any more than half your posts, Carpingfast. I seem to almost get dyslexia from them, or maybe it is just your words I struggle to see. Or maybe it is just a strong case of deja vu since we have seen it all from you many times.
Tell you what, try selling your idea over here. I would feel sure you would find a warm welcome, especially in the south. Or do they not burn heretics here… I forget… :laughing: :laughing:

:open_mouth: Deja vu is probably right because I just thought that maybe anyone who knows anything about trucks might understand eventually :unamused: :laughing: .But hopefully it’s anyone with the idea of a 6x2 yank artic who might still get branded as a heretic over there more than anyone who prefers this but pulling a bigger trailer. :laughing: But as it’s ‘only’ Federal law which seems to make it possible to run a truck with either one too few drive axles loaded at 20,000 lbs or even a 20,000 lbs gross steer axle while all the other ones are 17,000 lbs gross :question: :open_mouth: it should be ok to ignore all that in the Southern States where they’ve always,so far,been good judges of who is and who is’nt a ‘heretic’ and I reckon that anyone who does’nt think that a yank truck should have at least 18 wheels,eight of which are driven, probably still,rightly, fits that description in those states :laughing: .It’s just that I reckon that 30 wheels would be better but still with eight of them driven. :laughing: :laughing:. … railer.jpg

Nope, it is just plain foolishness… Please do suggest “your idea” to them. I assure you it is not a new idea.

You want to pull longer trailers? For the council? Ah, I see, you want someone else to do the work and you can stick your arm out the window.

I would suggest you look at the weight limits for UK axles. I think you will find there is a tonne less for 6x2s as for 4x2s.

Nope, it is just plain foolishness… Please do suggest “your idea” to them. I assure you it is not a new idea.

You want to pull longer trailers? For the council? Ah, I see, you want someone else to do the work and you can stick your arm out the window.

I would suggest you look at the weight limits for UK axles. I think you will find there is a tonne less for 6x2s as for 4x2s.

No Bob I left the council over 25 years ago but in the usual scheme of things in Britain I had to wait around 15 years after that to drive the (substandard) euro version of that yank wagon and drag,on substandard uk work,which I should have been driving 15 years before on international. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:.But increasing gross weight and reducing traction sounds about right for Brit thinking and seems like plain foolishness to me :unamused: :laughing: .But it’s ironic to hear the Brits who’ve had the sense to get out of the place for somewhere better still saying that Brit ideas are better than where they are and what they’ve got now :unamused: .But in this context the weight ‘limits’ for uk axles don’t reflect the traction issues of 6x2 units loaded at 44 tonnes in the real world.As a rule of thumb it’s 24 tonnes on the trailer axles and the other 20 tonnes spread across the 3 unit axles and the odds are that the drive axle will have a lot less than what a 4x2 drive axle would have on it because the undriven unit rear axle takes more than the steer axle and that’s probably why the euro zone prefers 4x2 at 40 tonnes than 6x2 at 44.


Nope, it is just plain foolishness… Please do suggest “your idea” to them. I assure you it is not a new idea.

You want to pull longer trailers? For the council? Ah, I see, you want someone else to do the work and you can stick your arm out the window.

I would suggest you look at the weight limits for UK axles. I think you will find there is a tonne less for 6x2s as for 4x2s.

No Bob I left the council over 25 years ago but in the usual scheme of things in Britain I had to wait around 15 years after that to drive the (substandard) euro version of that yank wagon and drag on substandard uk work which I should have been driving 15 years before on international. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:.But increasing gross weight and reducing traction sounds about right for Brit thinking and seems like plain foolishness to me :unamused: :laughing: .But it’s ironic to hear the Brits who’ve had the sense to get out of the place for somewhere better still saying that Brit ideas are better than where they are and what they’ve got now :unamused: .

Why should you have been driving in international work does anyone have a god given right to do a job. You say you couldnt get a break on international work in the 70s and 80s when it would have been easier than now and theres plenty of people on here who got the breaks back then.
If you want a shot at that work give van den bosch a call.
The reason artics rule in most of europe and the usa is they are the most flexible solution to transport.



Nope, it is just plain foolishness… Please do suggest “your idea” to them. I assure you it is not a new idea.

You want to pull longer trailers? For the council? Ah, I see, you want someone else to do the work and you can stick your arm out the window.

I would suggest you look at the weight limits for UK axles. I think you will find there is a tonne less for 6x2s as for 4x2s.

No Bob I left the council over 25 years ago but in the usual scheme of things in Britain I had to wait around 15 years after that to drive the (substandard) euro version of that yank wagon and drag on substandard uk work which I should have been driving 15 years before on international. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:.But increasing gross weight and reducing traction sounds about right for Brit thinking and seems like plain foolishness to me :unamused: :laughing: .But it’s ironic to hear the Brits who’ve had the sense to get out of the place for somewhere better still saying that Brit ideas are better than where they are and what they’ve got now :unamused: .

Why should you have been driving in international work does anyone have a god given right to do a job. You say you couldnt get a break on international work in the 70s and 80s when it would have been easier than now and theres plenty of people on here who got the breaks back then.
If you want a shot at that work give van den bosch a call.
The reason artics rule in most of europe and the usa is they are the most flexible solution to transport.

The only reason why the ones who got the breaks back then got the breaks is because someone else did’nt in a world with more applicants for international jobs than there were jobs and in which those who lost out got the zb.Simples.Not an issue of god given rights it’s one of too few decent jobs and too many zb ones.But no the 1980’s were’nt easier for those who were left with the zb just like now.But I’ve had my time of guvnors so if I go back now it’ll be as an owner driver thanks not employed.But why would a 45 foot semi trailer be any less flexible because it’s pulled by a rigid than a unit.Except that the trailer can be loaded with a lot more payload because a dolly is a lot lighter than a unit and the prime mover can haul another 15 tonnes that a tractor unit can’t. :unamused:



Nope, it is just plain foolishness… Please do suggest “your idea” to them. I assure you it is not a new idea.

You want to pull longer trailers? For the council? Ah, I see, you want someone else to do the work and you can stick your arm out the window.

I would suggest you look at the weight limits for UK axles. I think you will find there is a tonne less for 6x2s as for 4x2s.

No Bob I left the council over 25 years ago but in the usual scheme of things in Britain I had to wait around 15 years after that to drive the (substandard) euro version of that yank wagon and drag on substandard uk work which I should have been driving 15 years before on international. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:.But increasing gross weight and reducing traction sounds about right for Brit thinking and seems like plain foolishness to me :unamused: :laughing: .But it’s ironic to hear the Brits who’ve had the sense to get out of the place for somewhere better still saying that Brit ideas are better than where they are and what they’ve got now :unamused: .

Why should you have been driving in international work does anyone have a god given right to do a job. You say you couldnt get a break on international work in the 70s and 80s when it would have been easier than now and theres plenty of people on here who got the breaks back then.
If you want a shot at that work give van den bosch a call.
The reason artics rule in most of europe and the usa is they are the most flexible solution to transport.

Would you have employed him? I know I wouldn’t. He would spend all his time moaning that the guv’nor specced the wrong trucks and sent him the wrong way and works for the wrong customers. If I did have to set him on I would double man him with an African drivers mate :laughing:

Wheel Nut:



Nope, it is just plain foolishness… Please do suggest “your idea” to them. I assure you it is not a new idea.

You want to pull longer trailers? For the council? Ah, I see, you want someone else to do the work and you can stick your arm out the window.

I would suggest you look at the weight limits for UK axles. I think you will find there is a tonne less for 6x2s as for 4x2s.

No Bob I left the council over 25 years ago but in the usual scheme of things in Britain I had to wait around 15 years after that to drive the (substandard) euro version of that yank wagon and drag on substandard uk work which I should have been driving 15 years before on international. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:.But increasing gross weight and reducing traction sounds about right for Brit thinking and seems like plain foolishness to me :unamused: :laughing: .But it’s ironic to hear the Brits who’ve had the sense to get out of the place for somewhere better still saying that Brit ideas are better than where they are and what they’ve got now :unamused: .

Why should you have been driving in international work does anyone have a god given right to do a job. You say you couldnt get a break on international work in the 70s and 80s when it would have been easier than now and theres plenty of people on here who got the breaks back then.
If you want a shot at that work give van den bosch a call.
The reason artics rule in most of europe and the usa is they are the most flexible solution to transport.

Would you have employed him? I know I wouldn’t. He would spend all his time moaning that the guv’nor specced the wrong trucks and sent him the wrong way and works for the wrong customers. If I did have to set him on I would double man him with an African drivers mate :laughing:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: That’s why I reckon that it’s better to be an owner driver. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Crampyfist, you would last nearly as long as you third truck payment I reckon, assuming you were on the 90 day payment cycle. If you were on the 30 day cycle then you may just get the first one in but it will not cover your overheads.

Get back on topic. We already had your opinions on all of the EU, US and world are wrong according to you.

And the reason you “missed out” on those jobs was because you simply were not good enough. Get over it and go back to your little padded room and play with your sticker books.

Crampyfist, you would last nearly as long as you third truck payment I reckon, assuming you were on the 90 day payment cycle. If you were on the 30 day cycle then you may just get the first one in but it will not cover your overheads.

Get back on topic. We already had your opinions on all of the EU, US and world are wrong according to you.

And the reason you “missed out” on those jobs was because you simply were not good enough. Get over it and go back to your little padded room and play with your sticker books.

‘Truck payments’ on a decent older truck bought outright :question: .But no it was’nt a case of ‘not good enough’ or I would’nt have lasted 30 days as an employed driver instead of 20 years and it was only a health issue that put me out of my last class 1 job,after 15 years with the same employers,not anything to do with being good enough or not and I’ve still got the safe driving commendations I got with them to prove it.But that was probably all due to listening to older drivers who knew enough to have been able to understand what I’ve put here,‘on the topic’ of 6x2,lift axle,Brit spec 44 tonner artics,compared to yank 6x4 ones and my comments about guvnors are probably more directed at those who shared Wheelnut’s ideas on ‘management’,than the ones who would have understood my ideas on the benefits of big LHV drawbars versus the present day artics.But I never said that the world was wrong it’s just that my idea is to mix the best ideas found in different parts of it.Hence my references to ‘the best of all worlds’.




Nope, it is just plain foolishness… Please do suggest “your idea” to them. I assure you it is not a new idea.

You want to pull longer trailers? For the council? Ah, I see, you want someone else to do the work and you can stick your arm out the window.

I would suggest you look at the weight limits for UK axles. I think you will find there is a tonne less for 6x2s as for 4x2s.

No Bob I left the council over 25 years ago but in the usual scheme of things in Britain I had to wait around 15 years after that to drive the (substandard) euro version of that yank wagon and drag on substandard uk work which I should have been driving 15 years before on international. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:.But increasing gross weight and reducing traction sounds about right for Brit thinking and seems like plain foolishness to me :unamused: :laughing: .But it’s ironic to hear the Brits who’ve had the sense to get out of the place for somewhere better still saying that Brit ideas are better than where they are and what they’ve got now :unamused: .

Why should you have been driving in international work does anyone have a god given right to do a job. You say you couldnt get a break on international work in the 70s and 80s when it would have been easier than now and theres plenty of people on here who got the breaks back then.
If you want a shot at that work give van den bosch a call.
The reason artics rule in most of europe and the usa is they are the most flexible solution to transport.

The only reason why the ones who got the breaks back then got the breaks is because someone else did’nt in a world with more applicants for international jobs than there were jobs and in which those who lost out got the zb.Simples.Not an issue of god given rights it’s one of too few decent jobs and too many zb ones.But no the 1980’s were’nt easier for those who were left with the zb just like now.But I’ve had my time of guvnors so if I go back now it’ll be as an owner driver thanks not employed.But why would a 45 foot semi trailer be any less flexible because it’s pulled by a rigid than a unit.Except that the trailer can be loaded with a lot more payload because a dolly is a lot lighter than a unit and the prime mover can haul another 15 tonnes that a tractor unit can’t. :unamused:

A standard artic is the most flexible solution for transport as if the truck breaks down you can send another tractor out to take the trailer on to its destination wheras your sysem is going to mean transhiping the rigids load on to another truck whis isnt going to be practical on the side of the m1.
Also if need be with standard artics you can use a relay systemwhere trucks meet and swop trailers at points across the journey.
I know you could say demount boxes are the answer but its still not as flexible as artics.
If the owner driver life is so good why not buy a truck and show us how its done.

Exactly!! ^^

I meant you would not go past 30 days as an owner op, as I think you knew.

If your precious A frames were so much better, how come they were superceded by artics in the first place?

The 6x4 is standard here. The North Americans hate change so it stays as it was. You keep telling the world that this is wrong and that is wrong when it all seems to work anyway, so what odds to you?





Nope, it is just plain foolishness… Please do suggest “your idea” to them. I assure you it is not a new idea.

You want to pull longer trailers? For the council? Ah, I see, you want someone else to do the work and you can stick your arm out the window.

I would suggest you look at the weight limits for UK axles. I think you will find there is a tonne less for 6x2s as for 4x2s.

No Bob I left the council over 25 years ago but in the usual scheme of things in Britain I had to wait around 15 years after that to drive the (substandard) euro version of that yank wagon and drag on substandard uk work which I should have been driving 15 years before on international. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:.But increasing gross weight and reducing traction sounds about right for Brit thinking and seems like plain foolishness to me :unamused: :laughing: .But it’s ironic to hear the Brits who’ve had the sense to get out of the place for somewhere better still saying that Brit ideas are better than where they are and what they’ve got now :unamused: .

Why should you have been driving in international work does anyone have a god given right to do a job. You say you couldnt get a break on international work in the 70s and 80s when it would have been easier than now and theres plenty of people on here who got the breaks back then.
If you want a shot at that work give van den bosch a call.
The reason artics rule in most of europe and the usa is they are the most flexible solution to transport.

The only reason why the ones who got the breaks back then got the breaks is because someone else did’nt in a world with more applicants for international jobs than there were jobs and in which those who lost out got the zb.Simples.Not an issue of god given rights it’s one of too few decent jobs and too many zb ones.But no the 1980’s were’nt easier for those who were left with the zb just like now.But I’ve had my time of guvnors so if I go back now it’ll be as an owner driver thanks not employed.But why would a 45 foot semi trailer be any less flexible because it’s pulled by a rigid than a unit.Except that the trailer can be loaded with a lot more payload because a dolly is a lot lighter than a unit and the prime mover can haul another 15 tonnes that a tractor unit can’t. :unamused:

A standard artic is the most flexible solution for transport as if the truck breaks down you can send another tractor out to take the trailer on to its destination wheras your sysem is going to mean transhiping the rigids load on to another truck whis isnt going to be practical on the side of the m1.
Also if need be with standard artics you can use a relay systemwhere trucks meet and swop trailers at points across the journey.
I know you could say demount boxes are the answer but its still not as flexible as artics.
If the owner driver life is so good why not buy a truck and show us how its done.

Demount drawbars absolutely nothing wrong with them.But changeovers using drawbars been there done that.It was just a case of meet anywhere in a 4.5 hour driving time radius and just swap the tacho charts and throw your jacket into the other outfit and drive it back home and the other driver did the same :bulb: :wink: .Simples.But a demount prime mover is better than not having that flexibility if you need to swap or change over loads agreed.But the average owner driver traction operation is’nt really geared up for ‘sending another tractor unit out to take the trailer on to it’s destination’ in the event of a breakdown’ anyway but there’s always the possibility of just loading the trailer at artic weights so at least that can be interchanged between between rigids and tractor units,which probably explains why the Scandinavians run their drawbars at 60 tonnes gross train not 65,so it would’nt be much different to the system we’ve got now.But having said that there’s plenty of examples of artic outfits being towed off the motorway by a wrecker without the trailer being changed over and sent on to it’s destination at that point at all.But in the Euro context,given the regs changes,the gradual change to prime movers and dollies to pull semis,instead of tractor units,would probably be a fast one and if the issue of using drawbar outfits was that bad it would have stopped the Scandinavian (and a lot of the European) road transport industry in it’s tracks long before now.The fact is trucks are reliable enough for the breakdown issue to be a red herring in the context of artics or drawbars.But ‘if’ I go back to work I’d hope to be too busy making a living to bother with trying to prove the point.

Exactly!! ^^

I meant you would not go past 30 days as an owner op, as I think you knew.

If your precious A frames were so much better, how come they were superceded by artics in the first place?

The 6x4 is standard here. The North Americans hate change so it stays as it was. You keep telling the world that this is wrong

When exactly were drawbars ever ‘superceded by artics’ except maybe in general in North America. :question:

I actually keep telling the world that the general American use of the 6x4 axle configuration is right not wrong.Which is why the argument is taking place on this thread/topic.


Exactly!! ^^

I meant you would not go past 30 days as an owner op, as I think you knew.

If your precious A frames were so much better, how come they were superceded by artics in the first place?

The 6x4 is standard here. The North Americans hate change so it stays as it was. You keep telling the world that this is wrong

When exactly were drawbars ever ‘superceded by artics’ except maybe in general in North America. :question:

I actually keep telling the world that the general American use of the 6x4 axle configuration is right not wrong.Which is why the argument is taking place on this thread/topic.

The eight wheel rigid with trailer was popular in the uk until the mid 60s



Exactly!! ^^

I meant you would not go past 30 days as an owner op, as I think you knew.

If your precious A frames were so much better, how come they were superceded by artics in the first place?

The 6x4 is standard here. The North Americans hate change so it stays as it was. You keep telling the world that this is wrong

When exactly were drawbars ever ‘superceded by artics’ except maybe in general in North America. :question:

I actually keep telling the world that the general American use of the 6x4 axle configuration is right not wrong.Which is why the argument is taking place on this thread/topic.

The eight wheel rigid with trailer was popular in the uk until the mid 60s

Still is in New Zealand. :smiley: … r.025.html

And New Zealand is not the UK or Europe. Croomes ran drawbars, various types, and it worked just fine with the demounts, but the loads could be in the boxes for weeks.

I would dearly love to see you put your beloved 6x4 rigid with the 45’ drawbar A frame on the bay in any RDC. I would, in fact, pay to see it. Of course, the bays either side would have to be in use, and the parking/waiting area opposite would have to be full as usual, too. I reckon that I would have hours of amusement watching you try. It would be value for money. Methinks the shunter drivers would be sat there laughing their butts off, same as I would. I know very well that I would not want to drive it because it would be ■■■■■■■■■■ and difficult in places like Chepstow Tesco.

Truth is, I have had enough of you. You are clearly old enough to have an idea, but you are also obviously not bright enough to. Your argument is empty and repetitive.

And New Zealand is not the UK or Europe. Croomes ran drawbars, various types, and it worked just fine with the demounts, but the loads could be in the boxes for weeks.

I would dearly love to see you put your beloved 6x4 rigid with the 45’ drawbar A frame on the bay in any RDC. I would, in fact, pay to see it. Of course, the bays either side would have to be in use, and the parking/waiting area opposite would have to be full as usual, too. I reckon that I would have hours of amusement watching you try. It would be value for money. Methinks the shunter drivers would be sat there laughing their butts off, same as I would. I know very well that I would not want to drive it because it would be ■■■■■■■■■■ and difficult in places like Chepstow Tesco.

Truth is, I have had enough of you. You are clearly old enough to have an idea, but you are also obviously not bright enough to. Your argument is empty and repetitive.

Empty and repetitive whatever.I did’nt say use the thing for uk supermarket distribution work :unamused: but if Rikky could arrange the challenge,in a suitable place,laid out with some cones,to the type of space that most present euro spec artics and drawbar outfits generally work with,then I’d be up for taking your money off you,for charity,without upsetting the insurers too much :question: :smiley: But the 6x4 prime mover might be a problem,because of their rarity here,for obvious reasons. :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

What rarity? Croome had dozens. Murfitt had hundreds.

No, the challenge is in a real situation. Whacking a cone is not stressful enough.

Like it or not, your idea is an anchronism. Oh, and Croomes and Murfitts kit was all with rear lift.

5 pages on lift axles, christ at this rate it will the succeed the 20 pages on “6x2 or 6x4 whic is better” topic :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: can somebody some up 5 pages in 3 bullet points, cheers.

Currywurst has got his ideas from watching too much Convoy in his nursing home :stuck_out_tongue:

The Drugs don’t work