Lidl jobs advertised

was on the ferry Saturday and the staff in the freight restaurant where so miserable and quite frankly down right ignorant that I mentioned this to another driver who then decided to give me a dressing down on how ■■■■ their job is and how low their pay is and I should put up with their attitude because they have no choice but to do that job they are doing and im very lucky to have a job that gives me so much satisfaction…? well I replied that my job wasn’t “luck” ive worked hard to get what I have got and to be honest if doing a job made me so unhappy I would go find a job that I do like ive moved 270 miles away from my kids and family to do a job I like, so to be honest grow some and do what makes you happy ? I did and I shouldn’t have to put up with idiots that moan moan moan about truck driving and its down falls , there,s plenty of good drivers out there that would do your job and good luck at lidl im sure you will fit right in there …

“But an awful lot of supermarket work is part time (helps them keep staffing costs under tight control) and Lidl/Aldi generally operate with fewer staff than Tesco etc - again to keep costs down. So everyone has to work that much harder/faster.”

Are haulage companies that much better to work for?

The couple I have worked for certainly were/are better than that. But I’ve not worked for a proper haulage company - all I’ve really experienced has been retail store deliveries, hospitals and multi-drop home deliveries to patients, plus a few weeks on the bins when I was on the agency and the odd warehouse/RDC. I have never felt pressured to work harder/faster or had a supervisor breathing down my neck if I dared to pause for five minutes outside of my designated break times. Maybe I’ve just been lucky though :slight_smile:

But the point I was really trying to make is that compared to other supermarkets the Aldi/Lidl way is geared more towards getting the job done with fewer staff, so that although their hourly rate may be a smidge better than Tesco/Sainsbury/Asda (other supermarkets are available), it’s my understanding that their shop staff are expected to earn those few extra pounds a week (and then some!).

Just been to my local Lidl store and noticed a rather large poster saying “store assistants needed, starting salary 7.30 - 7.50 p/h”
I though I would post it here as I know there are a lot of trampers out there working for less per hour.
Other advantages of working for Lidl as a store assistant, apart of higher hourly rate are:

  1. Not having to deal with VOSA
  2. Not having to worry about your load and whether it has been evenly redistributed over the trailer floor
  3. No nights out, so you can spend every night with your loved ones at home
  4. No need to pay for an expensive class 2 and class 1 licence,
  5. No need for Digi card and watching your hours carefully so you don’t get punished by VOSA with a hefty fine, court action, or even imprisonment
  6. No need to worry about your load, or fuel being stolen while you sleep
  7. No need to worry whether you would be able to find a parking space in one of the lay bys
  8. No buffeting of your vehicle by passing traffic, while you try to get some sleep
  9. No need to pay hundreds of pounds for your periodic CPC training., etc, I could go on and on…

I know there are a lot of drivers on here happy to work for this sort of money putting their and others lives at risk every day, so here is an alternative that seems like a no brainer.

that’s a nice balanced post you’ve wrote there :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:




I know there are a lot of drivers on here happy to work for this sort of money putting their and others lives at risk every day, so here is an alternative that seems like a no brainer.

IIRC Aldi/Lidl hourly rates are before deductions. So after tax/NI you’re looking at £6.30 or so ph.

Think most jobs are before deductions and first £10000 is tax free

Which is why he said you would be looking at about £6.30 per hour (by my quick calculation it actually works out at £6.32 per hour for a 40 hr week with a basic hourly rate of £7.30)

But an awful lot of supermarket work is part time (helps them keep staffing costs under tight control) and Lidl/Aldi generally operate with fewer staff than Tesco etc - again to keep costs down. So everyone has to work that much harder/faster.

^^That is the actual working world of a supermarket^^

Oh and the expectation to do the store cleaning on top of the million and one other tasks you’ll be given everyday.

Dad works for Aldi and says the ■■■■ the store staff has to do and expected to do for their money is immense. See the old child been sick on the floor or someone has ■■■■■■ on the floor or god forbid done worse…yep you’ve guessed it your immensly well paid shelf stacking employee would be expected to clear that up as well as everything else. :unamused:

Oh and see the likes of the departmental managers they’d be expected to work at least a 12 or even 14 hour shift usually for 6 days/maybe 7 days a week (say for a store inspection by head office) for a fixed salary which wouldn’t be much better than a standard UK average salary! Their weekly hours would play ours on a similar level playing field.

Nah you can keep that job and stick it.

I’ll stick to doing a job I enjoy for quite a few more pennies than that poor Lidl/Aldi employee is being paid too. Best of both worlds in my head. “No brainer” really as you stated.

Retail is and always will be an evil game in my mind.


we’ve just had the mother and sister in law round, they both work in different large corner shops, both have been ■■■■■■■■ about the jobs :laughing: i should’ve got them to right the a list for the op :laughing: :laughing:

we’ve just had the mother and sister in law round, they both work in different large corner shops, both have been ■■■■■■■■ about the jobs :laughing: i should’ve got them to right the a list for the op :laughing: :laughing:

The obvious answer to their work place dilemma is to become a truck driver, one of them can have hkloss 1’s job as he goes the other way.


we’ve just had the mother and sister in law round, they both work in different large corner shops, both have been ■■■■■■■■ about the jobs :laughing: i should’ve got them to right the a list for the op :laughing: :laughing:

The obvious answer to their work place dilemma is to become a truck driver, one of them can have hkloss 1’s job as he goes the other way.

:laughing: :laughing: