LHD Leyland Roadtrains

Spotted on a french fb page, under restoration according to the comment with it, never seen a lhd interstate.


Nor have I! Bit of a turn up for the books, that one.

Another one from a french fb page.


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Well, I wonder if that T45 Interstate had the standard French-spec treatment for those export Roadtrains: ie Rolls 350 with 9-speed Fuller. That’d be a bit of a game-changer vis-a-vis 9-sp Fuller equipped LHD wagons!

Dont think there were any details with the fb post about the interstate. Can’t find the post now…

Anyway heres another roadtrain that popped up on a couple of fb pages.



Reckon some of the later LHD ones would’ve made for a nice drive. They had a Rolls Royce 295L motor with a Fuller RTX 11609. Nice match.

Another fb find, smart looking motor.