Lets hijack the fuel protest for a general drivers strike

After reading some of the more defeatist attitudes of some drivers on this forum no wonder you are treated the way you are.
If everyone did what the “If you don’t like it, find another job” brigade ignorantly advised most of the workforce in Britain and the rest of the world be out of work. Then what would happen? ffs.

you say defeatist, i say realist.

After reading some of the more defeatist attitudes of some drivers on this forum no wonder you are treated the way you are.
If everyone did what the “If you don’t like it, find another job” brigade ignorantly advised most of the workforce in Britain and the rest of the world be out of work. Then what would happen? ffs.

You couldn’t be more wrong. People finding other jobs is exactly what puts wages up.

Supply and demand, just like everything else. Innit.


After reading some of the more defeatist attitudes of some drivers on this forum no wonder you are treated the way you are.
If everyone did what the “If you don’t like it, find another job” brigade ignorantly advised most of the workforce in Britain and the rest of the world be out of work. Then what would happen? ffs.

You couldn’t be more wrong. People finding other jobs is exactly what puts wages up.

Supply and demand, just like everything else. Innit.

spot on

Oh god save us from the ignorant.

Oh god save us from the ignorant.

educate me then fella

Oh god save us from the ignorant.

The key you were looking for when choosing your username is the to the left of the “O” on your keyboard, not the O itself. :smiley:

Read my comment and work it out.

:wink: cheers daze.

Read my comment and work it out.

:wink: cheers daze.

get ya, simple, the idea is you sort out another job before you quit the one that you’ve got issues with.

Carryfast is right in his conclusions re the free global market as far as wages go.
markets find their own level
sadly for us that level is going to be decided by the likes of India and China, predominently low wage economies.
The free market will ultimately create a level playing field but the levels will be lower than we have now.
wait for the adverts that read
C+E driver wanted 50 rupees / yen and as much rice as you can eat. :smiley:

Chaps. Nobody can see into the future, and the past is what it is.

Speculating about what could have been is pointless.

Look after the present and the future will look after itself.

Revolutions are great, until they actually happen. I wouldn’t fancy living in Libya right now. Let’s do the decent thing and put this thread out of its misery. (Yes, I do see the irony in saying that!) :neutral_face:

Chaps. Nobody can see into the future, and the past is what it is.

Speculating about what could have been is pointless.

Look after the present and the future will look after itself.

Revolutions are great, until they actually happen. I wouldn’t fancy living in Libya right now. Let’s do the decent thing and put this thread out of its misery. (Yes, I do see the irony in saying that!) :neutral_face:


Wheel Nut:

Why is everyone talking about the 70’s and Thacher, the world is now a very different place, most of us work for multi national companies who want to pay us as little as possible and have no responsability for drivers, drivers are treated as just a comodity. The only way to lift standards and pay is to force the issue.

Because Geoff always harks back to the 70’s and the great American dream when he posts something.

And I make no apology for doing it.The fact is the 1970’s were the identifiable turning point between two different worlds.Before then the Fordist type industrial system which was the backbone of the British and US economies and after the global free market which is just based on cheap labour.The US economy of the 1960’s was no dream it was reality and the peak of that former type system which was then gradually dismantled from the 1970’s onwards in favour of the latter.

It’s difficult to see how any workers in any of the remaining industries can keep the terms and conditions of the former type economy in the latter and that includes truck drivers.Because everyone’s wages are all interdependent on the spending power available in the economy in general.It doesn’t take a genius to realise that the spending power,in real terms, in the 1960’s US economy was a lot more than in the 2012 one.The same applies in regards to the British one.In the global free market economy the only way is down.

Well you should do because while you continue to derail every post into your own personal campaign trail for turning back the clock to some era been and gone. If you want to start your own thread titled past time drivel then do so, don’t hijack every other post with your consistent diatribe. Your own a treadmill of tripe and while you may well believe it no one really gives a dam. Make your own post stick to it and leave the others alone.

Chaps. Nobody can see into the future, and the past is what it is.

Speculating about what could have been is pointless.

Look after the present and the future will look after itself.

Revolutions are great, until they actually happen. I wouldn’t fancy living in Libya right now. Let’s do the decent thing and put this thread out of its misery. (Yes, I do see the irony in saying that!) :neutral_face:

It doesn’t take a psychic or a genius to be able to have a reasonable idea of where the future is going as things stand.This isn’t Libya and the type of ‘revolution’ needed in this case is one that can put the idea of the global free market economy out of it’s misery before it manages to finish the job of turning the once developed industrialised western economies back to where they were before the industrial revolution.

Carryfast is right in his conclusions re the free global market as far as wages go.
markets find their own level
sadly for us that level is going to be decided by the likes of India and China, predominently low wage economies.
The free market will ultimately create a level playing field but the levels will be lower than we have now.
wait for the adverts that read
C+E driver wanted 50 rupees / yen and as much rice as you can eat. :smiley:

The question is how much will all types of food cost,in real terms,remembering that the free market is all about supply and demand in a western world where demand for food will probably exceed the demand for labour. :open_mouth: :smiling_imp: :laughing:

But seriously I don’t think that the global free market supporters have thought through the defence budget issues which will become increasingly more difficult to provide as western wage levels and tax contributions drop and I wouldn’t want to bet the western world’s future security on the questions concerning the possible motives behind China’s rates of industrialisation and military growth.It’ll probably all go along the lines of we’re in debt to China to pay for a trade deficit caused by importing a load of cheap stuff that we could have made for ourselves so they want payment in food and if we don’t send it they’ll come and take it.But then as I’ve said Thatcher and Reagan were no Kennedy or LBJ. :imp:


It doesn’t take a psychic or a genius to be able to have a reasonable idea of where the future is going as things stand.This isn’t Libya and the type of ‘revolution’ needed in this case is one that can put the idea of the global free market economy out of it’s misery before it manages to finish the job of turning the once developed industrialised western economies back to where they were before the industrial revolution.

Well said that man. No truer words were ever printed. It sum’s up the Free market economy perfectly and if people can’t see it then we our children and grand-children are doomed forever.

As you were.

I’m alright Jack :wink:

Anyone up for a meritocracy? :confused:

‘Democracy’ is the worst possible government - except all the others that have already been tried.
Winston Churchill.

Anyone up for a meritocracy? :confused:

‘Democracy’ is the worst possible government - except all the others that have already been tried.
Winston Churchill.

So who decides what and who is meritorious and what isn’t?

And to a certain degree that is what we have right now.
The market decides that a Premier League footballer is worth ten times a soldiers salary each week. If you support that distinction, you are contributing to a meritocracy right now, now matter how distorted.

Can’t see it myself.