Lawless Truckers


The runs to Alberta (Edmonton) were quite rare ,so what

ummmm so it was regional hauling, mostly Ont,
next question how long ago was that?
see now we are getting somewhere,

It was mainly Ontario and deep into Quebec with some USA work.However I dont think you can call running all the way up hwy 17 and 11 regional hauling.The far eastern end of Quebec is hardly regional.And yes there are facilities in Montreal but they shut down for maintenance every so often.They also are a lot smaller than the Ontario facilitys so we ran regularly into Quebec.What exactly is it you don’t believe?Lets face it driving a truck is hardly a big deal.The average car driver can get a good handle on it in maybe five days.That even includes them having no experience on the ancient transmissions used in American trucks.And yes I have done more than my fair share of double clutching my way through everything up to 18 speeds.Tiresome to say the least.I doubt there is anyone on this board that has more experience in North America than I do.The purpose of my posts is simply to try and balance the views I read on here about how fabulous life is in Canada.As someone who is very proud of my country I detest people that move away and slag the hell out of where they came from.Unfortunately it is very common among truckers for whatever reason.I have friends in other types of work in Canada but they dont go on like the truck drivers.I also have three nephews that all live in Europe including one in Edinburgh.They all say the same thing.They will never move back to Canada as life is better and more interesting here.So lets have some balance.Point out the bad as well as the good.

Well you see Robbbiieee I was not slaging GB, I love going back to Scotland when I can just to see my families past. Pauly loves to go home too. We are not slagging. But Canada for those who wish to find another place to work is not as bad as you are making it out to be. I have never once said anything that could even remotely be called anti UK. But likewise posting a bunch of crap here, that Canada is the worst place on the planet doesnt help either, you will get people like me, pointing out the flaws in your arguements. As far as that goes I have also said it depends on where in Canada a person is looking. Living in the Maritimes is nice but sometimes hard to get a load out of there with deck, not so bad with van. Ontario well to me I wouldnt even consider living in GTA to high cost. Living costs are consdierably more there, but other areas of Ont the lake region you can get a place reasonably. I go by US log standards 10 hr total per day I may drive for only 8 load unload and fuel the other 2. I take every second weekend off if I can, it is actually the law here now. You dont have to drive crazy hours to make a decent living but yes you have to enjoy the life style it is not for everyone, then again newbees would not have much of a chance getting a job here, most places minimun 2 years exp. If you read the posts here you will see there are some companies we slag here all the time they deserve it.

OOOHHHHH,RRRooobbbbbiiiee,You so nearly convinced me that you’re the most experienced driver on here,then shot yourself in the foot by mentioning"double de-clutching",only time for that is during a driving test son.
Seem to know something about cryo,although without wanting to split hairs running at over 15psi is illegal.Then you say immigrants can’t get well paid work with those sort of companies,although I did and supposedly you too.
Must go ,have four hours work this morning,paid overtime,and my company are also paying traveling time and expenses.Bit more than $14/hr RRRRoooobbbbbiiieeeee !!! :smiley:

I wasnt going to mention anything about that posted about dclutching somewhere else on the boards yesterday he can look there

Did anyone watch the documentary about lawless truckers in North America.If you think things are bad in the trucking industry here ,have a look at Canada and the USA.Trucking in North America is looked upon as a last resort job for criminals and the mentally challenged.Evidence points to truckers as being responsible for over 2,000 murders a year.Drivers are forced to work to the point of exhaustion to make a very poor living.In Canada it is quite legal to work 84 hours a week,52 weeks a year.Many drivers only see their home two days a month.Some drivers have no home and simply spend their life in a truck.Many drivers ,particularly in Canada where there are no facilities for drivers,use drugs to stop themselves from falling asleep.A study by UCLA in the USA found that certain jobs attract the most undesirable type of individual.Trucking was found to be a haven for schizophrenics ,the paranoid and delusional .So when you are driving along in your truck spare a thought for those poor [zb] in Canada and the USA that are working long,long hours for peanuts,living in truck stops for month after month and shunned by society.Even if you are driving a truck in the UK know you have it so much better than the poor Americans.

I’ve moved your topic to a more appropriate forum.
Your beef seems to be with ex-pats and Canada, so we’ll keep your topic where it can be constructively discussed by those with appropriate knowledge. dd.

You seriously need to get a life, because this is all bull poop.

In truth a few bloke run ilegal hours and are away all month with a couple of days home, I have done that myself.
Most national companies run drivers out for 14 days and home for 3 or 4 days, those that live in their trucks choose to do so and most who do have sleepers like small campers.

It seems to me that Robbie is just a misserable git who is stuck in the UK, it’s just sour grapes. This section is for Ex Pats unless I am mistaken :question:
As this boring ■■■■■■ is not an Ex pat what is he doing even posting on here ?

Find something at home to moan about you very sad man.

flat to the mat:
OOOHHHHH,RRRooobbbbbiiiee,You so nearly convinced me that you’re the most experienced driver on here,then shot yourself in the foot by mentioning"double de-clutching",only time for that is during a driving test son.
Seem to know something about cryo,although without wanting to split hairs running at over 15psi is illegal.Then you say immigrants can’t get well paid work with those sort of companies,although I did and supposedly you too.
Must go ,have four hours work this morning,paid overtime,and my company are also paying traveling time and expenses.Bit more than $14/hr RRRRoooobbbbbiiieeeee !!! :smiley:

Well I think everyone knows that most drivers only use the clutch to get rolling .That only points to the fact that American trucks use ancient technology so drivers get around it by not using the clutch.Where on earth did you get that it is illegal to run down the road at greater than 15 PSI.BS.First off there is no one in the MOT scales that would ever know anything about the pressure in a load of oxygen or nitrogen or whatever.What about a trailer of Co2 running at 220 PSI.
By the way there is something that should be mentioned about driving experience.There are jobs where it is possible to let’s say have 30 years of experience.Driving is not one of them.What you would have there is one years experience ,30 times.Driving is a low skill job.It can be high stress but it is most definitely low skill.There is no such thing as a skilled job that you can learn and pass all the appropriate tests in a week.That’s just a fact.I am so glad you are getting paid OT.A rare experience for a Canadian trucker.

Pat Hasler:
In truth a few bloke run ilegal hours and are away all month with a couple of days home, I have done that myself.
Most national companies run drivers out for 14 days and home for 3 or 4 days, those that live in their trucks choose to do so and most who do have sleepers like small campers.

It seems to me that Robbie is just a misserable git who is stuck in the UK, it’s just sour grapes. This section is for Ex Pats unless I am mistaken :question:
As this boring ■■■■■■ is not an Ex pat what is he doing even posting on here ?

Find something at home to moan about you very sad man.

Oh Paddy you silly boy.You are breaking board rules.Don’t you know you are supposed to attack only the posts.I realise you cannot help it but please,grow up.Did you even see the show in question?I doubt it or you would not be making those silly comments.Why are you posting on here?You certainly did not get into the USA with a truck drivers licence.I doubt very much you live in the USA.Are you a Mexican?

Where on earth did you get that it is illegal to run down the road at greater than 15 PSI.BS.First off there is no one in the MOT scales that would ever know anything about the pressure in a load of oxygen or nitrogen or whatever.What about a trailer of Co2 running at 220 PSI.

Ummm Robbieee sorry but here you are wrong as well. That is part of the enforcement exam, and the calculations are just a mouse click away at the scales computers. Those are clasified as dangeous goods every MOT officer will know where to get the conversion tables ect .

Ha ha… Robbie you really make me laugh. I have never found anyone who was good entertainment.
You have NEVER driven a truck in Canada and probably never even in the UK either.
Considering the fact that you spend your entire life on the internet it is obviously not so hard for you to copy and paste any details about any technical subject that you happen to be asked about. I cannot believe that the other guys are even humouring you.
Funny how you had no experience right up until you were finaly backed into a corner by DD and now you just happened to have more experience than everyone else in the most impresive field of professional driving possible…Oh what a wit you are.
By the way i used to be a molecular scientist specialising in quantum mechanics before i started driving trucks. Why don’t you try testing me?..Ha ha.

I took quantum physics, and have an Aerospace engineering degree. You see Robbieeee not everyone are the unintelligent drips you claim drive in North America

Ha ha… Robbie you really make me laugh. I have never found anyone who was good entertainment.
You have NEVER driven a truck in Canada and probably never even in the UK either.
Considering the fact that you spend your entire life on the internet it is obviously not so hard for you to copy and paste any details about any technical subject that you happen to be asked about. I cannot believe that the other guys are even humouring you.
Funny how you had no experience right up until you were finaly backed into a corner by DD and now you just happened to have more experience than everyone else in the most impresive field of professional driving possible…Oh what a wit you are.
By the way i used to be a molecular scientist specialising in quantum mechanics before i started driving trucks. Why don’t you try testing me?..Ha ha.

Wire.Are you called that because you are always wired.As in stoned.You must be.By the way because you are a truck driver hardly makes you a professional driver.You fall for the same crap as a lot of others.I can just imagine your boss saying to himself "I will call my drivers professionals,that will make them feel good and I won’t have to pay them very much"LOL.It is so funny.A professional anything on fourteen dollars an hour.I guess you park your brain in your big shiny truck.LOL

I took quantum physics, and have an Aerospace engineering degree. You see Robbieeee not everyone are the unintelligent drips you claim drive in North America

Methinks thou doth protest to much.
I never said all truck drivers were stupid.There are some O/O’s that are smart and can run a profitable trucking business.Not many.I think you must agree,if you are honest that truck driving is a job that requires no education other than some rudimentary reading and writing skills.By definition it will therefore attract a greater number of those with little to no education .Logically then you will have a high percentage of these people that really can only be classed as rather dim,putting it politely.

RRRROOBBBBBBBBBBBIIIIIEEEEEEE,you’re contradicting yourself again.You answered my second question with 15/25 psi,then when told the correct answer you start on about CO2 and 220psi ? Never did answer about the expansion of Oxygen from liquid to gas.
Done my work for today at o/time rate of $39/hr,claimed my personal mileage,went for a nice lunch with my wife,and off now for a few wobblies with friends.I hate this Country,immigrants and stupid truck drivers should stay away,ha ha ha :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Wire.Are you called that because you are always wired.As in stoned.You must be.By the way because you are a truck driver hardly makes you a professional driver.You fall for the same crap as a lot of others.I can just imagine your boss saying to himself "I will call my drivers professionals,that will make them feel good and I won’t have to pay them very much"LOL.It is so funny.A professional anything on fourteen dollars an hour.I guess you park your brain in your big shiny truck.LOL

You can imagine anything you like about my boss Robbie, old pal. That is as near as you will ever get to meeting him. So you sit at home in Britain having imaginary thoughts about what a person you have never met might say to themselves about another person you have never met?..Sigmund Freud could have written an essay on you, Lol.
You have absolutely no idea how much i earn whatsoever but you seem very interested in my affairs which i supose is quite flattering in a way.
your guess about my wages is a long way out but of course that is what you intended by way of an insult.
I can tell you that i used to have a good job in the UK with a reasonable wage but i actually earn more now. Quite a lot more in terms of buying power which is of course the most important thing. Enough to swap my 3 bed ex council semi in the UK for a huge detached house in its own land and have a smaller mortgage to boot.
You are right about one thing though. I do have a big shiney truck.


I for one find that very hard to believe, but you know I am a fair person and I will take your word on that, its not like you have ever mislead anyone here or anything. :unamused:

I find this robbbie character very odd, all the gobbing off he does about Canada and the way they treat people, silly posts about drug taking, running bent etc etc, well so what?

Yeah there are firms that run bent, you’ll find them anywhere that has rules and regulations, that’s a fact, there’s plenty of day and night merchants in North America, I’m also sure there are drivers that take drugs, some for pleasure, some to do a coast to coast turnaround, there are also drivers who earn diabolical wages and can’t afford to live anywhere but in their truck.

The thing is, there are many of us who are doing better in Canada, we left England for a better life, not because we hate our country, although I have to say I’m no big fan of the way the country is today, it’s a joke with all the human rights crap and has been very poorly managed by the recently deposed government, I don’t like the big brother way things are done, so that did have a bearing on my decision to leave, but it was not the main factor, I’ll tell you how things are for me, I’m sure many will echo my sentiments.

I wasn’t happy in England, I’m a lorry driver, I hated driving lorries, the continental work I favoured had disappeared, I was stuck on UK work and I hated the constant traffic, the HSE BS, getting turned away because I was 20mins late for a booking time, hated the fact that when I had to park up for night I had almost nowhere to park, if I did find somewhere, it had poor or non existent facilities, not a lot going for it really.

I came to Canada, at first I was with one of the less desirable companies, that lasted 5months, I left and started at my current job, all the parts of the job that I hated in the UK have gone away, I enjoy going to work again, therefore my life has improved.

Personally I find the people in my new home town a lot friendlier than they were when I lived in England, the whole atmosphere is much nicer. My current standard of living is on a par with what I had in the UK, but back there I had 6 trucks of my own, now I’m just a humble truck driver. An average week for me back in England would have been two runs from SE London to Northampton every day, meaning a 4am start to beat the traffic, I would’ve been chasing my arse all day long, maybe grabbing a sandwhich or burger from a stinking tea wagon without running water, if I didn’t end up having a night out in a layby somewhere, the final run back to the yard would be in nose to tail traffic, I’d get home and be ready for bed, Saturdays would be a work day, Sunday would be spent doing all the man about the house stuff, now I’m over here an average week is somewhat different, by choice I do long haul, so this week I’ve been to Southern California, not once have I set an alarm clock, I’ve sat down in a resturaunt every night and eaten decent food, I don’t do truckstops that often, I prefer a Texas Roadhouse/Cracker Barrel etc, I’ve had an enjoyable week, I ran down the Pacific Coast Highway, ran through Hollywood & spent a couple of hours in Las Vegas, I’m now home for as long as I want (within reason) if I choose I don’t have to be back until the New Year, I’ve done plenty of miles, so my money is ok, all things considered, I reckon I’ve got it a lot better in Canada than I had it in England, but then again robbbie, maybe I’m wrong :unamused:

i don’t get it.
what’s wrong with people? if someone only wants to work 84 hours a week, then let them. lazy gits.
so they only get home for 2 days per month. they need to work a bit harder, then they could get home a bit earlier.

this is truck driving. a job like no other. if you are likely to miss the wife. aim better.
or take her with you.

i don’t get it.
what’s wrong with people? if someone only wants to work 84 hours a week, then let them. lazy gits.
so they only get home for 2 days per month. they need to work a bit harder, then they could get home a bit earlier.

this is truck driving. a job like no other. if you are likely to miss the wife. aim better.
or take her with you.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I like you, can you come round here more often? We could use a bit more humour in here.

In that time I also hauled B trains of carbon dioxide with 62,000 litres of CO2.The tanker pressure ran at 220 PSI .This stuff was used in mine sites to control water acidity.It meant driving on the very nasty roads in very large mines.

Hi Robbie,

Thanks for your interesting answer. :smiley:

I’ve never carried oxygen, so I can’t comment on that but I have carried carbon dioxide.

According to ADR, there are six kinds of carbon dioxide, so now I’m wondering which one you carried because your figures are a bit different from my memory of when I carried carbon dioxide on an Air Products contract in the UK. (If you remember the UN number, that might help.)

From my memory of doing the job I did, 220psi seems to be a rather low figure for pressure, hence me asking if you can remember the UN number please.