Kids in trucks

Health and saftey rules are slowly grinding the country to a halt…when will normal service be resumed■■?

Never, its all about money rather than safety.

H&S is a good idea, but when everyone gets to a certain standard of safety then all these consultants etc… are then outta work can’t charge huge amounts to make the work place safer, same with these H&S departments they don’t want to be outta work.

So ito keep themselves in work, gotta come up with more and more stupid rules to keep themselves in work.

I have had my kids all over europe, since they were 2 year old without any problems, as the places over there have no problem with kids, the only problems i have had, is when arriving back to tip at RDC,s in the UK, then as Harry says theres the top bunk. :slight_smile:

Havent got kids myself but would love to take them out in my truck if i did but is against company rules. stickers in our trucks forbiding non company passengers unless ok ed by the office.
Was talking to my boss about it and he said although passengers are covered by insurance this is part of a minimum level of cover many companys are worried about additonal injury claims in the event of an accident. So they ban passengers off of there own back.

get the tea for everyone hehe all good though :slight_smile:


That’s a good start to any lads career, whatever the job. :smiley:

It isnt my fault i am still a lorry driver. I was dragged all over the UK in a truck until I was about 12, then I had to earn my keep and load the trucks and help the mechanics.

It wasnt my Dad though, he didnt start driving trucks until after me, well he didnt actually drive any, he died while taking his driving test.

Lame Excuse!

Wheel Nut:
It isnt my fault i am still a lorry driver. I was dragged all over the UK in a truck until I was about 12, then I had to earn my keep and load the trucks and help the mechanics.

I’m sure you are now entitled to years of phycothrepy and a big claim if you play you cards right. :wink: :laughing:

It’s different here. They almost actively encourage you in some ways to take your family with you. Many have age limits, generally 6 years old. My son has travelled all over with me. This is the first year that he and I have been home for New Years as he is usually with me in the truck.

As for cruel, I can’t see it. He spent the entire summer holidays with me this year- 10 weeks!- and he loves it. He is always bugging me to go along for a trip.

It wouldn’t be a problem taking my eldest along with me, but I have the same problem as shuttle. I suppose if I had a top bunk then it would be an option, but they have a nasty habit of doing spot check searches at Soton docks. Though I can take him with me if I do a saturday because it’s just general haulage work.

He used to come out with me all summer long when I was delivering carpets, even on nights out. He absolutely loved coming down to Cornwall, and my customers loved seeing him, especially in his kid sized hi-viz.

As for it being cruel■■? Seesh, some drivers just havent got a clue, how do they think we get new blood interested in the industry■■? I went away with my dad in his truck when I was a nipper, at 4 y/o I was telling dad that this was the job I wanted to do. My eldest has told me the samething.

My daughter used to come with me when I drove for a subbie on Gist work,away all week,Toplne Scania so on the over cab bed when going into the depots at ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Etc.
Then when I went with a subbie for Norfolk Line out of Immingham with the Magnum she used to don her hi-vis and roll the straps up for me also make cups of coffee lunch etc.
Never did her any harm and when the teacher asked them what they did in the holidays she would tell them all about it.
Took my eldest son with me on my last trip before I packed the driving in(it was his first time)from Immingham to a wind farm up near Wick,28 miles up a forest track to this site and he said “i dont know what you winge about on a Saturday morning when you come home,I think this jobs alright”
On the plus side both employers had insurance for passengers and you have to use common sense about were you let them out of the cab.

I used to go with my next door neighbour all the time when I was at school (well Friday evenings after school :laughing: ) as my parents and him thought it would be a good idea to put me off the idea of being a truck driver :laughing:
Needless to say, it never worked and Im on the verge of having my third attempt at the test, well when I book it… :laughing:
What kid wouldnt like to go out in a Scania 3 series… :sunglasses:

I was a regular in the passenger seat from the time I came out of nappies, I only stopped going when I got interested in girls in my early teens. I loved every minute of it, at my junior school my teacher used this in a very good way, I had a little corner to myself where I put up all the places I’d been with my Dad, it encouraged me to find out a bit about the cities & the factories I visited.

My own son, now 20, has been all over the place with me, I also did the tourist thing with him so that he learned about the places we went to, although unlike me he has no interest in becoming a lorry driver, in fact he has no interest in doing anything at all the lazy git, but that’s another story :unamused:


David H:

Caption Competition.

Q. Dad. What does NVW in the middle of the steering wheel mean?

Q. Dad. You know you said if I ate all those chocolates, I’d be sick…

Q. Dad. H Recovery. Does that man give elocution lessons to people that have dropped their ‘aitches’?

Q. Dad. I’ve just trod in some dog ■■■ and wiped my feet all over your seat.

Q. Dad. Does my arse look big in this?

Dad you said your driving was good I need to get out :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Talking of dodgy driving…if you look in the mirror you’ll catch sight of a wrecked Ford GT 40 on the back of the recovery truck. The driver swerved to miss a refuse truck and hit a bollard.

thats ■■■■■■■■! i started going with my father when i was little! when i was 7 i could unhitch the trailer plus open and close the curtains. i couldn’t wait to go! i loved every minute of it. im 19 and go when i can now and still love it

i agree with hutchie and many of the others above, i always went with my dad as a kid, better than any education, at an early age i could hitch and drop a trailer, would climb on the tippers and sheet and net coal down, before the days of easy sheets, i remember when he drove for a local company on tippers, he would leave me to fule up in yard and he would go in office for next days orders and id back it round the yard ready to be out again, remember walking in the office and the boss saying i was a better driver at 15 than half his staff, as you can probably imagaine i now have my hgv and regard my childhood trips as my learning cure, unofficial work experience.
same as farmers kids learn the ropes with tractors etc at a young age

i dont think its cruel at all, i have been goin with my dad since i was young i wasnt even as tall as a front steer if i remember correctly, im 22 now got my class 1 etc and i still go with my dad when i get a chance bank holidays etc or wen am off, my dad even comes with me and its wierd to say the least because am used to being on the left hand side wen am in a truck with my dad im all up 4 takin kids out in the truck, i havent got any of my own but i sometime take 1 of my mates or my girlfriend with me as its a change to sittin by yaself

I have before taken my eldest out with me before and he loved going. He’d usually go out with me on a friday if it was a local day run or if not I would stop by my house and pick him up on my way to Harwich and he would go onto the dock with me and then solo back to the yard. He doesn’t get the chance so much now as he is at nursery and I do a lot of containers out of felixstowe. I would always ask the traffic office before I took him and couldn’t give a hoot what other drivers thought of it !

This was a couple of years ago when he was 18 months old.

I used to go with my Dad in the fifties every day in the holidays also on saturdays, before becoming a driver myself, suppose its all down to health and safety issues today.

i used to take mine it is education for them, one of my boys would draw all the time ,trucks plant ,ships, name it he drew it, then there is the questions ,why did that caravan tip over dad, ect ect

my wee boy used to love going in the truck with me but that is a definate nono with new job health and safety i suppose as well as the insurance side of things