Kenworths in the UK

Hi Gavin

J Y P and another driver cant rember his name maybe u will know.

rgds Roger

Hi Gavin

J Y P and another driver cant rember his name maybe u will know.

rgds Roger

That chap sitting on the left in the black shorts…is / was his name Ben?

Was he slightly deaf in one ear??

A shortish bloke but a real jack the lad comedian type, from london way??

Here is my old girl… Drove like an old Cortina but i
loved it…

Hi Gavin found this on Ash’s 80’s thread I think, I know Rycrofts loved black!!!

Regards Pat

Not quite sure why the image never came
up so i`ll try once more!!!

Got there eventually!!! Sorry…

Hi Gavin, do you know whose aerodyne ended in the ditch heading south on the Prague to Brno motorway one winter in the late eighties. if i remember correctly it was fairly badly damaged. regards Jamie.

A Scot lost in the Valley’s

I seem to remember that Peter Gilder of Stow on the Wold imported 3 Kenworths and he registered two of them, one was easy as it was pre type approval age (I think) the other one cost loads to get approved and the other I think he sold to a recovery firm (Dyson’s)■■?

They were all 6X4s flat cabs

Regards Pat

This is my minor contribution, Tebay services late 70s I think, guess which was mine :laughing: :

Made the above comment before studying the picture so it would be early 1980 because that’s my Daf.

That KW belonged to my mate Walti ,a subbie for Hangartner. Before that he had an Aerodyne with a ■■■■■■■ on demo & made good money.He bought the above with a Detriot & it was always breaking down. It broke down in Sotton & the local garage fixed it ,he didn’t make it back to Swiss & the engine blew up .He tried to claim on the warranty but the garage said that the fitter wasn’t qualified to work on Detroits so the warranty was void & poor old Walter went bust. He stopped long distance & got a local jod around St. Gallen.

Hi Gavin found this on Ash’s 80’s thread I think, I know Rycrofts loved black!!!

Regards Pat

This is the almost the same as Walti’s except his had more chrome & was always spotless.

Not quite sure why the image never came
up so i`ll try once more!!!

No luck either ,but the strap line is not complete .I added on the end but there are still parts missing.)

That KW belonged to my mate Walti ,a subbie for Hangartner. Before that he had an Aerodyne with a ■■■■■■■ on demo & made good money.He bought the above with a Detriot & it was always breaking down. It broke down in Sotton & the local garage fixed it ,he didn’t make it back to Swiss & the engine blew up .He tried to claim on the warranty but the garage said that the fitter wasn’t qualified to work on Detroits so the warranty was void & poor old Walter went bust. He stopped long distance & got a local jod around St. Gallen.

Thanks Harry, a nice touch to get some background to a 29 year old photo. I
didn’t see the driver at the time, don’t even remember what I was doing there
empty overnight (the picture was taken in the early morning mist) or even who
my mate was in the Borderer. :blush: :confused:
The only thing I can be sure of is that it isn’t my Borderer as I was the first at
Leicester depot to get one of the new Dafs. :laughing:

Spardo : I have a snap somewhere of Walti with his Aerodyne in France .He was one of the best drivers on Hangartner in the old days when I worked there. He then became a subby but he didn,t last very long due to the naff Detroit thing. That truck had a straight up exhaust with a hinged cap on the top which used to rattle on tick-over. Walti removed it but in winter when it was parked up in Swiss the rain would get in & then the frost would turn it to ice so he couldn’t start in the morning so every night in winter you would see Walti parked up with a plastic bucket placed over the top of the pipe. I think he married a girl from Hangartners office & they settled down in St.Gallen & Walti did locals.
PS. Might be some time before I can get the snap i spend the winters in the Land Of Smiles these days.

Hi Big Leggy,
The driver with the White Road Commander from Enfield was Eric Benford, a real nice guy, he was a sub contractor on AMG Freight. The last time I saw him was about 10 years ago, he called at my house one evening as he was tipping in the area. His White had gone, he had left his Wife for another and his House had gone and he was living down in the mid Kent area in I believe a Caravan with his new Lady. Ive never seen him since. Sorry I cant help you on the lad that got killed at Chambery.

Hereis my 3 penath…Whitwills ran 5 KWs all supplied by Dandos
they were
DHW665W ex Gerry Holmes

Sorry to out the anorak on lads


I used to see these trucks in Tilbury docks in the 80s…I used to love the look of them and always half fancied one for myself :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Do you know if they were converted to RHD over here Bubbleman…it must have been a hell of a job and probably quite expensive as well

Heres one from the photo forum…at Hilton Park in the 80s

Do you know if they were converted to RHD over here Bubbleman…it must have been a hell of a job and probably quite expensive as well

I would think Kenworth made right hand drive versions anyway for Austrailia.

Gavin McArdle:
I have taken a chance and started a new topic so as not to swamp Trucker Ash’s 80’s one Gavin

Hi Gavin and thanks for the new thread.
I was never into Yanky trucks, except when they were dreesed in a “more sombre” British guise.
There were some lovely ones about in the 80’s so here are a few of mine to add to the collection here.

Heres another (worse) shot of the ECT truck: I was a teenager when I saw it in Oporto Portugal. I was riding in a Scania 111 for Partricks. I remember there was about 6 of us sat in the cab at night and everyone was laughing. I couldn’t stop, no matter what was being said I was laughing at everything :smiley: and there was a really funny smell in the cab… :confused: oh and some were smoking. Is that relavent to the smell? Reckon that was my 1st experience :blush:

Bubbs has posted this 1 before, but I used to see it most weeks in Northampton where I lived then

Truckfest Peter-bog-horror. Can’t remember the year.

Are bonnetts allowed Gavin ?

Can’t remember where I got this photo from. Any clues as to who’s it was ■■

Saw this in Dover on many occassions. Even had a matching Yanky trailer.

As far as I know Peter Gilder only had this 1 KW. A256 LFH.
He had a company out in ACCRA TEMA, Ghana and ran some Volvo/Whites there. Got a couple of pics of them but where shall I post them?
Any one know any history of this truck?

Sorry if the photos are too big. I couldn’t be bothered to resize them. It never works for me anyway, so why bother :cry:

Hi Ash

That Peter Gilder kenworth was one of three he imported one I believe was a ‘Y’ reg and could be registered ok as it did not need type approval but the other two were later and needed type approval, I know he spent a lot of money in getting one of the later ones type approved but wasn’t prepared to spend the same amout on this one so he had it converted to this wrecker. By the way the pic was taken in his yard and they are loading/unloading a drawbar trailer the big red tube was the drawbar hitch that moved in and out when the vehicle turned so they could operate the outfit at maximum length.

Regards Pat

& your DAF was a better motor than that KW will ever be. They were OK on a smooth road but on the old roads to Porto they were murder!!