Just your normal cars

Yeah, whatever Carryfast. You’ll argue black is white, rather than admit you’re wrong.

Carryfast, seeihg as all your ‘knowledge’ is from google searches, next time you are there look up the difference between Pony and Muscle cars.
Ford invented the pony car, with the original Mustang. That was the most successful car Ford produced in almost forty years, the original model selling almost half a million before being updated.
I’m sure Detroit would appreciate an obese, know it all Englishman letting them know how wrong they had it.
How many cars have you designed, that outsold the Mustang?

It was never about the engine size at the start
But it was in later models
The riddler got his Google post wrong

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That’s a Pony Car but with a proper motor in it and before Ford did it.

Define never, start, and later ?.Ford knew from the start that less than 5 litres wasn’t going to cut it in the short term, let alone less than 6 litres in the medium term.
Remind me exactly what years the 302 and the 390 were introduced ?.

I get my car knowledge from Google.Says the person who thinks that the Dodge Dart didn’t beat the Mustang to the so called Pony Car and with a decent sized engine option.Lets just say that I’d have been driving an older 413 Dart and you would have lost your new 289 Mustang in a street race for titles.Although your preferred option of 3 speed slushbox wouldn’t have helped.
Google indeed.

Got any evidence to prove that, or is it just your conceited opinion?

Dodge Dart was not a pony car. Chrysler’s closest offering in the pony class was the Plymouth Barracuda which had a smaller halo engine than the Ford 289.

Call me strange (…) but I’ve always had a thing for one of these


You’re strange.
But so must I be. I’ve had a thing for Corsairs since I had a Matchbox model of one, as a kid. We never got them in Australia. Weren’t they a bit upmarket, even in the UK?

[quote=“star_down_under, post:30, topic:240388, full:true”]

When I was 17(too many moons ago!) I was offered a Corsair-V4 2litre i think- and I’ve often wondered since whether my insurance agent has stopped laughing yet :thinking:

I was running a Triumph 2.5pi at that age but the broker flinched at a 3.8 S type Jaguar that I would have liked and was actually cheaper than the Triumph.
But knew of others just a bit older who were running converted V6 Cortinas and V8 Zodiacs and Vauxhall Crestas.

Exactly which Dodge Dart are you referring to ?.The B body two door 413 was around the same size and weight as the Mustang.

Better looking than Cortina.It’s styling was a bit like the Thunderbird.All could be easily fitted with Essex V6 or even the small block V8.

Only the V4 Corsair from memory 2000 E similar trim as the Cortina 1600 E .
There was also the smaller inline engine base version.
The V4 engine was an awful piece of junk bearing in mind that the far better Essex V6 would easily fit where a V4 would go.

He’s brilliant, :rofl: I am in awe of him. Nothing and nobody can beat him.
Keep it coming .
I once had a Triumph 2.5, I could,'t afford to keep the b loody thing supplied with petrol, a gin loving wife and a Triumph 2.5 put a hell of a strain on the mere pittance a young lorry driving husband earned back in the day, one of 'em had to go. (I kept the wife) :laughing:

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Let’s just say that like the Jaguar the old 2.5 was cheaper to run at 18 mpg and 75p per ‘gallon’ for 5 star + VED on my 30 quid per week than the Touran will be now at 35 mpg + VED on the state pension.