Just for wheelnut

i do remember it now :laughing: i got on very well with geoff and carol . gary i use to weekend there and go for a drink with them when i ran italy. i must admit he did change a lot after that accident.what about marrow ex brennans now he was a
rum egg :laughing: always fighting the coppers when they pulled him over :laughing: definetley some rare breeds back then malc :laughing:

guess were :slight_smile:

guess were :slight_smile:

it looks like Ashby

guess were :slight_smile:

That must be T J Smiff is it?

ub ashby :slight_smile: .tj smith he had some rum eggs working for him. didnt geoff waudby end up there malc.

ub ashby :slight_smile: .tj smith he had some rum eggs working for him. didnt geoff waudby end up there malc.

not sure where Geoff ended up, we sort of fell out when Dave Healey wouldn’t give him much time off to go to his wifes funeral. I have never worked out why he blamed me. I was working for myself by that time with rum egg holty.

ended up at pm blacks hull running to italy :slight_smile:

have a guess malc who that is :laughing:

come on mick they will be lapping you soon :laughing: