Just a little quick one.......fenman does fridgin

nice read mate, love the hungarians parking, he’ll prob still be there this friday!!

Good diary, always enjoy them although glancing at the title it looks seriously dodgy to me. :open_mouth:

Thanks everyone for all your positive comments. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

if you ever see casper on your travels tell him gonzo said hi last time i saw him he had a hamsud scanny

Will do mate. :wink:

More antics next week we hope.

Sorry Ken, off work this week, but thanks for the sentiment! Anyway it’d have to be titled ‘2 funerals, helping a mate move house and a van auction’, because that’s why I’m off. :frowning: Not family funerals, but they are never much fun no matter whose it is.

Rob K:
What’s the bloke with the white top on doing in the skip? :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

look forward to maybe making atempt myself , maybe after my wee holiday, :laughing:

Go for it mate. Looking forward to it. :smiley:

Good diary Fenman. Looks like Asfordby storage there mate, I spent all the previous week tipping Easter eggs in there and you are pulling them out! :smiley:

Guilty as charged. Not been before and was dreading finding it because the fog was so thick. Luckily they have big signs with big letters outside. :smiley:

Can you do one every week :question: :question: pls

You’d soon get fed up mate, promise you!! :laughing:

:shock: :open_mouth: Is this what they call tramping? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
I don’t think I’m cut out for this trucking lark…sound too much like hard work :wink:

Well yes it is. But be under no illusion - this is about as easy a tramping job as you’d get in this country. All parking is paid for, no kipping in laybys, and no touching the motors. It really isn’t what I’d call ‘hard work’. A lot of folks have it a lot harder, trust me. :wink:

I saw the Hungarian way of parking on my way to Hinckley.

He was there all night parked like that. Still like it when I left. I wouldn’t expect him to know every word on every British sign, but white lines?? Even I’d have worked those out!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

glancing at the title it looks seriously dodgy to me. :open_mouth:

All part of my cunning plan. 'Fool ‘em into clicking on it!!’ :smiley: :laughing: :wink:

Reading this the other night, think I saw you today at A14/M6 junction about 4.30pm, were behind me joining the A14 from M6, was UKH or UKM, thought it might be you anyway :sunglasses:

Reading this the other night, think I saw you today at A14/M6 junction about 4.30pm, were behind me joining the A14 from M6, was UKH or UKM, thought it might be you anyway :sunglasses:

He’s in UKM and you can tell his because he’s got 13 tonne of ■■■■ stuck to the windscreen on the passenger side.

Reading this the other night, think I saw you today at A14/M6 junction about 4.30pm, were behind me joining the A14 from M6, was UKH or UKM, thought it might be you anyway :sunglasses:

Not me, mate - off work. The lorry may have been though. :confused: UKW was probably around the area at the time, also.

He’s in UKM and you can tell his because he’s got 13 tonne of [zb] stuck to the windscreen on the passenger side.

Not really Rob. Poppy sticker and a couple from the union. Union stuff aggravates the hell out of management. The red scarves are perhaps a bit OTT I’ll admit. But the slogan on them - ‘England Love it or Leave it’ is exactly how I feel and I know it winds up at least one of our Polish drivers so they will be staying put.

Anything else is company issued tags or permits.

Everything is outside of the wiper sweep too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Excellent. Top job !! :smiley:

bet you really miss somerfields :wink:

Nice read F.F.

Whens the novel being released. I cant even get an avator sorted , although im thinkin of puttin some vids on youtube.