Drivers with their wing mirrors folded in should get points and a fine as they can not see motorcycles.
Im more worried about the fact I can get 44ton to almost 50mph on a slip yet 75% of cars cant even get to 40mph
I think it should be EU law for all new cars to be able to accelerate to 70mph in 400 yards
Drivers with their wing mirrors folded in should get points and a fine as they can not see motorcycles.
And drivers with the glass knocked out and not replaced!
I did a thing called Pass Plus after I passed my car driving test. This involved driving at night,country driving,driving in wet conditions(hard to do as obviously it had to rain) and I also went on motorways for 2 lessons, me living in Barnsley it was the M1 and both lessons were an hour and a half long. I did this extra training on my own back it cost me about £300 but I benefited by cheaper insurance premiums and a better understanding of driving in testing conditions and getting used to driving in heavy traffic and possibly having to make split second decisions which could save my or other peoples lifes. However this was a personal choice I feel it should be implemented into the driving test.
Give the car drivers a break. … They mean you no harm.
Bringing in a compulsory motorway test would be a start.And how would that work for people living in the far north of Scotland or the Shetlands etc etc?
Already mentioned but they would just have to travel.
Its not abnormal or too much to ask for people to have to travel to gain qualification(s) in the work place or for university students etc etc
Travel or don’t have the appropriate licence. End of the day it would only affect a miniscule proportion of the population.
Meanwhile, in the real world…
‘…I did a … Pass Plus after I passed my car driving test… I feel it should be implemented into the driving test…’
That’d be far too organised & authoritarian for today’s ultra-liberal politicians who are quite content to see us prole’s flounder and wind each other up
They are content to carry-on dividing us which consequently better enables them to undemocratically rule over us
Great idea though: Why not paste the idea in an email or a letter to your MP - and see them squirm from agreeing with you
PS The Institute of Advanced Motorists (AKA Politically Comfortable ‘Yes-men in Cardigans’) aren’t tangibly doing very much to propel this idea to the extent that I’m considering jacking-in my membership
It annoys me when you pull into lane 2 to let another truck join inlane 1 then he steams up inside and passes you,really does my head in rolls reversed i always hang back and let themback in even if im faster
I allways back off when someone lets me in regardless its common sense but the thing that makes me boil is when a double carridge way tapers of into a single and cars overtake then realise there running out of road they cut infront of you and slam on most will even drive into you and wonder why you havent let them in ! Sometimes i get a urge not to stop and want to run the ■■■■■ into the barriors lol
To be honest, I think the general standard of driving in the UK is very good indeed, you want to try driving in South Africa for a while, you will go back, jump in your truck and be smiling all day long at how courteous everyone is
The Portuguese are mad hatters, it is all that expresso coffee they guzzle all day and night, it makes them jumpy and nervous and very bad drivers, in the 90`s, the country had the highest fatal death rate in road traffic accidents.
The risks they took to get passed would make you wince in pain to see it, over taking on blind corners and hills,flat out, Kamikaze comes to mind, and if you came in to contact with the driver, he would be like jekyl and Hyde, a nice person, but a devil in the car seat.
What was so annoying is, when i was reversing a trailer, the road was clear, then ten cars pull up behind you, all blowing their horns, shouting and swearing, and the car behind was always two inches behind the trailer.
‘…The Portuguese … coffee they guzzle all day and night…’
Surely, they’re not alone in the world of having their diets actively riddled with caffiene?
It’s an old chestnut of mine to acknowledge how sassy & fashionable it is in our everday British media to swill coffee & other caffeine dense drinks 24/7/365 - but less so to address the fact that many of us cannot cope with the (often excessive) adrenaline related and societally negative consequences.
I’m referring to those who wish to put 27+ hours of motoring and associated activities into their 18 hours of being ‘awake’ (and hyper but poorly-rested, irritable & unapproachable!) each day.
No-one should soley rely on caffeine based stuff for hydration, although it appears that many on the roads do
The result
Maybe it’s many of them who are hopeless when ‘…Joining the motorway…’ and need healthier alternatives to coffee & Coca-Cola, etc
It does boil the blood somedays and the doodlers that have got all the time in the world completly unaware of their surroundings and traffic conditions and a strange thing is a passenger clutching on to a map and holding a print out from the internet for their arrival point.
If I can see a print out in the passengers hands it basically is a sign saying “Avoid me! I have not got a clue where I am going or what I am doing. In fact I am that unsure I have a step by step guide clutched in my wife’s hand cos I am seconds away from a nervous breakdown if I feel worried about anything! I will be crashing this vehicle at some point prior to my arrival”
My 67 year old Father-in-Law until recently (I set him straight) believed all his life that joining vehicles had priorityCorrect me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the case in some European countries too? I almost got swiped by a Danish plated transit on the M25, sauntered up the slip road and joined without a care in the world. I warmed my brakes up with him but the way he just didn’t react at all suggested this was the norm for him.
In Europe, you have to make their way by moving into the fast lane, if necessary. But for same reason, 80 percent of the British drivers have not a clue, how to use a motorway… I always drive the european way and let them in; but most of them SLOWING DOWN instead accelerating, some of them pulls next to me and maintain my speed, keeping me in the middle lane… Also, overtaking on the motorway should be done as fast as possible, but some ■■■■■■■■■ are passing lorries by 60 MPH, others passing these by 64MPh, the results; jam. I think, 45 percent of the Britis drivers should not use the motorways at all. I’m talking about the car drivers, off course.
Joining the motorway, don’t make me laugh! Some of them would find it easier to join MI5!
Don’t you just love the people that stop at the end of the slip road!
Your letting off, they are too then your down to 40mph and like bu gger it hammer down again.
‘…the fast lane…’
Oh dear: Where to begin
Should ban cars on all motorways so they use minor roads and rural lanes and just trucks on motorways and other roads to keep the nimby brigade that pipe up about all freight should be on the canals and trains.
Happy Keith:
‘…the fast lane…’Oh dear: Where to begin
The inner lane called as “fast lane”. That lane actually designed for overtaking, not for continous driving, this why the German cops are catching people, who are driving in that lane, unless they are overtaking.
Should ban cars on all motorways so they use minor roads and rural lanes and just trucks on motorways and other roads to keep the nimby brigade that pipe up about all freight should be on the canals and trains.
I remember once having a conversation with a lad and he said a similar thing about trucks. Apparently, we needed to be given out own roads as we don’t half clog up the motorways during rush hour. Nobody can get to work for us being slow and holding everyone up. The conversation didn’t last very long, I thought it was time to walk away. . . .