John Vasey Latest

Welcome home John.

As I was passing, at a sensible time, on Wednesday, I dropped in for a flying visit on Angela and your Dad. (They were ecstatic).

Davey seems to believe that the €5,000 is a fine. From what I understood on Wed’, it’s bail so you still have to go back for your trial.

It goes without saying, we all hope everything comes out alright for you.

Excellent news, lets hope he is home soon
(bloody cheek to fine an innocent man though!)

Unfortunately Cav, John hasn’t been found innocent, he’s released on bail.

Welcome home John.

Get your ■■■ back in the seat and do some trucking!!!

Froggy here,been in UK for a couple of weeks and today reading all the posting on John ,though the news is great etc,but there is no mention of why the fine was levied,in the the end did he admit to something or what,if someone is innocent why pay a fine?

Froggy, wish I could tell you more but unfortunatly I cant. I did not admit to anything as there was nothing to admit to. I did not know the stuff was on my truck and if I had I would not have carried it. The money paid is either for bail or a deposit, we’re not sure which although my solicitors are confident we will eventually get it back and according to them it will take another 2 to 3 months to get everything finalised. Please dont ask about that as I’m not sure yet what it all means. I’m just glad to be home with my family.



Welcome home John, I hope your enjoying catching up with everyone. I’ve been following what’s been happening and i truly hope that it works out the way you want it to.

Tiggz ■■

Hi yea keelman,hows your french then?do you know the score about returning to france sometimes they ban folks from france if they`re found guilty,for an O/D could be hard I have loads to ask if you have the time,I pass perpignan nick a few times a week and the misses is sick of me saying should I go and see the english trucker?never did sorry. :open_mouth: