John Mann International.

Oh dear, that looks like Flag Speciale 5.2% :smiling_imp:

i remember being on the bilbao a fair bit, was always a few john manns drivers on there, some good, some not so.
always seemed to end up an entertaining night. was weavers, the subby firm, that had the white volvos, (i think)
also remember a guy called phil i think, (skelly,maybe) either worked for dts, or breda, he was a good giggle, a few of us went to the chinese 1 night, when weekended at freds, that was a cracking night.

i remember being on the bilbao a fair bit, was always a few john manns drivers on there, some good, some not so.
always seemed to end up an entertaining night. was weavers, the subby firm, that had the white volvos, (i think)
also remember a guy called phil i think, (skelly,maybe) either worked for dts, or breda, he was a good giggle, a few of us went to the chinese 1 night, when weekended at freds, that was a cracking night.

I remember Skelly I think he did work for DTS but then Ver Hagh (thats not correct spelling) I’m fairly sure it was his Dutch employers who bought Manno out in the finish. I’ve posted a photo below & its a Verhaogh trailer behind Joggers head :smiley:

Only went on the Bilbao once it was a gutter as a Manno subbie 14 hr shift to catch it was the norm & no mileage :imp:

Last & only time was Lady Di’s funeral it was on allday in the drivers room.

Fly sheet.

Cornish Jerry

John “Jogger” Roberts with fish :smiley:

I worked for Manno when he only had 3 trucks and was really struggling. I think Zippy Mark was on for Evergreen containers Russell Davies and me and John were on for Benton Bros and a tipper firm green and yellow tippers cant for the life of me remember the firms name. Anyway I left John and went to Bentons and then he started doing continental I think it was steel to begin with and then he seemed to get bigger. I ended up being an owner driver and occasionally tipping Johns trailers when I had the time. Manno still lives in the same bungalow were it all started years ago I dont see much of him I wonder what He is doing now.

Hi from Abdul Ghafoor,
I am an ex-John Mann driver, and to all my friends that I worked with from 2001-2005 i hope you are well :slight_smile:
I recognise some of the names and people in this forum, and I’d like to hear from anyone. I’d just like to mention
a couple of drivers names who I worked alongside along with all the subbies I got to know, Steve Sinclair, David Smith, Chris Hagen, Robin, John ‘the rabat man’, Morrocan Ben, Howard, Andy ‘The Plank’,
Richard mount, Neil ‘YamYam’, Ron, Alan, Bill Kitt, Christian, Bruce, Razor, Geordie John, Steve Burgess, Jose
Phil, John ‘The Milkman’, Chris Chhigg, Richard ‘Ding Ding’, Colin ‘the action man’, Ranjy and Squeaky.
I enjoyed working alongside these men, they are a bunch of nice guys, and I was sad to see the end of John Mann it was a really lovely setup and I really enjoyed working with everyone.[album]

Hi from Abdul Ghafoor,
I am an ex-John Mann driver, and to all my friends that I worked with from 2001-2005 i hope you are well :slight_smile:
I recognise some of the names and people in this forum, and I’d like to hear from anyone. I’d just like to mention
a couple of drivers names who I worked alongside along with all the subbies I got to know, Steve Sinclair, David Smith, Chris Hagen, Robin, John ‘the rabat man’, Morrocan Ben, Howard, Andy ‘The Plank’,
Richard mount, Neil ‘YamYam’, Ron, Alan, Bill Kitt, Christian, Bruce, Razor, Geordie John, Steve Burgess, Jose
Phil, John ‘The Milkman’, Chris Chhigg, Richard ‘Ding Ding’, Colin ‘the action man’, Ranjy and Squeaky.
I enjoyed working alongside these men, they are a bunch of nice guys, and I was sad to see the end of John Mann it was a really lovely setup and I really enjoyed working with everyone.

I remember you Abdul I was a subbie for Manno, you was one happy bloke always smiling. A few of those lads you’ve mentioned have sadly passed away. Are you still driving Chap? A few pictures of my truck on here dunno if you remeber me though as I was subbie scum… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I remember you Abdul I was a subbie for Manno, you was one happy bloke always smiling. A few of those lads you’ve mentioned have sadly passed away. Are you still driving Chap? A few pictures of my truck on here dunno if you remeber me though as I was subbie scum… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hi, yes I remember you, I remember most of the subbies. No unfortuantely I am not driving any more due to health problems, but I would like to get back on the road as soon as possible. It’s nice to know that you remembered me :slight_smile: …how are you? and are you still driving and if you are for who?

I remember you Abdul I was a subbie for Manno, you was one happy bloke always smiling. A few of those lads you’ve mentioned have sadly passed away. Are you still driving Chap? A few pictures of my truck on here dunno if you remeber me though as I was subbie scum… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hi, yes I remember you, I remember most of the subbies. No unfortuantely I am not driving any more due to health problems, but I would like to get back on the road as soon as possible. It’s nice to know that you remembered me :slight_smile: …how are you? and are you still driving and if you are for who?

I still drive for myself Abdul but just around The UK now, I’m doing grand thanks. Lets hope you get back to good health ASAP Driver…