loves it up him
do any of you john mann lads remember a driver called ding ding was his name richard
was he called dong dong
yeah I remmember Ding Ding he used to be a bus conducter
John Mann drivers…the scourge of the Bilbao boat! I remember one of their drivers at the bar. All of a sudden he bent over and bit a young girls bum, she was only 14 and her mother threw a wobbly and had him “arrested”. Happy days on that boat!
That boat was full of Bum Biters
hi little legs he was a bus conductor you dont know of his werabouts nowadays do you cheers g
toe tapper now has his own motor and is doing morroco for dt , i have his no if any one wants it , just pm me
Last I saw of Ding Ding was in Sleaford driving for John Mann.
In 2002 a few years after my parents left this world i decided to take myself off around the world for 6 months.
My route was to take me via Tangier. I phoned JMI out of the blue, explained my plan & background & asked if there would be any chance of a lift in that direction.
Said i’d be more than happy to do few hours driving in return. They were quite accommodating on the phone, but it never came off. (the lift, the trip did).
Reading this it seems it was around that time they started having problems which would explain their lack of commitment.
Hanging garments weren’t they?
In the end i hitched it from Preston to Portsmouth, paid on Pride of Bilbao as foot passenger. Paid £25 to use drivers restaurant to tap drivers up for a lift to southern spain. Very few drivers on, mostly unaccompanied.
Ended up getting a lift with a guy (Mike) from the New Forest with a 30 odd foot American Winnebago motor home taking a load of leather jackets down to flog at a horse show in Seville (lovely city).
John Mann also did the mid/east as i remember, i rang looking for a start in the mid 90’s and was told that thats all they had was trips too the back end of no were…
Interesting !!
Where in the Middle-East did they go ?
Gavin, is interesting a euphemism for BS?
Hello Mate
I thought euphemasia was illegal…
Hows it going in the wicked wild wild west. ?
Hello Mate
I thought euphemasia was illegal…Hows it going in the wicked wild wild west. ?
No it is quite legal in the middle and east of CH
John Mann also did the mid/east as i remember, i rang looking for a start in the mid 90’s and was told that thats all they had was trips too the back end of no were…
I subbed for Mano for a good while & I recall them only going to Marocco with a few of his own going to Tunisia which was very short lived as I recall. You could say Casablanca was the back end of no were if you wished but it was middle distance in my book & certainly not the middle east although I imagine it smelt the same!
Fly sheet
You still got a budda belly?Ha Ha Ha>
Little Legs:
You still got a budda belly?Ha Ha Ha>
I’m like a racing snake in preperation for 2012! You stil got 18" legs?
A well known hang out.Marrakesh bound.