Jeremy Vine

and the guy who’d been run off the road 6 times - where does he live !!!

Just up the road from me… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I’ll be 'aving him for number 7 tomorrow :laughing: :wink:

How about a Vote a DJ off the radio pole, Whine would definately get my vote, the self promoting egotistical pillock. He had an old guy on the phone last week, O.K. he was rambling on a bit, but instead of listening and letting the man have his say, all Whine could do was snigger and try to stifle his laughter, the ■■■■■■■.
The only time I like to hear Whine on the radio is when Ken Bruce cuts him to shreds at 11.30 every morning.
Nice one Ken :smiling_imp:

As far as I am concerned , different road users are all trying to get from A to B in one piece , by different modes of transport.

Yes I know that in the country horses slow me down slightly , but just for a few seconds…and in towns cyclists need watching , and tractors tend to pull over after a while…etc etc., but I wish caravans would pull over now and then.

The groups that arent represented in this survey are…
A ) the young lad in the Astra charging around all over the place , and cannot really understand in his early years just how dangerous he is being to himself , or others.

B) The businessman / rep . who believes that they are the only ones entitleted to be on the road , and get up to all sorts just to get to his meeting / destination 3 minutes earlier.

It would be good if Wagons were of the road for a full week ( on full pay ) , and then the message would get home just how much we shift to all the shops , pubs , factories etc.

Must say I dont really enjoy Vines rants.

I voted by text a couple of times on Monday and I’ve just voted about 20 or so times on the website, I just kept voting until I got bored, and each of those votes was for trucks. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: That’s the result they’ll be hoping for so I just helped it along.

It would be good if they were actually going to take the vehicle that wins of the road, then we should all vote truck. That way they take them of the road and after about 4 days the country is on it’s knees, there is no fuel, nothing in the supermarkets etc, and they are begging for them to be put back on. That would cure the get trucks off the road debate once and for all. :wink: :smiley:

Glad to hear it wasn’t just me that voted for myself then… :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Afterthought…missed the results…did we win? :question: :bulb:

no … vote.shtml

Nope the Chelsea tractors got it.
Jeremy Vine lost out to Prescott big style. Have to admit Prescott came across reasonably well even though I don’t like the pratt. You’d never notice he is a politician, would you? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

■■■■, all that effort multiple voting and we lost. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

i voted to put all the freight on the railways…and to build more railway lines through every high street…and country village…with a supermarket at every station…that way the shops can unload their own bloody goods…

i voted to put all the freight on the railways…and to build more railway lines through every high street…and country village…with a supermarket at every station…that way the shops can unload their own bloody goods…

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :wink:

too bloody ■■■■ right!

Much as I dislike the host, I have been thinking about this all week, and I came to the conclusion that private cars should have been on the list.
Most of the time, they are taking up the most space for the least benefit, and basically getting in the way of everybody who has to use the road.
If you think about it, every traffic jam is 90% cars with 1 person each inside.
Then there’s the “I’m doing 45 in a 60 limit - it’s a limit not a target” idiot, combined with the “must stop at every roundabout” and “I’ll not speed up on this slip road until you’ve moved over then I’ll out accelerate you on the inside” [zb]s.
Have I missed any ? Bound to have :smiling_imp:

Instead of trucks running at night,why don’t we have all cars running at night instead,that way,the roads would be free for us.

Noooooooooooo !
I just got a good job on nights ! don’t spoil it …

Small one - Too obvious. L. :wink:

I too have been thinking about this all week after hearing the rant about wagons at the beginning of it. And you know what? If you put yourself in the shoes of the card drivers, who don’t understand why we do what we do, I couldn’t actually argue with it.

Yep, we’ll overtake on short stretches of dual carriageway so none of the faster vehicles behind get chance to overtake…Yep, an awful lot of us use handheld phones without thinking much of it…Yep, we’ll intimidate people in cars who we feel are holding us up or failing to let us out, or whatever…Ye, we steam through towns and villages ignoring the speed limit…In fact, in the course of the programme arguing aginst us, I saw examples of pretty much every bit of bad behaviour mentioned bar actually running someone off the road.

P’raps we should get our own house in order before starting in on everyone else’s, eh? :wink:

(Tin 'at on and running… :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )

well said lucy

specially about the speed limits. I think professional drivers who get caught speeding should get 6 points. We have a responsibility to set a good example to other drivers, but from a lot of what I’ve seen lately I’m disgusted. So many LGV drivers seem to think they are invincible, and if u don’t do things their way, you’re an idiot

well said lucy

specially about the speed limits. I think professional drivers who get caught speeding should get 6 points. We have a responsibility to set a good example to other drivers, but from a lot of what I’ve seen lately I’m disgusted. So many LGV drivers seem to think they are invincible, and if u don’t do things their way, you’re an idiot

I have a responsibility to my boss, my load and my licence. I don’t get a bloody blue peter badge for being a fine upstanding example of driving standards, and if you don’t play by the rules dictated by the situation, you end up getting nowhere. They even teach you that when you train for the test - take up too much room to prevent the idiots from trying to get in harms way (on tight corners etc)
I’ve had a ■■■■■■■■ jam his merc against the side of the cab trying to overtake between me and a traffic island, people using a left turn only lane to turn right in front of me, and I can’t take a RH bend without someone trying to get past on the outside. All this is in central london BTW.

When in Rome …

BTW I have a totally clean licence and have had for the last 18 years :stuck_out_tongue:

As for being idiots, well, every machine I have ever driven had training and a test before I was allowed to operate it. In most cases the “pass” level was far higher than a car driver has to endure. But they are allowed on the road - for life - after passing what amounts to a basic awareness examination. And then they presume to tell people who actually can do it correctly how to behave. If we are the professionals, why are you advocating we bend over for trained monkeys ?

Roll on the 5 year driving test, I’m quite confident I’ll pass it, but if they actually run it properly, then we should see a large number of people taken off the roads.

Nice one “smile” how many times do you see the twerps driving @ “56mph” on the dual carriageways (for the pillocks who don,t know the limit is 50MPH)!

What would they have done years ago when the likes of the A1 was 40mph?

Done 60 or more some of them haven,t got time to slow down as they are all in a hurry to get there first.
The A14 & A34 are prime examples of speeding then they complain if they get caught as they say in Russia “Tuffsky Lucksky Mate” your nicked.

Unfortunately we all get tarred with the same brush what is wrong with staying at the “Legal Limit” it is a “LIMIT” not a target to be beaten.

Ad Infinitum!