It's gone missing



Hiya…i think DVLA maybe do a cross check to see if you still have a bike
in your name, i’ve herd of a few people loosing the bike category.
i,ve always had a bike in my name although it been a £30 quid wreck,
i have 7 now 4 been road worthy.
On the note about having the bike licence taken away, a few years back, maybe 10
a bike copper had a crash, when they checked his licence the bike part had been removed.
it was thought because he hadn’t had a bike registered to him for a while as he was
riding police bikes, not bikes in his name. i bet he got off with been nicked.

I doubt the cross check if they did most of us will loose our Hgv

hiya …its all down to training again…some bike riders who have never ridden for
maybe 30 years come into some cash, they go out to buy a rocket on two wheels
nothing like they rode in the 60s…5 mins later dead. People who have been constantly
rideing have kept up with the faster bikes and worsened driving standards.
i know of plenty of chaps who have stayed with a bike they never had a issue with loosing the bike catagory. ti dosn’t take much time to cross check things now a days.
On the HGV subject. you can’t loose that licence its the medical that runs out in most cases. there has been a expiry limit set on that licence now due to retraining.

Don’t think so I never used my bike licence for over 20 years and have never lost my entitlement.
It’s nothing to do with training either it all comes down to people being stupid and riding like idiots.
The DVLA are notorious for cocking things up just make sure you keep your old licence as proof.

hiya …its all down to training again…some bike riders who have never ridden for
maybe 30 years come into some cash, they go out to buy a rocket on two wheels
nothing like they rode in the 60s…5 mins later dead. People who have been constantly
rideing have kept up with the faster bikes and worsened driving standards

Yeh that’s a good point, I suppose it’s like you taking your Class1 in an old Dodge 70s or 80s, leaving it for years and getting into the latest Volvo, and in todays traffic, chalk and cheese.
It’s about 20 years ago since I was astride a bike (ooerr mrs :smiley: ) and I wasn’t that brilliant at it THEN :unamused: :laughing:




Hiya…i think DVLA maybe do a cross check to see if you still have a bike
in your name, i’ve herd of a few people loosing the bike category.
i,ve always had a bike in my name although it been a £30 quid wreck,
i have 7 now 4 been road worthy.
On the note about having the bike licence taken away, a few years back, maybe 10
a bike copper had a crash, when they checked his licence the bike part had been removed.
it was thought because he hadn’t had a bike registered to him for a while as he was
riding police bikes, not bikes in his name. i bet he got off with been nicked.

I doubt the cross check if they did most of us will loose our Hgv

hiya …its all down to training again…some bike riders who have never ridden for
maybe 30 years come into some cash, they go out to buy a rocket on two wheels
nothing like they rode in the 60s…5 mins later dead. People who have been constantly
rideing have kept up with the faster bikes and worsened driving standards.
i know of plenty of chaps who have stayed with a bike they never had a issue with loosing the bike catagory. ti dosn’t take much time to cross check things now a days.
On the HGV subject. you can’t loose that licence its the medical that runs out in most cases. there has been a expiry limit set on that licence now due to retraining.

Don’t think so I never used my bike licence for over 20 years and have never lost my entitlement.
It’s nothing to do with training either it all comes down to people being stupid and riding like idiots.
The DVLA are notorious for cocking things up just make sure you keep your old licence as proof.

The problem is that even when you have the proof in the form of a photocopy they do not always accept that. From the posts on here it is hit and miss at best.

One thing I’ve learned… never, ever send your licence to the DVLA!

No matter what you need changing, address, entitlement always say you’ve lost it & pay the £20 for a new one. File the “lost” one away for a rainy day :wink:

Ok you can sometimes be paying for something that’s free but for what it costs, it’s worth it IMO

The problem is that even when you have the proof in the form of a photocopy they do not always accept that.

If anyone does have to resort to a photocopy, get it certified.

Years ago a mate of mine sent his licence back to get 3 points taken off it…and it came back with a class 2 entitlement !! :open_mouth:

he then went and got a job driving trucks :smiley:





Hiya…i think DVLA maybe do a cross check to see if you still have a bike
in your name, i’ve herd of a few people loosing the bike category.
i,ve always had a bike in my name although it been a £30 quid wreck,
i have 7 now 4 been road worthy.
On the note about having the bike licence taken away, a few years back, maybe 10
a bike copper had a crash, when they checked his licence the bike part had been removed.
it was thought because he hadn’t had a bike registered to him for a while as he was
riding police bikes, not bikes in his name. i bet he got off with been nicked.

I doubt the cross check if they did most of us will loose our Hgv

hiya …its all down to training again…some bike riders who have never ridden for
maybe 30 years come into some cash, they go out to buy a rocket on two wheels
nothing like they rode in the 60s…5 mins later dead. People who have been constantly
rideing have kept up with the faster bikes and worsened driving standards.
i know of plenty of chaps who have stayed with a bike they never had a issue with loosing the bike catagory. ti dosn’t take much time to cross check things now a days.
On the HGV subject. you can’t loose that licence its the medical that runs out in most cases. there has been a expiry limit set on that licence now due to retraining.

Don’t think so I never used my bike licence for over 20 years and have never lost my entitlement.
It’s nothing to do with training either it all comes down to people being stupid and riding like idiots.
The DVLA are notorious for cocking things up just make sure you keep your old licence as proof.

The problem is that even when you have the proof in the form of a photocopy they do not always accept that. From the posts on here it is hit and miss at best.

The thing is if you look at the form you fill out it does say on there that if you need your licence for work you don’t need to send it in.
So just keep your old licence they can’t argue with that.

I mysteriously lost large buses not for hire or reward some years ago.
Wrote to Swansea about it. They very kindly sent me a group D driving test application form. :imp: I still have provisional entitlement.

By the way, they’ve messed around with licence categories in 2013.

I lost my PSV a few years ago when photo card was redone

I believe DVLA only keep your information for 3 months, so if you dont check when renewing or changing address that they have put ALL of the cats you have on your new licence…YOU LOSE THEM as no records will be held, and photocopies are not acceptable

I still have my bike licence entitlement even though not had a bike in my name for a long time

Always check the licence when it comes back

There was a big fuss about this in the biking world about 5 years since. … -EPI-98416


I let my HGV 1 lapse for about 12 years. When I re-applied for it I got back a HGV2.
Wasn’t bothered, as by then I was retired anyway.

Somebody I once knew sent his Class3 for renewal (the old brown book type in 80s) and got a Class 1 back :open_mouth: , ok it was a long time ago, but he drove artics until he retired :smiley:

When my dad was 70 he had tae do a medical for a…landy& trailer for a farmer friend because o the weight…just tae market twice a week …well it came back as a class 1…and no motorcycle licence…
took it to local cop shop and they checked it and it came back valid!
my old fella just laughed about it an said 30yrs to late and he wouldnt know what to do in a modern motor as the last one he drove was a leyland clydesdale.