Is this safe?

Hiya i bet another tipper driver would have just drove past… or like me ex banger/stock car lad zooooom.
how on earth did people survive without a phone camera. do you know a few weeks ago i came out of work
at about 8pm i got on my bike whoops no lights, 12 miles from home did i get a taxi ■■? you tell me.
its time people lived on the edge sometimes…your still alive else you’d not be printing on here.
rant nearly over

selby newcomer:
…he defo wasnt thinking of the children…or maybe he was thats why he had a net out :laughing:


I will mention no names. But no idea how to use photoshop to doctor pics.

Was stuck behind someone at 25mph all the way through the roadworks on the A14. Even when I cleared them, I was a bit dubious of overtaking, as he was all over the place, and his o/s mirrors were intact.


Probably why he is doing 25mph but i would strap it back better