Maximum working day is 15 hrs. Say 6am til 9pm. No matter what goes on between thts all u can do, and only 3 times per week. The rest must b 13 hr shifts.
i have searched google and cannot find any documentation showing the 15hr rule. it cant be a vosa reg as nothing in their booklets so is a wtd rule?, but even then cant see anything in wtd documents
In any 24 hr period the maximum rest period is 11hrs from the end of ur shift. This can b reduced by 2 hrs on 2 days of the week. Brings u down to 9 hrs. 15 hrs work minimum rest period brings u up to ur 24 hour period
But you MUST complete a minimum of 9 hours rest within 24 hours of starting work.
You may only take a reduced 9 hr rest 3 days a week. The others must be 11 hours uninterrupted rest.(unless you’ve had a minimum of 3 hrs continuous rest during the shift)
so if there is no 15hr limit where do all the others above get their info?
I think you get yours off a back off a cornflakes packet.
But you MUST complete a minimum of 9 hours rest within 24 hours of starting work.
You may only take a reduced 9 hr rest 3 days a week. The others must be 11 hours uninterrupted rest.(unless you’ve had a minimum of 3 hrs continuous rest during the shift)
24 - 9 = 15.
there is no mention in the regs off 15 hours only daily rest and weekly rest, you can work 12 hours and have 10 off as your daily rest and there you go bingo, one reduced rest gone.
i am totally confused now.
i worked long hours monday
i am not working till next week so drivers rest dont apply■■?
so daily hours should not apply?, as i kept well within the 9/10 hours driving limit
stevenwignet: i am totally confused now.
i worked long hours monday
i am not working till next week so drivers rest dont apply■■?
so daily hours should not apply?, as i kept well within the 9/10 hours driving limit
I’m going to confuse you more now
Most probably what you did wasn’t legal as you failed to complete a 9 hour rest period within 24 hours of your shift starting
GV262 ( Rules on Drivers’ Hours and Tachographs) says
Daily rest periods
A driver must take a daily rest period within each period of 24 hours after the end of the previous daily or weekly rest period. An 11-hour (or more) daily rest is called a regular daily rest period.
A driver may reduce his daily rest period to no less than 9 continuous hours, but this can be done no more than three times between any two weekly rest periods; no compensation for the reduction is required. A daily rest that is less than 11 hours but at least 9 hours long is called a reduced daily
rest period.
However, you said you had a drivers mate with you ? Was this another driver ? Did they have a card in the tacho as well? If they did it could be legal under multi-manning rules !
Again from GV262
Where a vehicle is manned by two or more drivers, each driver must have a daily rest period of at least 9 consecutive hours within the 30-hour period that starts at the end of the last daily or weekly rest period.
Organising drivers’ duties in such a fashion enables a crew’s duties to be spread over 21 hours.
Maximum working day is 15 hrs. Say 6am til 9pm. No matter what goes on between thts all u can do, and only 3 times per week. The rest must b 13 hr shifts.
i have searched google and cannot find any documentation showing the 15hr rule. it cant be a vosa reg as nothing in their booklets so is a wtd rule?, but even then cant see anything in wtd documents
In any 24 hr period the maximum rest period is 11hrs from the end of ur shift. This can b reduced by 2 hrs on 2 days of the week. Brings u down to 9 hrs. 15 hrs work minimum rest period brings u up to ur 24 hour period
The maximum rest period in any 24 hr period is 24 hrs and and it’s 3 times a week between weekly rests not the above mentioned 2.
If this is truly not a wind up you must be really ■■■■ at searching the internet.
So on that basis that you would like advice and/or help try page 20 on this DFT website/ VOSA publication. (it took me 40 seconds to find it on t’internet by the way).
i had a feeling it was well over the limit but had not much choice as had drivers mate with me and had to return them, at least i know my limits now. Just thought I could get away with it due to limited driving hours, i keep forgetting poa, other work all goes towards a working day
Jesus christ words fail me. THIS IS NODDY STUFF.
You had no choice than to stop at 19:30 and the fact you had a drivers mate with you does not change that. Its your employers problem to sort out getting the drivers mate back, not yours.
Seriously if you can’t even get the basics right you should pack in driving before you end up in court or even worse, doing a stretch in prison. Unlike car driving offences, a lot of stuff with lorries can end up with you doing bird. Persistent disregard for drivers hours and rest breaks is one of them.
By the way you can only do three 15hrs a week, the rest are 13hrs. “My boss told me to do it” and “I had a drivers mate” are not a defence.
Good man. The guy makes a mistake and asks for advice, you blaspheme and rant at him. What a lovely fellow you must be.
I agree with Conor. (There’s a first. )
This is absolute basic stuff that anyone holding an hgv licence should know.
The fact he had a mate with him is not his problem, and his employer should have planned the day with a maximum to get them both back to base. If they were given a workload that would have (Clearly.) taken them beyond the 15 hours, then they should have taken some of the drops/work back, and the planner should be shot with ■■■■ for planning such a run. (The computer says it can be done though…)
IMO, anyone that exceeds a shift like that, should have their licence taken away from them before they kill someone due to exhaustion. There is NO excuse.
Right, first things first : are you a new LGV driver? If you are then folks should be cutting you some slack as the hours regs have so many ifs and buts that they’re hard to fully understand when you’re just starting out. If you’re not a new driver then really you deserve the grilling you’re getting here!
Sign on 04.50am
Get keys to vehicle and insert card 05.40am
Remove card 22.50pm
Driving hours was 7h 17m
Other Work was 8h 1m
Total duty 17.5h
was a hell of a long day but was it legal?
This is pretty basic stuff that you should already know before even driving a truck. As others have said, your max length shift (spread) per day is 13 hours because the minimum rest period between shifts is 11 hours off (24 hrs - 11 hrs rest = max 13 hrs available to work). However 3 times per week you can reduce your rest period to 9 hrs, so 24 hrs - 9 hrs = 15 hrs available to work, but you’re only allowed to do that 3 times per week.
You need to read the hours links provided above and keep reading them over and over until you fully understand them, including the bits about weekly rest requirements and “paying back”/compensating for any days when you take a reduced rest period (9 hrs rest instead of 11). The way you’re going on you’re going to get both yourself and your employer into a lot of bother and the way you’re completely ignoring the hours rules will almost certainly result in you being summoned by the Traffic Commissioner to explain your conduct. You’ll definitely receive a stern reprimanding over it and possibly even the revocation of your licence depending on what side of bed s/he got out that day. You really do need to get your ■■■■ together and get to grips with it. Contravening the driver hours regs is considered to be a very serious offence by the authorities and drivers have done time inside for the sort of hours you’re talking about.
bald bloke:
He had a driver’s mate with him but did this mate do any driving or was he there just to catch up on his sleep in between doing some handballing ?
He said drivers mate, not a co-driver. So I’m assuming just that!
Either that and the co-driver was just as vague about the rules as the OP.
Jesus christ words fail me. THIS IS NODDY STUFF.
You had no choice than to stop at 19:30 and the fact you had a drivers mate with you does not change that. Its your employers problem to sort out getting the drivers mate back, not yours.
Seriously if you can’t even get the basics right you should pack in driving before you end up in court or even worse, doing a stretch in prison. Unlike car driving offences, a lot of stuff with lorries can end up with you doing bird. Persistent disregard for drivers hours and rest breaks is one of them.
By the way you can only do three 15hrs a week, the rest are 13hrs. “My boss told me to do it” and “I had a drivers mate” are not a defence.
■■■■■■■ spot on , you shouldnt be driving if you dont know the rules , your boss was shafting too for allowing you to do it
At a meeting with VOSA, quite some time ago, we were told by VOSA
(off the record) that they would “probably turn a blind eye” to someone
who overshot their Duty Time by “around 20 minutes” if the Driver was
getting back to his home base or a place of “better safety and security.”
However, "this perk should not be abused by any Driver and VOSA would
“look at the overall pattern of a Driver’s recent driving record.”
One reason given for this “20 minute allowance” was the “better quality of
Driver’s rest at home or off the highway in a truckstop.”
Interesting to note that VOSA declined to put any of the above in writing !