Is Stobard discriminating the Gay community?


OP,your threads and posts were amusing to begin with but now I think your trying too hard. Either that or I hope you are not in control of anything larger than a wheelbarrow!

I wouldn’t even trust him/her with that at the moment, especially after admitting speeding on another thread and his/her obviously enibreated state

Give the fella a break!! I’m really starting to look forward to his threads now, wondering what the next ones going to be about!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: No the only way in which he would be is if he stated that all the women named on his truck were straight. :unamused:
3 questions for o/p.
1.Why would he.
2. Who gives a ■■■■ anyway.
3.Why am I and others dignifying this cack with a reply.
4.Have you remembered your meds today.
5. Do you also post on here as Boss & Driver.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: No the only way in which he would be is if he stated that all the women named on his truck were straight. :unamused:
questions for o/p.
1.Why would he.
2. Who gives a ■■■■ anyway.
3.Why am I and others dignifying this cack with a reply.
4.Have you remembered your meds today.
5. Do you also post on here as Boss & Driver.

only having Womans Names on the Cab

Would you get inside “Elton John” for £8 per hour?

Freight Dog:
Five quid this ends up in an argument by page 3

Hi have I missed something, when did TNUK start a page 3.oooooh missus.

:shock: :open_mouth: No the only way in which he would be is if he stated that all the women named on his truck were straight. :unamused:
3 questions for o/p.
1.Why would he.
2. Who gives a [zb] anyway.
3.Why am I and others dignifying this cack with a reply.
4.Have you remembered your meds today.
5. Do you also post on here as Boss & Driver.

That’s 5 questions :laughing: :laughing:

Why am I and others dignifying this cack with a reply.

…and two replies. :wink:

That’s 5 questions :laughing: :laughing:

That’s 10 questions, he posted it twice!!


That’s 5 questions :laughing: :laughing:

That’s 10 questions, he posted it twice!!

I know :laughing:

The guy has got a point though. Why do we always refer to trucks, cars, ships etc. as female? I even call my car Princess!!

^^ When I had my smart car many years ago, she was called Samantha, (NOT SAM)

There was if i remember. one unit named after a bloke.

And im not an Eddie fan by the way.

page 2 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

More importantly, is it racist to refer to a pressed-steel 10 or 20 litre fuel container as a “jerry can”?

page 2 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Pretty quickly too! :smiley:

By the way OP, it is Stobart :laughing:

Male Italian name. Spotters kicked off apparently.

Next thread please :smiley:

Lesbians are gay aswell op

Ive always reckoned im a lesbian trapped in a mans body… :confused:

only having Womans Names on the Cab

some seem quite chavvy as well

:shock: :open_mouth: No the only way in which he would be is if he stated that all the women named on his truck were straight. :unamused:
questions for o/p.
1.Why would he.
2. Who gives a [zb] anyway.
3.Why am I and others dignifying this cack with a reply.
4.Have you remembered your meds today.
5. Do you also post on here as Boss & Driver.

Im shocked that a bloke with your intelligence has bothered to respond to a pointless bollox topic as this one robroy :open_mouth: