Iran Container Company (ICC)

Does anyone have any pics. Of Iran Container Company Macks please?

Does anyone have any pics. Of Iran Container Company Macks please?

I found these on the Net, Andy. Robert



@Jazzandy, this is the youngest son writing:

Attached a picture you most certainly will have or even worse it’s yours?

I remember old yearbooks of “Containerisation International” in which you
might find more background on the ICC as a company.

Will do my utmost in case I find some old Mack-literature and will PM you.



Thanks Paul,

That was one of the ‘Iranian’ fleet. The ‘Salzburg’ fleet with mainly European drivers numbered 20 and all had straight up exhaust stacks.

Much appreciate it if you find nay further pics.

Somewhere amongst my pics, I have a few taken at Maku around 75/76 when I was held up for being overweight
The Maku weighbridge had been very apologetic, but supposedly the Shah was having a crackdown and threatened the death penalty to any official caught taking baksheesh.
I was parked up just outside town with some Turks who were over length & width with abnormal loads.
I have to say I enjoyed the short break with them, they’d gone into town and stocked up with fresh food & the local fruit Liqueur.
Luckily two European ICC drivers with Macks pulled in, they both had 2 Mack Units piggybacked behind them and they offered to pull my trailer through whilst I took one of theirs.
From memory one was Swiss the other German, we ran for about 100 clicks before changing back to normal. Top men and got me out of a hole very quickly.
I may have to go through my negs to find the pics, so it may take some time
I have a slide/negative scanner so eventually when they turn up I’ll post them

Interesting post Brian. I’d love to know who those drivers were! If you get any further info especially photos I’d be very grateful!

Hi Andy,
I just finished reading your great book Fifty Shades of Tarmac. I loved reading it; big compliments!
Can you remember the number of Mack trucks the whole company had?
Looking forward for your next book.
I wondered; did you see many Mack trucks of European companies during your trips at ICC and later OHS? Can you remember any of the companies names?

Hi Gerlof. Thanks for your compliments about my book!

ICC had ninety Macks with Crane Fruehauf skeletal trailers on the Iranian driver fleet based in Tehran plus thirty Macks with Pitt skeletal trailers on the European driver (mainly British) driver fleet based in Salzburg.

Hi Andy,
Wow, that’s a lot of Mack trucks! Such a shame I was too young at that time and didn’t visit Europoort to see some of the ICC Macks.
Did the Iranian Macks only make the trip from Iran to Salzburg? Or did these trucks also travelled further into Europe?

Did you also visit other Mack dealers in that period? Or was Van Hove the only one in Europe at that moment?

What I like about your book is that it gives a very nice insight in the trucking life at that period, with a sense of humor and a lot of adventure. As a Mack fan it’s nice to read how it was working on such a truck.
After many years I managed to realize my dream myself and have a Mack F786ST, just for hobby. It has a lot more space then the small cabs of the R600’s :smiley:
Regards, Gerlof

Wonderful reunion of three ICC drivers at the weekend. I’ll post some photos later

Re-united after 44 years, from left to right ICC drivers Steve Trybowski, Mike Phillips and Andy Maclean.
Steve was the hero having driven his day cab Mack R600 all the way through to Karachi, Pakistan!

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Good stuff, Andy. Brings it all alive! Cheers, Robert

Another pic. from last week’s reunion.