Interesting piece about container traffic

All this pesamism about peaks and truoghs, and wether ports and hauliers can cope or wether the vessel could be turned around in 24 hrs. from what I see trinity aint only about 60% utilised at the moment, landguard- 8 & 9 berth is due to be extended, 10 berth and that will add extra capacity at Felixstowe. At one point London Gateway will open (more capacity), which has been developed with these triple E’s in mind. so the port owners are confident in the future, hauliers and driver should be too, I’am. troughs after peaks assist you to square up your WTD, and drivers hours, so bring them on. :wink:

Bigger vessels mean less calls, everyone wants delivery ASAP and no-one wants to pay quay rent so unless you work for multiple Lines so you have a vessel call every few days its going to be difficult to work your vehicles 5 days a week.
For instance if you work for a Line that calls on a Monday you’ll get exports mainly on Thursday and Friday and imports mainly Wednesday and Thursday, not good for vehicle or box utilisation

Bigger vessels mean less calls, everyone wants delivery ASAP and no-one wants to pay quay rent so unless you work for multiple Lines so you have a vessel call every few days its going to be difficult to work your vehicles 5 days a week.
For instance if you work for a Line that calls on a Monday you’ll get exports mainly on Thursday and Friday and imports mainly Wednesday and Thursday, not good for vehicle or box utilisation

Well none off the firms I’ve worked for have restricted themselves to dedicated shippers, and when you get a slack day or two, or even a quiet week, it gives you a chance to square up your hours. also bit of overtime at the weekend. It works for me :wink:

Have read the book mentioned - The Box - very interesting and shows how uk missed out and let europe get ahead in ports. The american who started it started with a trucking company in US and had hoped to have these huge ships years ago. … liverpool2

Is this part of the catch up plan, Massively increased container traffic through Liverpool & surrounding routes as they exit the port,
There was some consultation a while back with road operators about the increased capacity required for the extra containers.

certainly makes for interesting reading and watching, i thought at first that maersk had simply bought them in but it looks as though they have designed them to. good to know felixstowe is keeping up with the big boat game, shame most of it will just go on the trains when the new rail terminal opens.