Innovate - it's happened

greg50 wrote

if all you wish to do is slag off other posters,why not take a run and jump at yourself and look in a mirror,maybe you are not too clever yourself andy.

Well sorry you took offence Greg but…

i wonder.
be no harm for the big companies to suffer a little.

i know a lot of people wont agree with me because of jobs etc.
these big companies have put a lot of owner drivers down and i am from a family of owner drivers.#if stobart went next.
look at the opportunities there would be for owner driverswith the extra work,

…you’re living in cloud cuckoo land with a statement like that.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Latest announcement from Eimskip today

There is only one way this is going to end in the current financial climate as no bank is going to support ongoing losses of this magnitude I suspect.

When you read that report, does it not suggest that some heads have to roll?

Who advised them Innovate was a good buy? Did anyone?


greg50 wrote

if all you wish to do is slag off other posters,why not take a run and jump at yourself and look in a mirror,maybe you are not too clever yourself andy.

Well sorry you took offence Greg but…

i wonder.
be no harm for the big companies to suffer a little.

i know a lot of people wont agree with me because of jobs etc.
these big companies have put a lot of owner drivers down and i am from a family of owner drivers.#if stobart went next.
look at the opportunities there would be for owner driverswith the extra work,

…you’re living in cloud cuckoo land with a statement like that.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

no offence taken andy.
i am not in cloud cuckoo land at all.
i know it wont happen.
i would not be upset if it happened.
i am suprised at whatever is happening with innovate,not sad though.
this will not happen to stobart and a lot more like them as they generally are well endowed money wise.
i dont know where it went with innovate.
the reason i think this way is.
i would rather see a lot of owner drivers getting proper reward[if its possible]than see the like of stobart and shareholders making at their expense/
the more top brass there is taking out of the kitty,the less their is for owner drivers or employed drivers for that matter.
i know it wont happen, its just a dream i had.

:open_mouth: dont hold too much faith in the big company idea, been wearing green for the last 8 years, and as mentioned in my earlier post,(a tip too far)
what happens when things get tight is,
the small firm- you are told face to face how it is.
the big firm.- memos come out about cost cutting, planners tell you what to do
and how long it will take,
my remedy was after rdc,s and cash & carrys, etc, then being told where to stop and sleep. was to jump ship.
i took a job collecting blood from slaughter houses and running it around uk,
and believe it or not the moneys better and i am treated better than i was,
i dont have a brand new wagon any more, but its about the money and the
job satisfaction isnt it, not the cab.
i dont miss my b,new topliner, replaced with a 51, ex maritime 420 scanny
honest? :unamused:

what happens when things get tight is,
the small firm- you are told face to face how it is.
the big firm.- memos come out about cost cutting, planners tell you what to do
and how long it will take,
my remedy was after rdc,s and cash & carrys, etc, then being told where to stop and sleep. was to jump ship.

How true is that, brilliant post yungnad :wink:

:shock: dont hold too much faith in the big company idea, been wearing green for the last 8 years, and as mentioned in my earlier post,(a tip too far)
what happens when things get tight is,
the small firm- you are told face to face how it is.
the big firm.- memos come out about cost cutting, planners tell you what to do
and how long it will take,
my remedy was after rdc,s and cash & carrys, etc, then being told where to stop and sleep. was to jump ship.
i took a job collecting blood from slaughter houses and running it around uk,
and believe it or not the moneys better and i am treated better than i was,
i dont have a brand new wagon any more, but its about the money and the
job satisfaction isnt it, not the cab.
i dont miss my b,new topliner, replaced with a 51, ex maritime 420 scanny
honest? :unamused:

yungnad are ad boyes from ireby still on the go, if yes where do they lead from

yep, they still have the yard at low ireby and a base in chapel bank, they lead a bit of steel and machinery for corus, and still run the bus chassis about. :slight_smile: :smiley: