Clearly the daily rest didn’t take place within the 24hr day from start of shift (we know the reasons) - hence the analysis software has rightly identified an infringement. Normally the user of the software can then enter notes/details that there was a written explanation - but the infringement remains on the system. With the software I use I can also mark it as dealt with and remove it from the drivers disciplinary score … different software to that being used here.
The daily drive time has been caused by the above infringement. If the daily rest doesn’t take place within the 24hr day the daily drive limit does not reset - in the analysis software. Therefore a second infringement is raised. All analysis software I have used does this. Technically it is correct.
From the operators point of view, they will want the infringements signing so they can file them away with the printout etc so that if DVSA arrive one day, it all makes sense and gets squared away.
Most analysis software would do exactly the same.
I just checked with DVSA. Apparently their software has a 7hr check. So if less than 7hrs rest had been taken in the 24hr period from start of shift - it would have combined the driving time from both shifts like in this case. It seems this Tachomaster software has just seen less than 9hrs and done the same.
I asked DVSA why 7hrs - It’s in their policies.
It all makes sense to me