I'll just leave this here....


I give up!!!

Could you…

Possibly sign something to that effect and make it contractually binding?

… and post it in a letter with an Amsterdam postmark :question:

:grimacing: :laughing:

I won’t be replying anymore this has gone too far

I’m currently on holiday on the Moon. I shall now provide photographic evidence!

So where are you Ukt?
Think it would be more funny if he was actually in Amsterdam running around taking photos trying to prove it for people on a truckers forum.

the maoster:
I’m currently on holiday on the Moon. I shall now provide photographic evidence!

That sign clearly says welcome to Iceland you whale eating fraud

The hate on this thread is unbearable. I won’t be replying anymore. Come back when any of you have achieved half of what me or UKT have achieved in our careers.

I’ll be back in 5 minutes then, oh, hang on make that 10 minutes. I need to go a park my lunch, that Frikadeller is making a comeback.

I owe you a shilling Rob. You’ll have to wait though, I’m currently in Kenya on a live load…

Like you Joe I am never going to post on this forum again. I will be a big loss to TNUK and am off to seek attention else where. This forum has had its day!!

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Is it me who’s just so totally confused here…

This It’s Joe poster “come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough” - I thought hung around in the rain at the entrances to Stobarts yards, chewed pencil in hand, all bad breath and greasy (gold?) hi-viz and finishing off yet another sausage roll from Greggs…Now here he is The Euro King putting Andrew G in the shade.

And as for our very own fridge magnet Ukt… he seems to have dumped the rocking and rolling farmers wife attracting straw/hay wag n drag to take pictures at random of a rather grey and wintery Amsterdam with I may say a tad to much of the block paving in them.

Do my meds need adjusting/upgrading or have these two gone off into a world entirely of their own and (simply because we have nothing better to do, I guess) we’re watching their progress.

Like you Joe I am never going to post on this forum again. I will be a big loss to TNUK and am off to seek attention else where. This forum has had its day!!

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Well I’m going to have a sit down with my fiance when I return home from Denmark and we will discuss me stopping posting on these forums because even she admitted certain people like to push my buttons as they find it funny to upset other human beings. We are the only two drivers with high standards (I confess your standards and skill is a lot higher than mine if I’m beinf humble), without us this forum is nothing and we will both be a devastating loss.

the maoster:
I’m currently on holiday on the Moon. I shall now provide photographic evidence!

i was there last year for a long weekend…i wouldnt go back though,its too quiet and theres no atmosphere in the pubs. :unamused:

the maoster:
I’m currently on holiday on the Moon. I shall now provide photographic evidence!

You’re not fooling me with that pic - I’m sure Bjork is in the background far right - or is that Kerry Katona :smiley:

So where are you Ukt?
Think it would be more funny if he was actually in Amsterdam running around taking photos trying to prove it for people on a truckers forum.

Amsterdam Adam

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Like you Joe I am never going to post on this forum again. I will be a big loss to TNUK and am off to seek attention else where. This forum has had its day!!

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Well I’m going to have a sit down with my fiance when I return home from Denmark and we will discuss me stopping posting on these forums because even she admitted certain people like to push my buttons as they find it funny to upset other human beings. We are the only two drivers with high standards (I confess your standards and skill is a lot higher than mine if I’m beinf humble), without us this forum is nothing and we will both be a devastating loss.

I fail to see how it could continue Joe, my wife has threatened to leave me if I don’t stop posting on here, we was going out for a meal today but I have spent it taking stupid pictures to post on here. Still no further on with the disbelievers

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I am totally depressed over all of this. It is like having a gambling problem posting on here. The only people that actually read it are not right in their heads, I am putting a stop to it now Joe. It’s been great knowing you and hope you enjoy the time in Denmark, try not to let these people get you down

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So where are you Ukt?
Think it would be more funny if he was actually in Amsterdam running around taking photos trying to prove it for people on a truckers forum.

Amsterdam Adam

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Is that the name of your, “ahem” , companion for the evening?
Things can get pretty wild in Amsterdam so no one is going to judge…I think I might know him, this is a photo of him from last week, honestly, I was there too…

This quote sums it up nicely


and the inevitable self reply will appear in how long?
wheres dr damon and dozy when you need them…there are none so blind as those that will not see…especially when everyone knows its just a fanny trying to be clever and has been well caught out once again, :unamused:

That is a fantastic post Joe, very true and powerful words. I think we should all learn from those words. You are a great driver and a true gentleman. I would go as far as to say scholar too. Cheers Joe and goodbye my friend I am going to miss you.

Like you Joe I am never going to post on this forum again. I will be a big loss to TNUK and am off to seek attention else where. This forum has had its day!!

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Sure dozy 2 you will just have to come up with new names,
I think the 3 or 4 you’re using now is wearing thin but they are funny names
You could be like doctor who and reinvent yourself walk into your box as dozy 2 and come out a totally different person the fantasy can happen for you but you need to dump Walter mitty he’s a bit over the top, but I’m only telling you what you already know
We could all have a game called spot dozy 2 new name