I'll just leave this here....

Tbh he may well be some over emotional super sensitive Es fan boi :exclamation:

last word

Doubt it.
When the hangover ends, normal service will continue.

last word

Watch my post to Joe and read the meaning, you will see you can never have the last word. I am here and I am there but you will never hear from me again on here,

Last words then.

thatl be your last word then…somehow i dont think so

thatl be your last word then…somehow i dont think so

I said this was my last post and it is. Now go and talk about fith wheels and moan about how crap your job is. Don’t look back just leave this post. I am never returning. Joe is well and my final thread is sewn. Goodbye to you all it has been a roller coaster ride. But in the great words of Bugs bunny “that’s all folks”.


Cya. :slight_smile:

Bye now can you close the door to keep the heat in

Oh well

last word :slight_smile:

Last word :laughing:

you can have it so long as the 4 musketeer fannys :slight_smile:

you can have it so long as the 4 musketeer fannys :slight_smile:

A dont want it then :laughing:


last word

Watch my post to Joe and read the meaning, you will see you can never have the last word. I am here and I am there but you will never hear from me again on here,

Promises promises I had you taped from day one dozy 2 a person with a Walter mitty mind aint hard to spot with multiple names and trying to impress other people
I doubt that you’re even a truck driver but i know you are not an engineer in any form
I was probably right when i said you work in some sort of car or truck wash
You have my pity boy you have been mixing with the big boys here and they all took you in and now you are getting the back lash from that, nothing like making people look like fools as you did very well
You know now you’ve not one of the boys now anymore, you have been cought with bells on
Listen dozy 2 you got a good run and now you’re going to have to go back in the box

Can admin delete my account please

Can admin delete my account please

All of them?

Last word…

Sorry DD :sunglasses:

your welcome. :cry:

You cannot give it a rest can you, two of the greatest posters on TNUK are making their exit and you can only think of silly comments to make.

last word.