I'll just leave this here....


Just got the tree up and it looks a bit too Fussey


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Since when have the Dutch started writing on their roads in English?

Thats the gates to UKT’s house in Hull…

Isn’t your wife’s sister’s brother-in-law you??

Someone please tell me if that’s wrong as I think my brain just blew up!

Enough is enough



I am most upset and will not be tempted back on this site for anyone

10/1 on.

I bet he would if the Dr asked nicely, sadly as he has been kidnapped by a rogue Scania somewhere on the South Island we may be a while…

Enough is enough


Dont be a spoil sport, its not nearly enough… :sunglasses:

My final post is this, yes goodbye Colin please don’t try to coax me back I am not interested, you can all just speak about axles and gearboxes from now on. I am off to a sushi bar now and NO I won’t post any pictures. I don’t care what anyone believes as I am just happy to have had my tree erected for xmas.

Well hasn’t someone just made a complete ■■■ of themselves, wouldn’t you just wonder why o why would a person go on in that way
I have seen it all now writing posts in one name and answers in another name and on top of that throwing complements at each other, classic.
The other side of the coin is he might be ill and need help and if that’s the case at least he has doctor dolittle to ask for help

My final post is this, yes goodbye Colin please don’t try to coax me back I am not interested, you can all just speak about axles and gearboxes from now on. I am off to a sushi bar now and NO I won’t post any pictures. I don’t care what anyone believes as I am just happy to have had my tree erected for xmas.

All fur no knickers.

i know where id like to erect it…bye bye now,close the door quietly on the way out. :unamused:

Isn’t your wife’s sister’s brother-in-law you??

Someone please tell me if that’s wrong as I think my brain just blew up!

In the event of confusion, stick your head in the tumble dryer with a couple of bricks in there, all will become clear…works for me… :sunglasses:

Joe don’t get upset M8, these people are nothing but bully’s and will more likely laugh at you than have any kind of remorse. I am sending you a helpline number which has pulled me back together after my breakdown when I once witnessed a terrible ordeal. I also once saw a horse chase a dog around a field then when the dog had tired it turned on the horse and chased that around the field. Look on yourself as that dog Joe. That is why I take great pleasure in delivering straw nowadays. It is a great reminder to me and gives me strength.


… no one has caught me out either …

Except that you’re not actually in Amsterdam. :unamused:

RUMBLED .Always said he was a fake .



… no one has caught me out either …

Except that you’re not actually in Amsterdam. :unamused:

RUMBLED .Always said he was a fake .

[zb] Grow up you fool

Joe don’t get upset M8, these people are nothing but bully’s and will more likely laugh at you than have any kind of remorse. I am sending you a helpline number which has pulled me back together after my breakdown when I once witnessed a terrible ordeal. I also once saw a horse chase a dog around a field then when the dog had tired it turned on the horse and chased that around the field. Look on yourself as that dog Joe. That is why I take great pleasure in delivering straw nowadays. It is a great reminder to me and gives me strength.

Hmmmm, dog sized horse or horse sized dog, there only one way to find out…

On a serious note though Joe, he is right, just imagine your life as being knackered and constantly chasing a horses arse, some fur but still no knickers…




… no one has caught me out either …

Except that you’re not actually in Amsterdam. :unamused:

RUMBLED .Always said he was a fake .

[zb] Grow up you fool


Wonder when Dr ■■■■■ will contribute to this thread…c’mon UKtramp/itsjohn,time to switch accounts.

Wonder when Dr ■■■■■ will contribute to this thread…c’mon UKtramp/itsjohn,time to switch accounts.

I havent got any other accounts although the magnificent mods will not confirm this, and no I won’t stay so stop asking!!!

the nodding donkey:
All fur no knickers.

Leave the knickers OFF, YOU NASTY DEGENERATE!

I’m on the phone to the fire brigade

I’m on the phone to the fire brigade

Your ■■■■■ stuck?