Ignore this. thanks

as its my post, i could give you an explanation, but it seems everyone is having fun ignoring it, so i wil let it carry on being ignored :sunglasses: :blush:

You tease!

Hi folks just to be ignored, i am new to this post so i will just as usual,be ignored.like all drivers were and probly still are well and truly IGNORED

still ignoring.

its been a long time since i heard from anyone else silly enough to ignore this thread,so can i take it, i can stop ignoring this and get my life back! :unamused: :wink: …chris

its been a long time since i heard from anyone else silly enough to ignore this thread,so can i take it, i can stop ignoring this and get my life back! :unamused: :wink: …chris

This post was being successfully ignored until… :wink: :grimacing:

It doesn’t matter how many times you resurrect this thread I’m ignoring it :imp:

who is responsible for this stupid post :question:

who is responsible for this stupid post :question:

for the POST - you are :wink: - for the THREAD - gotta be a good percentage of the site members :laughing: - I love being Pedantic

[ZB] - I was ignoring this til now :unamused:

Tireing job all this ignoring, think I’ll just have a lie down, just ignore me!


who is responsible for this stupid post :question:

for the POST - you are :wink: - for the THREAD - gotta be a good percentage of the site members :laughing: - I love being Pedantic

[ZB] - I was ignoring this til now :unamused:

Sorry…going to start getting out more :blush:

who is responsible for this stupid post :question:

err… :blush:


who is responsible for this stupid post :question:

err… :blush:

jesus wept are we still ignoring this thread :question: :unamused: :unamused: :grimacing: :grimacing: guess i’ll still keep ignoring this thread - but for how long who knows :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

kindle530 is easily excitited (so his missus said :sunglasses: ) and he got so over excitied one day about posting something he posted it twice :exclamation: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

apparently i’m not to post on this thread any more so i just won’t press enter then nobody will ever know i’m actually following it intently.


Done me back in,Spring Cleaning in August! :unamused:
Wish i could ignore that,Keep taking the Pills! :wink: …chris


Sorry, Tachograph,it ntook a while to sink in,excellent! :unamused: :wink: …chris

I dont get it ,is it something to do with the silly WTD

Just when you all thought it was safe to stop ignoring!!
What a sad git i am, i went back 3 pages to find this thread!! :grimacing: :grimacing: …chris

I’ve been ignoring this for 2 1/2 years now and still don’t know what it is we’re ignoring :confused:

Poor old “this”

Still in Coventry.