Ignore this. thanks

Its beer o’clock and i wondered where this post went, couldnt find it earlier, and i hoped i’d dreamed writing it in the first place, but no, as Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer once said… you wouldnt let it lie!!
Its a repeated post that i couldnt delete, and has in fairness got more interesting reading than some things posted on here!!
But saying that, could you please ignore that, thanks!

tis human nature… says ignore so i have “ignored” it
Just like when we are told not to press THAT button

I’ve been ignoring this for 4 days now and nothing has happened yet. How long do we have to ignore it for? I mean what is the point in putting a lot of effort into all this ignoring if we are just going to be ignored and nothing happens as a result of our combined ignoring.

Seems like a total waste of time to me and I for one am not going to spend any more valuable time ignoring it. Instead I’m going to walk over to my neighbours house and touch his fence to see if that Wet Paint sign on it is in fact correct. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

How did you get on Coffee?? And did you manage to ignore this post while you were touching the fence?

You did it again :exclamation: :exclamation: - I was ignoroing this till you reminded me of it :unamused: :unamused:

I started ignoring this post and that was fine but after a while i forgot to ignore it and now i’ve forgotten what exactly i was supposed to be ignoring so now i’ve had to explain myself in the hope that next time i ignore this post that i might remember what i was ignoring. Now i’m confused. Is this the post that i should of ignored or is this post just about the post that i should of been ignoring? OH ARSE!

Confused of Norfolk.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i tried but couldnt sorry

How did you get on Coffee??

Fine thanks. Sorry I took so long to reply but I have been trying to get paint off my fingers. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

And did you manage to ignore this post while you were touching the fence?

I thought I did but then had doubts, so I used my phone to log on and check I was in fact still ignoring it. I was.

Are we still ignoring this post ■■

I’ve ignored it for 6 days now, but nothing’s happened. I shall continue to ignore it so long as it doesn’t infringe my statutory rights as an ignoramus :laughing:

Sorry, only just seen this. I would have ignored it earlier but I missed it.

Makes me glad to see that this is still being ignored, and rightly so. Well done to all, keep up the good work. :wink:

What did i miss■■?

oh… its just that.

i might as well ignore that then

to ignore or not to ignore that is the question (i asked myself)

curiosity got the better of me…■■■■…should have ignored it!!!


2 out of 4 so far tachograph!

Ar ■■■■. Just saw this and thought it was a new post i needed to ignore, But i have realised now i infact ignored it some days earlier! :smiley:



I think a poll is needed to see how many people want to ignore this post or not.

I want to ignore it but it keeps popping up again to remind me not to :laughing: :laughing:

NOT AGAIN :exclamation: :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I ignored the instruction that told me to ignore the post, so I’ve done more ignoring than most.:grimacing:

2 out of 4 so far tachograph!

Given that you’ve now had 40 replies, I’d say you’re onto a winner already :smiley: