Ignore this. thanks

what a bunch of ignorers you are aint ya :laughing: :laughing:

Welcome to the gang , scotstrucker. :smiley:

Ooooookkkkkaaaaaayyyy :frowning: we’ll have to ignore it harder then :blush: :blush:

…errrrr,…how do we do that , bonnie lass :confused: :confused: :unamused: :question:

cattle wagon man:
…errrrr,…how do we do that , bonnie lass :confused: :confused: :unamused: :question:

By getting distracted by a naked body of the opposite ■■■ with a bottle of champagne in their hands.
Works for me…I missed motorbike racing last weekend .

Don`t ask that sort of question to bonnie lass , please. :open_mouth: :angry:

I was ignoring it but it was brought to my attention that others weren’t ignoring it. Stop giving it attention, I’m going to ignore this now.

But you will not listen to my advice and ignore it.

Nobody listens, we are just being ignored. :confused:

There should be a DCPC course on “ignoring this”.

Seems to me that some people need more training :slight_smile:

A DCPC course ,…■■?
Yet another ridiculous Government requirement. :open_mouth: :confused:
I`ll ignore that …for now .!

cattle wagon man:
A DCPC course ,…■■?
Yet another ridiculous EU requirement. :open_mouth: :confused:
I`ll ignore that …for now .!

Fixed that for you :wink:

Thanks , tachograph . :smiley: :sunglasses:

I’ve slipped, I was ignoring this but I failed.

I’ve slipped, I was ignoring this but I failed.

Ditto :unamused:

cattle wagon man:

I’ve slipped, I was ignoring this but I failed.

Ditto :unamused:

Me too! :blush: :frowning:

Hellloooooo bonnie lass :smiley: :smiley:

But ,…since you`ve resurrected this thread ,…Hell,…No way can I ignore your posting . :slight_smile: :sunglasses:

Well I did try sooooo hard to ignre it cwm …but failed miserably :blush: :blush: yet again!! :unamused: :unamused:

Nay , bonnie lass , thi didnt ignore it ,…you just felt too guilty. :unamused: :laughing:

Guilty of taking a peep at this thread :blush: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: