
How the hell was I meant to signal my thanks? I was trying to steer my juggernaut and post a topic on trucknet about slow wagons on the M4. Bloody ignorance.

did you really take time out to moan like this over nothing ?jeez get a life ,yesterday in asda an oap breezed past me after i had given way to her choccy laden trolley ,and do you know what !she didnt even look at me let alone thank me

disgusting behaviour

How the hell was I meant to signal my thanks? I was trying to steer my juggernaut and post a topic on trucknet about slow wagons on the M4. Bloody ignorance.


I hate it too. Stobart drivers and Tipper drivers are most guilty of it in my experience.

I hate it too. Stobart drivers and Tipper drivers are most guilty of it in my experience.

You ain’t seen nothing yet :smiley:

I hate it too. Stobart drivers and Tipper drivers are most guilty of it in my experience.

I refer the honourable gentleman to my previous comment :wink: