People no longer required to, indeed subliminally discouraged from, thinking for themselves, a Borg like organism easily controlled with some bad guys untouchable and encouraged so the masses adhere to the state through fear, without getting political that should be obvious, encouraged to report (stasi/khmer rouge like) and mass condemn those who do not conform, the latest being motorists required to submit footage to the comrade general in charge of what was once known as the police all bad driving.
Though this move to east german style policing/manipulation/injustice has far darker implications for every one of us, Tommy Robinson a prime example this decade, maybe you next?
From children being indoctrinated at nursery and school, to universities and their safe zones where thoughts not in keeping with the current hymnsheet are no platformed (that well known extreme right winger warlord Germaine Greer no platformed i ask you), then on to the workplace now a gigantic production line where us mere drones are not required to think, just do what the many layers of management instruct us.
Reports of children being questioned over how their parents voted in the referendum, where exactly are we going.
We have schools pushing this transgender ■■■■■■■■, with youngsters barely out of nappies questioning their own gender or being accused of racism, wtf is going on who comes up with this garbage and who put idiots in charge who could come out with agendas like that where kids should be learning their times tables and how to read and write fluently and the basics of decency good manners and personal responsibility.
We/they have allowed the lunatics to run the asylums.
This hasn’t happened overnight its been going on years, the MSM shifting gradually into the role of mass state propaganda machine perfectly exemplified by the BBC chanel no4 and grauniad at one end and the daily mail and turncoat sun at the other.
What does anyone expect is going to be the end result in the attitudes capabilities independence and personal responsibility.
As for our lorry world in particular, well its going on everywhere in the industry, the dumbing down that is, they want the job simple and repetitive so they can get any minimal cost bugger to do it at a moments notice with minimal training 24/7.
Maybe its cost effective, maybe the cost of resulting damage is outweighed by the savings in what should be good driver’s appropriate salaries, i wouldn’t have thought so it’s not just damage its disappointed customers with poor service damaged goods and damaged premises and all these companies need more admin/supervisory/management to run the show because they’ve systematically lowered the bar and employed a good number who arn’t up to the job, but what the hell do i know.
Its disillusioning enough now for long termers who didn’t need any of this, but at least we can see the retirement light at the end of the tunnel, its must be doubly frustrating for the newer younger drivers who do have some nous, cos if you think its dumbed down now its anyone’s guess how bad things might be in another 10 or 20 years.
Whilst everything is based on cheap as possible for the customer i see little will change, when our transport industry is opened up fully to all other european carriers that will be another slide into base mediocrity.
There thats cheered you all up no end
That is the majority of it, however, have you now noticed how the tech is telling people what to do? It is becoming ingrained into those who use phones, computers etc. that you dance to the tune that it plays.
My new smartphone is telling me that I must do an emergency upgrade, well it can get stuffed, I want out of the tech now, but I can see what is coming and it ain`t good
However, I feel it is all too late and will be bailing soon, I can no longer, in a psychological way, put up with the environment and now the people…I am a dinosaur apparently.