Idiot Truck driver nearly causes huge accident


Thanks Coffee, I really should have toned it down a bit to account for the level of intellect on this site, I completely forgot to do that, my bad :unamused:

Its got nothing to do with intellect. Ive got a perfectly high IQ thanks. But what you posted said nothing to suggest you were joking. Even an exclamation mark would have done.

Got to disagree with you there, everything about his post suggested he was joking. He copied the title from YouTube then posted a smilie to indicate he was laughing or astonished at the idea the truck driver was at fault. That’s what I got from the post the first time I read it.

Smilies are the facial expressions and tone of voice of forums. If he had been talking to you face to face about this, instead of writing a post, he may have said it in a questioning tone or pulled an expression of disbelief which would convey to you that he found it difficult to understand how the truck driver was at fault. That little yellow smilie is that questioning tone or facial expression.



I really should have toned it down a bit to account for the level of intellect on this site, I completely forgot to do that, my bad :unamused:

Why insult the intelligence of people on this site, you posted the video not us, a surprised smiley followed by the words “What an idiot truck driver…” hardly makes it look like the post wasn’t intended the way it read :unamused:

The video you posted appears to have been ripped from Liveleaks and put on Youtube by the up-loader named Actual15 who changed the title.

Idiot driver causes an accident

I never posted it with the changed title.

I’m pretty sure the surprised face is the one I intended to post, as in IDIOT TRUCK DRIVER? :open_mouth:

It was obvious to me, obvious to Coffee, and obvious to anyone with half a brain, the ones who didn’t get it however … :unamused:

You posted it with the title that had been changed by the Youtube up-loader, the rest is just bull[bz] :unamused:



Thanks Coffee, I really should have toned it down a bit to account for the level of intellect on this site, I completely forgot to do that, my bad :unamused:

Its got nothing to do with intellect. Ive got a perfectly high IQ thanks. But what you posted said nothing to suggest you were joking. Even an exclamation mark would have done.

Got to disagree with you there, everything about his post suggested he was joking.

Sorry but I have to disagree with you on that one, maybe if the smiley hadn’t been followed by the words “What an idiot truck driver…”.

Quite honestly I personally wouldn’t give a toss on e way or the other if he hadn’t come back with insults because some people hadn’t latched on to what was not clearly sarcasm.




Thanks Coffee, I really should have toned it down a bit to account for the level of intellect on this site, I completely forgot to do that, my bad :unamused:

Its got nothing to do with intellect. Ive got a perfectly high IQ thanks. But what you posted said nothing to suggest you were joking. Even an exclamation mark would have done.

Got to disagree with you there, everything about his post suggested he was joking.

Sorry but I have to disagree with you on that one, maybe if the smiley hadn’t been followed by the words “What an idiot truck driver…”

The four fullstops after those words further confirm his disbelief in the truck driver being blamed. To me that suggests a tone of disbelief and the sentence just trailing off as there’s nothing really more to say due to it being a ridiculous claim. Just the words or just one fullstop and it’s less obvious he was finding it unbelievable the driver was at fault.

Yeah, lets have half a dozen pages of handbags over whether truck drivers that didn’t realise idiot truck driver video post was ironic are themselves idiot truck drivers or not. That will definitely shed the idiot truck driver image with the public. :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

That second was an idiot truck driver and it was in Australia. We drive on the left… sometimes. :smiley:

Own Account Driver:
Yeah, lets have half a dozen pages of handbags over whether truck drivers that didn’t realise idiot truck driver video post was ironic are themselves idiot truck drivers or not. That will definitely shed the idiot truck driver image with the public. :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

To be fair it was a mis titled post about the wrong crash on the wrong side of the road on the wrong continent which should have set alarm bells ringing in the OP’s head before he bothered to post it.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

He was being sarcastic.

I got Waynes ironic meaning as soon as I saw it. What do I win?

I make the suggestion that the original vid was shot in the Phillipines. The left container wagon has a port name on the side of it - if anyone can make it out.

The Phillipines had a lot of it’s infrastructure built by the Americans, reflected in the style of the street signs.

Both countries drive on the right.

There’s no way that this is Australia, who drive on the left like we do.
This map would also rule out most other countries in the Oceania area as well - except Phillipines and the traditionally “red” states of course.

Pretty outstanding really not only to miss it with the cab but also to pull the trailer round perfectly, really quick steering involved there. I’d put my lunch money that car just buggered off none the wiser :unamused:

Bloody Hell Wayne, hope they’ve stopped throwing Rotten Vegetables at you.
I think they need an Irony Button/Smiley Face On the forum, every time someone starts or makes
a funny comment, they get hounded !
You lot are TOO SERIOUS !

I make the suggestion that the original vid was shot in the Phillipines. The left container wagon has a port name on the side of it - if anyone can make it out.

The Phillipines had a lot of it’s infrastructure built by the Americans, reflected in the style of the street signs.

Both countries drive on the right.

There’s no way that this is Australia, who drive on the left like we do.
This map would also rule out most other countries in the Oceania area as well - except Phillipines and the traditionally “red” states of course.

I would suggest the flag in the top left corner of the video might be an indication of the location. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

The container on the left truck which doesn’t overturn belongs to China Shipping, that’s what it says on the side of it.

I know the container could end up anywhere in the world but that and the flag do suggest to me China as the location of the video.

The first video posted and the one I linked to both have exactly the same title on YouTube and bioh say Dash Cam Owners Australia. The one I linked to is posted by that group but the first video is posted by Actual15. Might be he is ‘Actually’ an idiot, and possibly 15, and it is some kind of copy and paste ■■■■ up. That first video isn’t from a dash cam, that’s for sure.

My two penneth…

Along with the title of the post I fail to see the sarcasm in the op, obviously that makes me a thick ■■■■!

Unless I’m watching a different video it’s clearly not Australia for 2 reasons;

1, They drive on the left and the video traffic is driving on the right.
2, The flag in the top left is a China flag (on the liveleak video that’s been linked).

Pretty outstanding really not only to miss it with the cab but also to pull the trailer round perfectly, really quick steering involved there. I’d put my lunch money that car just buggered off none the wiser :unamused:


Shame the truck driver lost it afterwards, otherwise was some amazing driving skill.

Also agreed that the car driver most likely buggered off rather than make sure the driver was ok and fill out a report.

I’m s sorry but that’s a zebra crossing there ,you shouldn’t becapproaching one at that speed especially as the truck on the left would be obscuring you’re view of any pedestrians that may or may not be about too cross the road :exclamation: :exclamation: it’s one of my pet hates ,pulling up too let mum and kid cross and the traffic coming the other way just carries on as normal :unamused: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I’m obviously missing something here, in what way is the truck driver the idiot rather than the suicidal fool who cut across the lorries path :confused:

that’s exactly what I thought,if the other lorry was going through as well then they obviously had right of way so my guess is the car driver is the idiot who did actually cause an accident,the lorry driver was doing his best to avoid the car,maybe I am wrong but I think the OP needs to re think what he said

Own Account Driver:
Yeah, lets have half a dozen pages of handbags over whether truck drivers that didn’t realise idiot truck driver video post was ironic are themselves idiot truck drivers or not. That will definitely shed the idiot truck driver image with the public.



What an idiot truck driver…

Why is the truck driver an idiot?

Watching the video all 3 lanes are going through the lights, it looks as if the car ran the red light