told the missus about ICE today
she thinks is a good idea so we will be doing it with our phones
its getting lots of publicity on the radio
so even if you think its daft
DO IT :laughing:

I think I’d put Rikki as #1, as he’d then have to recruit another ‘mug’ :smiley:

The idea is that in difficult circumstances for the emergency services is that
The person you want to be contacted.
Is the person contacted.

I’m with bazman on this one.

There have been some very good comments on this thread.

I wouldn’t want my missus phoned because she does not have transport and would have to phone someone else and then sit there panicking for an hour before anyone arrived.

And although I’m loathe to raise the subject, in the event of a fatality, the Emergency Services would much rather speak to a detached and level headed close friend rather than risk passing a ‘death message’ to the next of kin over a phone, so my personal preference would be the ‘out of hours’ mobile of my Agency.

With regard to the suggestion of obtaining details from the Service Provider, from personal experience, Pigeon Post is quicker. They have absolutely no interest in doing anything unless they have to (and can see a profit in it). Also, don’t forget, with a PAYG package, using top-up cards, they probably will not have details of the owner of the phone.

It’s easy to assume that driver’s Company can be traced from the Registration Plate, but with so many vehicles being leased or hired, unless it is liveried, then that causes it’s own problems. I once called one of the major leasing companies regarding a car owned by them and, in the middle of the night, the call got transferred to Pennsylvania. :unamused: Try getting user details out of them.

Often the only way to locate the current operator of a hire vehicle would be to check for Service stickers and identify the Company that provides the maintenance. Which is fine during normal working hours but, at other times you then need to contact the keyholder. And as keyholder details are no longer held locally, but at any number of “Central Station” Alarm Companies, if the alarm company is not known, then THAT system falls down, particularly as ‘out of hours’ the Alarm Companies work on a Reference Number system rather than a ‘Customer’ based system. Without a Ref No, they can’t identify the client.

It can be quicker to go and put a window in and set the alarm off rather than sit there phoning ALL the companies in the hope that someone remembers the client. Even paying for the window would also probably make it cost effective.

I’m also very wary about how I list people in my mobile. I do not have an entry for ‘HOME’, simply because, if I lost my phone, my keys, and some identity documents, it would make it very easy for someone to sit near the house, select HOME and see if there was any movement in the house.

And a tale for those who have children in their mid to late teens (or older). Male and female on a night out, go for a spot of dancing in a nightclub. In those days Mobiles were somewhat larger and unweildy, so they left them in their car.

Now whether the phones held entries of “HOME” or “MUM” or “DAD” I don’t know. But in the early hours of the morning, both sets of parents got phone calls to say their respective offspring had been ‘kidnapped’. Right from the outset it was obvious that the car had been broken into and the phones stolen, but the parents couldn’t see that. It took a number of hours to locate the car and then identifying where the couple might be, and then find them. During which time the respective parents were worrying themselves sick. Discreetly coded entries in their phones would have largely negated the possibility of such a situation arising.

In my phone, work contacts go by name. Family by initials. I know what they mean but nobody else would. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

i didnt see this thread until i had written my thread on the subject…but its a brilliant idea…and well worth 2 mentions.

i didnt see this thread until i had written my thread on the subject…but its a brilliant idea…and well worth 2 mentions

removed the other thread trucky as it covers the same subject
