I won't do that again

I was between Volvo and Merc trucks at my last job for a while, 1 day I’d got out of the Volvo, into the Merc, went to do a delivery and forgot I was in a Merc, so when I went to climb out I missed the step(s), chin got smacked on the top step, landed funny on right ankle and went down like a sack of spuds into the main road. Very lucky not to be ran over.

inadvertently left the tacho drawer out on my old daf cf whilst loading up in the yard one saturday morning a couple of years back,jumped back into the cab and nearly took my [zb] head off!!
lots of blood and a couple of hrs at watford general hospital where they superglued the skin back together.
now got a five inch long jagged scar on the top of my bonce!!! i have quite short hair aswell so its quite visible(cant stand letting my hair grow though!!)

Sounds like a determined drawer, blimey. Must’ve been agony.


inadvertently left the tacho drawer out on my old daf cf whilst loading up in the yard one saturday morning a couple of years back,jumped back into the cab and nearly took my [zb] head off!!
lots of blood and a couple of hrs at watford general hospital where they superglued the skin back together.
now got a five inch long jagged scar on the top of my bonce!!! i have quite short hair aswell so its quite visible(cant stand letting my hair grow though!!)

Sounds like a determined drawer, blimey. Must’ve been agony.

i saw a flash of light then mega pain,then the warm blood running down my face lol. bent the drawer to buggery…

(cant stand letting my hair grow though!!)

Hmmm…it would be nice to have the option!! :laughing: :frowning:



inadvertently left the tacho drawer out on my old daf cf whilst loading up in the yard one saturday morning a couple of years back,jumped back into the cab and nearly took my [zb] head off!!
lots of blood and a couple of hrs at watford general hospital where they superglued the skin back together.
now got a five inch long jagged scar on the top of my bonce!!! i have quite short hair aswell so its quite visible(cant stand letting my hair grow though!!)

Sounds like a determined drawer, blimey. Must’ve been agony.

i saw a flash of light then mega pain,then the warm blood running down my face lol. bent the drawer to buggery…

Presumably an over head slide out type? You must’ve been in a bit of a rush to manage that though :stuck_out_tongue:

First time: Hither Green, loading trays of grapes off the pallets on to the floor. Twot on forklift shoved another pallet up after I’d asked him not to, it knocked me off the trailer and I landed flat on me back… Lewisham Hospital…

Second was at a meatworks in Brisbane. Wooden floored rigid loading cattle hides. Stepped back near back of truck and foot went through rotten floorboard (blood rots wood and steel big time) hanging upside down by my knee… that bloody hurt.

Third time unlucky: Curtain sider in Brisbane, curtains back, jumped up on to trailer to sort some boxes and fell face first towards the edge, caught the rave with my chest and that must have spun me round so I landed on me bonce on the concrete… Mater Hospital. No more work. :cry:

There must still be a few of us about that in the days of roping and sheeting,when really heaving down on a dolly knot,had it slip out and fell on your arse.
More than once!

When I first went back to driving in the 90s I was working on fridges for Blakes. I was reasonably fit then so even though the trailers had no steps I could hop on and off with no trouble.

One day, after doing a delivery and working the pump truck in the trailer I went to jump out of the back. I put my right hand on the trailer floor to steady myself, and as I jumped it slipped. I banged my left knee on the way down, and ended up flat on my back on the concrete ground. Then I just sat there for a while to get my breath back. Like others I was more concerned about anyone seeing me make an idiot of myself, than any injury.

My left knee was hurting when I got back in and boy was I glad it was an Eaton twin splitter, so no need to use the clutch. By the time I got back to the yard, I could hardly walk. Still limped in to work the next day though.

Reminds me of a slip I had years ago, was using a old ERF for shunting with steps divers side to get up for air lines, well one night it was changed for a Merc jumped out stepped onto what I thought was the step but was the fuel tank strap put full weight on it and slipped off ended up under the trailer holding my balls. God that hurt ended up in A&E with a cut ball bag never did that again.