I was reported to my employer for bad behaviour to client

Great story. You cant blame some of thse people for trying it on. When customers expect me to take the stuff into their premises, unpack it and stick it on their shelves I just say “sorry, no insurance for that” or “sorry health and safety (that old chestnut!” Sometimes I get the response “well ill have to ring your employers” I just point to the number on the back of the lorry and go on my way. Luckily ive had the types of transport managers who will tell unreasonable customers where to go.

Now that was an interesting read but what happened to the tailboard delivery mode then ?..it seems that more and more companies want their drivers to not only off load, but to stack it on the shelves too…each to their own i suppose…isnt that company 633 squadren like that , expect their drivers to cart the goods to all sorts of places, and stack it in the fridges as well…a mate of mine went for a job interview with them, and after a weeks training, well sitting in the passenger seat, told them he wasnt interested if it involved taking the goods further than the tailboard…got paid a weeks wages for it too…ha ha …

get onto the artics, best thing i ever done anyway, the most labour intensive part o fmy day is opening curtains and sliding the gates back

well done orys a great story. Its a definate tale me over promotion a bit sad that anyone can be over promoted to janitor though lol

He told me, that "some lorry driver will not teach me my job! I am a janitor here, not some porter


My reply to him,would be along the lines of previously mentioned,and that is that I get paid to deliver to the door,not stack the shelves.If they can’t provide the staff to do the latter,the delivery goes back,no questions.

Ken.[/q uote]

Me too! I love it when they say “follow me” :open_mouth: . I say, I,ll follow you to the back of the truck cos thats as far as I go mate! :smiley:

Marvelous Orys !! !! !!

That’s three pints you’ve got lined up from me.

But you owe me a new keyboard. Ive just spat Coca Cola all over this one.

That’s three pints you’ve got lined up from me.

But you owe me a new keyboard. Ive just spat Coca Cola all over this one.

Hm. One pint is about 2-3 pounds. And how much is for keyboard? I must count, if it’s good business to get in :grimacing: