I thought the euro was on its arse

Happy Keith:

‘…Santander are bringing their customer service centres back to the uk from India due to customer dissatisfaction…’

Hmm …but given that it’s a move from India to Glasgow, what’s the chances of them being any easier to understand? :unamused:

Orys might

I believe we are all witnessing the beginning of the end of the Euro. Greece will not be able to pay all the money back it has borrowed and will soon default. After the problems with Ireland, Portugal and Spain soon all these problems put together and its getting harder to see how the Euro can survive. I am just glad our politicians have kept us out and my view is although a single currency was a great idea it was doomed from the start because of the fundamental differences between the countries involved… :sunglasses:

‘…I believe we are all witnessing the beginning of the end of the Euro…’

My guess is that the arrogance of those unelected European administrators wont let it fizzle out because that would be too contrary to the federal (but undemocratically wanted) ideals (huh!) of the War guilty Germans and Surrender Monkey French, etc.

‘…Greece will not be able to pay all the money back it has borrowed and will soon default…’

Whereupon we’ll (again, undemocratically) help bail them out.

Incidentally, a good test of how ‘neighbourly’ Turkey is to Greece - not least in the Mickey Mouse EU sense, would be to suggest that in view that Turkey is gagging to get EU status, they help bail out their neighbour which cultural difference and history tells us all that they hate. That’ll expose the nonsense that the EU really is since I reckon they’d give or lend them nothing. Lets’ ask our politicians that one :wink:

‘… its getting harder to see how the Euro can survive…’

With our President Van Rumpy at the helm (the worlds best paid president) - what does the Euro deserve? I reckon contemptible failure is too good

‘…I am just glad our politicians have kept us out and my view is although a single currency was a great idea it was doomed from the start because of the fundamental differences between the countries involved…’

Our mainstream, Lib, Con, Lab politicians love the theoretical notion of the UK being in the Euro, but in this one regard alone (name me another!) what else have they done to protect the utterly unique differences that the UK has from other EU nations?

Perhaps: Our self protection from insideous & corrosive immigration? Our previous industrial might? Our manufacturing industries? Our food production? Our hitherto culture? Our hitherto values? Our driving on the right - only if it were cheaper for us to swap they would, Our weights & measures? What’s fuel in litres when I have MPG targets to achieve all about?

Chuck away all EU notions of federal bolleaux and scarper from it is my suggestion - it’s not done Norway & Switzerland any harm.

Happy Keith:

‘…I believe we are all witnessing the beginning of the end of the Euro…’

My guess is that the arrogance of those unelected European administrators wont let it fizzle out

‘…Greece will not be able to pay all the money back it has borrowed and will soon default…’

Whereupon we’ll (again, undemocratically) help bail them out.

Incidentally, a good test of how ‘neighbourly’ Turkey is to Greece - not least in the Mickey Mouse EU sense, would be to suggest that in view that Turkey is gagging to get EU status, they help bail out their neighbour which cultural difference and history tells us all that they hate. That’ll expose the nonsense that the EU really is since I reckon they’d give or lend them nothing.

Chuck away all EU notions of federal bolleaux and scarper from it is my suggestion - it’s not done Norway & Switzerland any harm.

^+ 1

That’s a good point the relationship between Turkey and Greece they have been sabre rattling at each other for decades… :slight_smile: