I must be mad

When you thinking of doing the night of beverages? If invited I’ll need to get my application for the approval of a weekend pass being granted by the wife a good seven months before the planned event is due to take place so she can umm and ahh over my availability status and reach a conclusion sometime before the end of the decade. Hope you know you’ll be joining the ranks of the ‘application of weekend pass crew’ when you get hitched :laughing: :laughing:

the joys of being married.

me on the other hand being single doesnt have this bother lol

Congrats mate Im about to do it for the second ime tommorrow :open_mouth:

only just seen this thread. and only have one piece of advice mate…

dont go to bed on an argument, stay up and fight!

congrats mate and i wish you both all the luck for the future.

she isnt going to be mrs dogthehunter is she? if she is you might want to lose the ‘dog’ bit mate!

Congrats mate Im about to do it for the second ime tommorrow :open_mouth:

good luck for tomorrow bug (second time is better i found)

im sure you and the future mrs bug will be happy for many years to come

congrats mate, hope all goes well adam