I got a trick for the bmw dumbo,s!

Anyway mine is ■■■■■■■■■ and shiny and if I’m driving it rarely comes out of the right hand lane 3rd lane if you like :smiley:

Rob does that mean you agree or disagree? It would be far easier if you gave an opinion after all that is what forums are for!
I know you do not like my rantings but you never really tell your thoughts on drivers usually just what you think of me! :confused:

My thoughts and opinions on most things trucking related are already well known here, which you would know if you bothered to read other people’s posts instead of being constantly wrapped up in your anti-trucker witch hunt where you keep posting the same rubbish over and over again. :bulb:

Regarding motorcyclists out of all the driving tests theirs is by far the hardest and most comprehensive

Is it ■■■■ the hardest, if a clown like me can pass it then anyone else can…!

I sometimes think we should all have dash cams fitted, and then, when these idiots perform their stunts in front of us, don’t bother braking, just hit them and show plod the evidence…
The message would maybe get across a bit harder.

Rob K:

Rob does that mean you agree or disagree? It would be far easier if you gave an opinion after all that is what forums are for!
I know you do not like my rantings but you never really tell your thoughts on drivers usually just what you think of me! :confused:

My thoughts and opinions on most things trucking related are already well known here, which you would know if you bothered to read other people’s posts instead of being constantly wrapped up in your anti-trucker witch hunt where you keep posting the same rubbish over and over again. :bulb:

Of course I read other peoples posts although quite a lot is not worth reading in my opinion.Most of your posts I read just criticise others and there is not very much consructive criticism anywhere.

So in my last post please tell me what is rubbish if you do not agree?


Regarding motorcyclists out of all the driving tests theirs is by far the hardest and most comprehensive

Is it [zb] the hardest, if a clown like me can pass it then anyone else can…!

OK tell me what test is harder or more comprehensive? I did not say it was impossible to pass just that it is not as easy as the others.
When did you pass your bike test? Maybe like me before the 125 law when you could ride a 250 and just go round the block a couple of times!
Yes then it was the easiest test ever but now it is completely different.

There are plenty clowns like yourself passing driving tests everyday in every class of vehicle.


I’m sure the BMW dumbo,s (sic), however, know how not to use a comma instead of an apostrophe that wasn’t necessary in the first place.

Why are you having a go at him because of his grammar we all know what he meant. What is it with people on here who have nothing constructive to say apart from bullying people over there grammar, get a life we are on a lorry driver’s forum not an English literature forum.
And you have started at least eight post’s withiut using a capital letter so your not perfect.

Actually it’s an English Language Forum that would deal with the correct usage of punctuation and not, as you state, an English Literature Forum. An example of literature would be books, magazines or, perhaps more modernly, blogs. Hope this clarifies. :open_mouth:

When did you pass your bike test?
There are plenty clowns like yourself passing driving tests everyday in every class of vehicle.

Precisely :slight_smile: HGV is hard & so it should be. I passed about 5yrs ago direct access on a 500…


When did you pass your bike test?
There are plenty clowns like yourself passing driving tests everyday in every class of vehicle.

Precisely :slight_smile: HGV is hard & so it should be. I passed about 5yrs ago direct access on a 500…

HGV? OR LGV? Anyway neither are what you would call hard.The theory test and hazard perception were a real backward step and the driving part is far too easy as well.
I have trained many some bright and some not so bright but to this day have not found anyone that could not pass eventually.
The big problem is there is too much luck involved and not enough skill.
A bad driver with a clear run can pass and yet a good driver with a hazardous run can fail.
It needs to be a lot stiffer if we want driving standards to improve.