I don't get it...

Ive just left co op for less pay but monday to friday and a couple of hours every other sat, but im happier doing local muti drop runs to salisbury everyday then doing shop work.

One of the reasons i left co op was to get set start and finsh times start at 7 finsh at 6 so i can see my boys, yes i can feel the pinch with money but looking at tax credits to build it back to roughly what i was on.

To me having more family time while they are still young means more to me than money but dont get me wrong the money was nice but i want to get on to gen and do distance work later on so alas i joined a growing company.

But i wont know what will happen next year so i might have to go back or get on gen earlyer as someone said supermarket work isnt for everyone half the time it is boring mundane work.

People moan about the pay driving artics, but then also say that they wont drive for a supermarket which are some of the better payers :confused:[/
You never bloody stop that’s why it’s pants,I did a day on chilled this week taking a nft load up to sainsbury haddock and what a relaxing day,no 1/2 to tip this shop,1/2 to tip that shop,zb iso trac bleeping every 2 mins ,just reverse on collection bays and crash out until loaded,nice steady run up to hay dock,reverse on bay and crash out in waiting room while being tipped and a nice steady run back to depot,my first question when I got back was could I have that run permanent,here’s hoping.
If I never see a bloody cage again in my life it won’t be a day too soon :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: ,I was like you when I first did it,trying to convince myself it was alright,but I was kidding myself,I detest it