I did'nt no that?

No - We use an electronic air dryer called an APM (Air production management) - Its a air dryer - 4 way valve & ecu all in one unit - The ecu side of it does away with low air switches -It also runs the compressor “light” when there is no air demand and if you start up and the airs down it increases the idle speed until max airs reached - Theory is good - In practice it causes a few problems :frowning: Ours are WABCO but i see KNORR BREMSE have something similar so it will probably become the norm before long


That is what I read then, thanks for that. I knew there was something electronic about the air supply.


The only thing i have noticed when the abs light comes on in a daf is that you get some clouds of smoke and a nice burning rubber smell if you brake hard.

Which you also get with badly maintained brakes or a load imbalance. Not big nor clever :stuck_out_tongue:

my 85cf is coming up to 4 years old and its one constant electrical fault, :frowning: done more miles on the back of the wrecker :frowning:

Wheel Nut:

The only thing i have noticed when the abs light comes on in a daf is that you get some clouds of smoke and a nice burning rubber smell if you brake hard.

Which you also get with badly maintained brakes or a load imbalance. Not big nor clever :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t have much choice when cars decide they want to be in front of me without giving me any warning.