In the winter from 1998 i had a trip to Norway. Fist onload by the dopot off Frans Maas Norway in Oslo. I t was an weekend trip. Sunday the ferry from Frederikshavn in Danmark to Oslo in Norway. I left Groningen on saterday. Passing the border with Germany plenty off snow.
Rest in Germany.
Plenty of snow on the way to Danmark.
Wen i past Randers i get so match snow that it was only traffic jam to get to Frederikshavn.
Taffic jam in the snow between Alborg and Fredrikshavn.
It was good to be in Frederikshavn. In the morning the ferry to Oslo.
Depot Frans Maas Norway at Oslo.
On the way in Norway.
Onloading in Hunefors about 150 km north off Oslo.
Onloading over the side.
Looking on the map for the loading adres.
Standing the nitgh over by the lake side.
The next day loading in the area off Drammen back to the Netherlands.
I want to ask who no’s trucking companys who pull for Frans Maas Schotland.
Regards, Bert Wolters
Back in early 90’s when I was pulling for Frans Maas, the Scotland depot was at Denny near Falkirk - topside of Glasgow, can’t remember who used to be the local haulier, I think they had a few vehicles of there own at the time for local deliveries, only went in there a couple of times.
This are 2 pictures from Scania 124L tractors. I think taken in Germany. On the top off the tractor you see the Scottish flag. That’s the way i think it’s from a Scottish hauler pulling for Frans Maas Schotland.
Scania 124L 420 tractor
Scania 124L 470 tractor
Who can tel me who is the hauler Also who no’s samthing off the vehicles where Ant is talking about.
In the 90’s Frans Maas Sweden at Gotenborg became a new mainoffice and lager on Transportgarten. It was near the motorway E 4, direction Oslo, by the restaurant Stich Center.
Main office on the Transportgarten at Gotenborg.
Lagers on the backside.
Loading groupage back for the Netherlands.
Swedish Scania 143 500 tractor onloading at Gotenborg.
Swedish Volvo FH12 420 tractor on his way.
Swedish Volvo F12 tractor.
Swedish Scania 143 500 tractor changing trailers at Gotenborg.
Swedish Scania 143M 420 tractor in rest at Groningen.
Swedish Volvo FH12 changing trailer at Gotenborg.
On the way in Sweden.
Volvo FH12 420 tractor from Frans Maas Malmö at Gotenborg.
Tractors in the wait at Gotenborg for an trailer to go back home.
In that time we go for one week to Gotenborg to bring in the nigth the express groupage trailer from Gotenborg to Puttgarden in Germany. At Puttgarden we change the trailer who did came from Groningen. Get back on the ferry to Rodby, Danmark. If we get from the ferry in Rodby it takes to get back in Gotenborg about 6 hours. We did this trip 4 times in the week and on friday we take the ferry Malmö - Travemünde and then we ar about 12.30 p.m. on saterday back at home for the weekend. You left on saterday and was back on saterday. If you had that week to do, you had drived 5.600 km. It was always an heavy week bud enough rest and always happy to be back at home for an long weekend.
I try to put your pictures behind each other and the text by the pictures.
Handbag was driver by the company Leo Stolk in 1991 and 1992 and sub cotractor in the colours of Frans Maas Groningen. He was driving for Frans Maas Waddinxveen to Greece and Turkey. He did different trips to Ankara.
The truck driving by Handbag
On the way to Turkey near Den Haag, 1992
Waiting near Medvedov on the border from Czech and Hungarian.
Medvedov 1992.
Yugoslavia near Cacak, 1992.
Rest near Cacak in Yugoslavia.
1992, Varsand waiting to cross the Romanian border.
Together with John Hiscock, winter 1992 in the hills of Greece.
Oktay Istanbul weekend rest on the parking.
Rest in the Turkish mud.
Bolu 1992 on the way to Ankara in Turkey.
Bolou 1992, get jammed in the Turkish snow.
Bolu, snow assistance is coming.
1992, onloading at Ankara.
Ankara, 1992 onloading groupage.
On the way back to Holland in Greece near Corinh Canal.
Greece near Delphi.
1992 in Geece near Delphi.
Greece in the sun taking rest.
1992 On the way in Greece.
Patras the ferry port to Italy.
1992, Patras taking the ferry to Bari off Brindisi in Italy.