I ain't stopping here!

Wheel Nut -

Hey - as long as they’re cheap!! :laughing: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

About time i told another tale…i was in Milan many years ago and we had to wait outside in the road overnight while we cleared customs (T forms in those days) anyway i had been to the bar with a couple of other brits and returned to my trusty steed. I had the curtains half pulled when this rather old balding geezer decided to give me some attention…blowing kisses etc…i returned the favour for a laugh…and he thought his luck was in…so started hanging around…anyway so did another queer…and in the end they started fighting for my attention…literally…real fisticuffs…eventually they both diss apeared and i pulled the curtains and went to sleep…couldnt stop laughing though…never had men fighting over me before.

Rob K:
Sounds like one of those ‘blue lights’ lay-by’s to me :laughing: :laughing:

There’s one just up the A38 from Downton’s yard near Gloucester too.

Think you’ll find there were after your arse more than your load :bulb: :laughing: :laughing:

well it is maidstone after all!

Makes me laugh!
All you “butch hairy truckers” know where all the gay-boys hang out! :laughing:
Never found any personally…Not looked either!

Mind you - I do know some good places abroad where theres some rather tasty tottie!! :wink:
Italian industrial estates are best! :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah right ian… never been to the interport at turin then eh? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What a bunch of ■■■■■■■ you are guys !!! :laughing:
I could understand if it were werewolfes, ghosts or school teachers you were affraid off. But honestly…a few blokes having fun in the bushes is hardly anything to get your self spooked up like that for is it ?!
It’s just people like you and me but with a perhaps different ■■■■■■ taste, there’s really no need to think the worst of these people are there ?

get your self together guys ! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Well said, Jo…what always amazes me with these lads is that they automatically assume that the guys having “fun” will fancy them…! :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well said, Jo…what always amazes me with these lads is that they automatically assume that the guys having “fun” will fancy them…! :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

didn’t you read the truck drivers manual ? overweight balding male drivers in need of a shower are irresistible ■■■ gods ( both to “guys having fun” and any female within 100 yds) :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

although I don’t worry cos I “know” neither will fancy me anyway :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

If you haul livestock around Denis, the smell will probably put them off anyway! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Remember the big layby at Frodsham with the burger bar in? There was always a lot of activity there! :open_mouth:
Years ago, my mate was already parked there, & I got there a few hous later, so I was right at the back of the line of lorries. At about 10pm, there was a knock on the door, & I thought it was my mate, so I peeked through the curtains, only to see a man & a woman standing outside.The man wanted to get a driver to video (he had a cam corder with him) him & his missus shagging in the bunk of a truck! :open_mouth:
I immediatley told them to go away in no uncertain terms, then quickly rang up my mate further up the queue. After he had stopped howling with laughter, we both crept out & hid in the bushes & watched the pair of them proceeding up the line of lorries, asking each driver in turn…They finally hit the jackpot, & GOT INTO AN IRLAMS TRUCK!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Well said, Jo…what always amazes me with these lads is that they automatically assume that the guys having “fun” will fancy them…! :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m alright I can park in any layby (Dogging or Cottaging) as I’m equally unattractive to both sexes :laughing:

…Alt ough there was that “incident” at Wisley on the A3 …

Another place is the layby on the A435 South of the M42, Portway. Jn 3 (?). In the daytime, a good place for food. At night, lots of rustling in the bushes.

It’s also the scene of where the body of a prostitute from the Black County was found in…the 80’s. I don’t remember that one ever being solved.

It was May 1991! The bloke who allegedly ‘did her in’ was a lorry driver. He worked for Dalton’s Transport, who used to be based nearby in Alvechurch. I know coz it was the first company I worked for after passing my HGV test. What’s macabre is, I’m the bloke who took over his job!

There’s the ‘gay layby’ on the A40 South, the first one after the Headington roundabout on the way to London. You see a lot of the market drivers in there at night!

The bloke who allegedly ‘did her in’ was a lorry driver. He worked for Dalton’s Transport, who used to be based nearby in Alvechurch. I know coz it was the first company I worked for after passing my HGV test. What’s macabre is, I’m the bloke who took over his job!

did you get the same lorry " the killing machine "

i can understand smacking first and then finding out what is going on but these laybys wouldnt bother me as long as they stayed away from me. i certainly wouldnt go out of my way to avoid them. any propositions would be met with ‘■■■■ off’ and that would be it :unamused:

big hairy truckers peeking out their curtains :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

wouldnt bother me as long as i was left to myself in fact look at it from their point of view they dont want you watching either…

jessicas dad:
did you get the same lorry " the killing machine "

Uuurrrgh! Hadn’t thought of that…!

Shut that door!!!
:laughing: :open_mouth: