We can all make mistakes but that is downright dangerous. Report him to the company. That second overtake was bullying and could have killed others.
Never in a million years, even the most average driver can realise that when faced with a truck or a grass verge what the best option is…
Yes, providing the driver is alert and there are no guard rails stopping them from using the verge.
Why do you not believe a manoeuvre like this wouldn’t end up killing someone?
We can all make mistakes but that is downright dangerous. Report him to the company. That second overtake was bullying and could have killed others.
Never in a million years, even the most average driver can realise that when faced with a truck or a grass verge what the best option is…
Yes, providing the driver is alert and there are no guard rails stopping them from using the verge.
Why do you not believe a manoeuvre like this wouldn’t end up killing someone?
Because there where no guard rails and the other vehicles could use the verge, all vehicles had slowed to a crawl anyway, think all panicked in unison and ssorted themselves out with plenty of delayed coffee bean shakes afterwards.
Of course on a totally different stretch of road the outcome could have been worse but it wasn’t a different stretch of road it was this one.
Not that I’m trying to play down how stupid this manouvre was just that the threat to life was minimal at best in my opinion on this stretch of road at this particular point in time. But if my loved ones where in any of the vehicles coming the opposite way I would make a point of tracking the driver down, perhaps even one of them may see this footage and make a police complaint.
Proof that being a ■■■■■■ no longer disqualifies you from holding a Class 1 licence
No speke English doesn’t disqualify anyone from anything, including the wet ink… Odds on this idiot is a foreigner.
My money’s on “Bulgarian”…
Iceland have been having trouble getting drivers for some time apparently.
“Barrel” and “scraping the bottom of” spring to mind.
Obviously not paying enough.
I once got offered a £50 bonus to go into iceland Harlow for a single shift. I asked for it in an email confirm, and I never heard from said ADR agency again.
Who’s fault is that then? Agency bully or Iceland not actually offering a bonus in fact?
…So much for “Company most would like to work for” one reads on the liveried vehicles…
Anyone know the road? Looks like it’s Scotland
Yes , road is A 706 , heading from Breich to Forth .
You can make out South Lanarkshire sign on left hand side . This is entering South Lanarkshire from West Lothian , where entrance to Levenseat landfill / recycling site is
As area is mostly moorland type , there is not a great ammount of decent verge to go on to , some of the verges fall steeply away from roadside .
The less said bout those trying to find excuses for driver the better
Anyone know the road? Looks like it’s Scotland
Yes , road is A 706 , heading from Breich to Forth .
You can make out South Lanarkshire sign on left hand side . This is entering South Lanarkshire from West Lothian , where entrance to Levenseat landfill / recycling site is
As area is mostly moorland type , there is not a great ammount of decent verge to go on to , some of the verges fall steeply away from roadside .
The less said bout those trying to find excuses for driver the better
Don’t think anyones trying to make excuses for the driver although re-reading my posts they tend to be the more driver friendly of the bunch. This is an open forum though so knock yourself out if you feel I have said something disagreeable. If you wish to speak to me directly then the PM function is available, if you prefer an audience then thats fine.
To me the driver is an idiot who should be brought to task for this stupidity.
Call Iceland, and tell them when did this happend.They can track back via ISOTRAK. You don’t even have to say the number plate, just the exact time, and location.The video is enough evidence to take actions.